Knock Knock facts
While investigating facts about *knock Knock* Housekeeping Hoodie and Knock Knock Jokes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Endal the service dog. After Endal's owner was knocked out of a wheelchair by a passing car, Endal put him in the recovery position, covered him with a blanket from his wheelchair, retrieved his phone from under the car, and went into a nearby hotel to get help.
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In July 1975, a 17 year old boy in Bermuda was killed when a taxi struck him, knocking him off his moped. He died exactly a year after his 17 year old brother was killed while riding the same moped, in the same intersection, by the same taxi driver carrying the same passenger.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the movie knock knock about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Knock Knock Movie and Knock Knock Full Movie I managed to collect.
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In 1949 BB King re-entered a burning music hall to save his favorite $30 Gibson guitar. King later learned the fire was started when two men knocked over a burning barrel of kerosene while fighting over a woman named Lucille. King has named every guitar he's owned Lucille as a reminder.
If your tooth is knocked out, with root intact, you can actually put it back in place immediately and it will reattach to the jaw bone. It's the only body part that can reattach on its own, although the nerves and blood vessels will need medical intervention.
A 13-year-old Canadian girl once ran the fastest marathon by a female, knocking more than four minutes off the previous world record. While running she was beaming and saying, “gee, this is great!" Two minutes after the race, a doctor declared that her heart rate had already returned to normal.
In 2002, a British woman was so annoyed by Jehovah Witnesses repeatedly knocking on her door, she waited until they were holding a service, then started pounding on the front doors of their church. Then, she tried to get them to change religions. After about a half-hour, she was forced to leave
There are only nine restaurants in the United States that are certified by the Kobe Beef Association in Japan to carry real Kobe Beef. Every other restaurant with the word "Kobe" in their menu is misleading their customers and serving a knock-off product.
The Slinky was invented by accident, when a Mechanical Engineer was working to devise springs that could keep sensitive ship equipment steady at sea. After accidentally knocking some samples off a shelf, he watched in amazement as they gracefully “walked” down instead of falling.
Elephants can control their dick like a second trunk. As a result of this, collecting semen from an elephant by way of penile stimulation is dangerous, as one swing of that thing can knock a man clear off his feet. Therefore, the prostate must be stimulated instead through vigorous anal fisting.
Bill Watterson never licensed Calvin and Hobbes. Anything sold with Calvin and Hobbes on them, such as the Bumper stickers depicting Calvin urinating on something are unlicensed knock-offs. He once said: "Only thieves and vandals have made money on Calvin and Hobbes merchandise."
Zhang Jingchuan, a Chinese mountaineer who survived a taliban execution at a 13,000-foot base camp. He knocked an attacker, hid barefoot in his underwear for an hour in a ravine, snuck back in a tent to get a jacket and a satellite phone, hiked to safety and called the local emergency line
A domino can knock over another domino that's a maximum of 1.5 times larger than itself. Based on that progression, if you started with a domino the size of a carbon atom, you could knock over the Burj Khalifa with a 1.22 kilometer tall domino in just 74 steps.
Knock Knock data charts
For your convenience take a look at Knock Knock figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are knock knock jokes funny by examining the linked well-known sources.
Sir Isaac Newton had a dog called “Diamond” who knocked over a candle and set fire to twenty years worth of his research.
The solar storm of 1859 caused worldwide electrical failure, with telegraph systems being knocked out, some throwing sparks and shocking operators. This event, if it occured today, would cause trillions in damages. - source
During the Dust Bowl, in Texas and Oklahoma static electricity was so bad children would run up to their mothers for a hug, and both would wake up on the ground, knocked unconscious by a massive static shock. Two men shaking hands could knock each other out. - source
Human Alarm Clocks: Before the advent of reliable and affordable alarm clocks, British and Irish workers were woken up by a person who made sure they could get to work on time. The knocker-up used a baton to knock on clients’ doors or a long and light stick to reach windows on higher floors.
There was a cannon designed to simultaneously shoot two cannonballs connected with a chain to "mow down the enemy somewhat as a scythe cuts wheat". During tests the Gilleland cannon effectively mowed down trees, tore up a cornfield, knocked down a chimney and killed an unfortunate cow. - source
Knock knock who's there when where?
One of the most expensive wine bottles that was never to have been drunk was a 1787 Margaux from Thomas Jeffersons Collection, the owner brought it to a restaurant and a waiter knocked it over. Insurance payout was $225,000 in 1989
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In 1858 a massive brawl between more than 50 US Representatives ended when a missed punch between two Reps knocked the wig off of Representative Barksdale's head. The embarrassed Barksdale accidentally replaced the wig backwards, causing both sides to erupt in spontaneous laughter.
A Komodo dragon may attempt to speed up the process of swallowing a carcass by ramming the carcass against a tree to force it down its throat, sometimes ramming so forcefully, the tree is knocked down.
A grown man is knocked over by ankle deep water if it's moving at 6.7 mph, by knee depth at 4 mph, and waist depth at 2.6 mph. This is one reason tsunamis are so dangerous. (Pdf)
In 1975, North Korean embassy staff in Australia crashed their Mercedes, and when they went to the nearest house for help they were aghast to find that that they had knocked on the door of the South Korean ambassador’s residence.