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Long Winded facts

While investigating facts about Long Winded Crossword Clue and Long Winded Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Samians came to Sparta seeking aid and made a speech to show their need. The Spartans rejected them for being long-winded. Later the Samians came a second time with a sack, and said “The sack wants flour.” The Spartans replied that they were over-wordy with “the sack”; but resolved to help.

how long-winded?

East Germans defected by various ways like digging long tunnels under the Berlin Wall, waiting for favorable winds and taking hot air balloons, sliding along aerial wires, flying ultralight aircraft and, in one case, driving a sports car at full speed through the basic, initial fortifications.

What long-winded?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does long winded mean. Here are 24 of the best facts about Long Winded Synonym and Long Winded Crossword I managed to collect.

what long-winded mean?

  1. Ripe capsule splits into 5 parts to release seed. Each seed is equipped with wings that facilitate dispersal by wind. Seed do not stay viable long period of time (they are able to germinate only during the first rainy season).

  2. Amphibolite erodes over a long period of time. Wind erosion, sea erosion, glacier erosion and chemical erosion are all types of erosion that effect amphiboles.

  3. When gas-charged andesitic magmas erupt it, they cause many volcanic plumes and ash eruptions. The pressure of the gas causes the eruptions, and then blows large amounts of tiny rock and magma particles into the air and carried long distances by the wind. They may also cause problems for aircraft downwind from the volcano.

  4. There is a long winding road up Haleakala volcano to the summit. It is a popular spot for visitors who wish to watch the sunrise and sunset.

  5. Long hairs on the seed of willowherb facilitate spreading by wind in the wild.

  6. In order to use wind to create electricity it must be harnessed. The growing method around the world to harvest wind for energy is through wind turbines. These wind turbines are as high as 20 stories and have three, 60-meter-long blades. As the wind blows the giant blades they transfer motion which is converted by a generator into power.

  7. Sailing stones are a geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention. Frozen during cold winter nights, these thin floating ice panels are driven by wind and shove rocks at speeds up to 5 meters per minute.

  8. The Mid-Ocean Ridge is the longest mountain range in the world and it located under the ocean. It is more than 45,000 miles long and winds around the globe.

  9. Sagebrush blooms during the summer and autumn. It produces small, yellow or white flowers arranged in long, tubular-shaped clusters on top of the stem and on the tips of the lateral branches. Male and female flowers develop individually on the same bush (monoecious plant). Flowers are designed for the pollination by wind.

  10. Each seed is covered with long, silky hairs which facilitate dispersal by wind.

long winded facts
What term describes a long winded joke?

Why am i so long winded?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Wind Waker (already a long game) shipped without two dungeons which weren't finished in time to ship the game.

In 1992 Ivan Pedroso jumped 8m96 breaking the long jump World Record set by Mike Powell. The jump was later deemed invalid due to someone standing in front of the wind speed gauge. Pedroso also had to hand back a $130,000 Ferrari he won for breaking the record. - source

In comedy, a "shaggy dog" story is a long-winded anti-joke in which the punch line is deliberately anti-climactic. The humor lies in fooling the audience into expecting a typical joke with a punch line. Instead they listen and listen to nothing funny, ending up themselves the butt of the joke. - source

A long-winded joke ending in an anti-climax is called a Shaggy Dog Story

Warthogs have long tail that ends with tuft. Warthogs keep their tails in the upright position when they are running. In that position, tail looks like a flag on the wind.

What does it mean when someone is long winded?

Herman Wouk (born May 27, 1915) famous for his historical novels about World War II, The Winds of War and War and Remembrance (two of the best long Audible reads) and his 1951 novel The Caine Mutiny (won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 68 years back) is 104 (2.5 months short) and still alive.

How to stop being long winded?

The Dune of Pilat is by far the highest sand dune you can find in Europe. 2.7 km long, 500 m wide and up to 110 m high. Each year, the dune advances by several meters. In fact, the sea wind has no trouble raising and carrying away this incredibly fine sand.

Cato the Younger, a contemporary of Julius Caesar, was an early pioneer of the filibuster. He would talk interminably until nightfall, at which time all business in the Senate was to be concluded. His long-winded speeches thus forestalled a vote on the matter at hand.

When you tell a joke that is long-winded, and ultimately anticlimactic, it is known as a Shaggy Dog story. This infamous joke by Norm MacDonald is controversially such a story for its punch line. Personally, I don't think it's a shaggy dog because I laughed my ass off!

The longest sniper kill was shot from 2475 meters by British CoH Craig Harrison. The environmental conditions were perfect for long range shooting: no wind, mild weather and clear visibility.

You can keep farm fresh eggs at room temperature for over 8 months with a bunch of crushed up rock and water. (AKA hydrated lime.) Kiln dried limestone rock with water added. 1oz by weight hydrated lime to 1 quart water. NOTE: long winded video but detailed and worth it.

When your boss is long winded?

The 'Clock of the Long Now', a proposed clock that would keep time for 10,000 years. It is powered by human winding, but can "use the energy captured by changes in the temperature between day and night on the mountain top above to power its time-keeping apparatus"

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Long Winded. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Long Winded so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor