Couch Couch facts
While investigating facts about Couch Couch Baby and Couch Couch Cover, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) auditioned for the role of Han Solo and after he got back from the audition, he pushed his friend Mark Hamill, who was sleeping on Englund's couch at the time, to audition for Luke Skywalker.
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Affluenza" teen Ethan Couch Couch used to drive himself to school at the age of thirteen. When the head of the school questioned that practice, his father threatened to buy the school.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's cotton wool made of. Here are 50 of the best facts about Couch Couch Tuner and Couch Couch Potato I managed to collect.
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J.I. Rodale, an early supporter of organic eating and farming. While on the Dick Cavett show, at the age of 72, Rodale said "I've never felt better in my life" and "I'm going to live to be 100..." Minutes later Rodale died on the couch while the next guest was being interviewed by Cavett.
The Couch Gag in The Simpsons intro developed into a clever way to adjust the show's runtime as needed.
When the "affluenza teen" Ethan Couch was 13, he was allowed to drink and to drive himself to school. When the head of the school objected, Couch's father threatened to buy the school.
Ethan Couch, the 'Affluenza' teen from DFW, not only killed 4 people in a drunken wreck, but permanently paralyzed his 18 y/o friend Sergio Molina, who now needs around-the-clock care and can only communicate by blinking.
A woman in Florida spent six years sitting on a couch. She died during surgery attempting to remove her after her skin grafted into the fabric.
Robert Englund (Freddy Kruger) failed to get the Han Solo part in Star Wars, then he mentioned the movie to the bum crashing on his couch, Mark Hamill
After sleeping on his couch Robert Englund told a young Mark Hamill to audition for the lead character in Star Wars. Englund later went on to play Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street films
There has only been one confirmed case of a person being hit by a meteor. Ann Hodges was napping on the couch when the rock broke through her ceiling, bounced off her radio and bruised her upper thigh.
In 2002 there was a live, 24 hour special on MTV hosted by Courtney Love, who was supposedly given control over what content would air. It ended with her crying on a couch for the last few hours.
Couch Couch data charts
For your convenience take a look at Couch Couch figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why cotton wool is used by examining the linked well-known sources.
The amount of vasectomies increase as much as fifty percent leading up to March Madness, so men have an excuse to stay home and couch-ridden.
While filming "Blues Brothers," John Belushi disappeared from the set. Dan Ackroyd went out looking for him. A homeowner told him, "Oh, you mean Belushi? He came in here an hour ago and raided my fridge. He's asleep on my couch." - source
The Simpson's couch gag is frequently used by the show's writers to make the show longer or shorter, depending on the length of the episode itself. - source
Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) was considered to play Han Solo in 'Star Wars' and told his close friend who was sleeping on his couch, Mark Hamill, to go audition for the role of Luke Skywalker.
With exposure times of half a minute, Victorian mothers wanting a portrait of their children had to disguise themselves as chairs, couches and curtains to hold them still. - source
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Stalin had a cerebral haemorrhage and lay on a couch in his room. People were afraid of entering his room. It took until 22:30 for anybody to check on him. He died after three days.
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When Banksy storyboarded that infamous Simpson's Asian sweatshop couch gag, it was outsourced to a South Korean studio (like all other animation on the show). The animators were not amused.
A fainting room was a private room, of which its main features/furniture were fainting couches, used during the Victorian era, to make women more comfortable during the home treatment of female hysteria. Fainting rooms were used for more privacy during home treatment pelvic massages.
About Ethan Couch, a man who killed 4 people in a drunk driving accident in 2013. His punishment, after fleeing to Mexico and getting caught, was to wear an ankle bracelet and adhere to a 9 PM curfew. In May 2019, a Judge removed his ankle bracelet. He is now essentially a free man.
An unsolved problem in mathematics is about moving the largest possible couch around a given corner.
When asked about his relationship with Angelina Jolie, Billy Bob Thorton responded "Sleeping with Angelina Jolie is like fucking the couch".