Lift Weights facts
While investigating facts about Lift Weights To Lose Weight and Lift Weights Every Day, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A man named Louis Cyr who died in 1912 still holds a number of unbroken weight lifting records, such as a 4,337 lb back lift and a 273 lb one-handed press.
how lift weights properly?
The boy once know as "Little Hercules" gave up weight lifting. He now works as a stuntman for Universal Studios Hollywood and aspires to have a career as a quantum scientist.
What age can you lift weights?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happens to your muscles when you lift weights. Here are 39 of the best facts about Lift Weights In Spanish and Lift Weights At Home I managed to collect.
what happens when you lift weights?
Until recently, Hercules beetles were considered to be the strongest insects on the planet. Latest experiment showed that dung beetle can lift a load that is 1,141 times heavier than its own weight.
Name "Ragdoll" refers to the unusual habit of this breed to completely relax muscles in the body and become limp when it is lifted from the floor (like a ragdoll). Despite its large weight, Ragdoll likes to be carried around.
Although it is the wings that keep the airplane in the air it is the lift, thrust, drag and weight that are responsible for flight.
He later wrote, "It seemed to me that a weight whirling around a horizontal shaft, moving more rapidly above than below, could furnish lift by virtue of the greater centrifugal force."
Both parents take care of the chicks. They bring balls of food (called boluses) composed of 300 to 1000 insects. Before they leave the nest, chicks start to exercise wing muscles by lifting their own body weight using the wings. This improves strength and durability of wing muscles and ensures successful life in the air. At the age of 6 to 10 weeks, chicks leave their nests for the first time and they never return back.
During a training session Cristiano Ronaldo is said to lift approximately 23,055 kgs of weight. This would equal lifting 16 Toyota Prius cars.
If you imagine yourself lifting a weight, you are more likely to lift it, regardless of how heavy it is. This is accentuated if you have already executed the motor pattern involved before.
Bowling is considered to be a healthy exercise and activity for people. It makes the body use muscles it might not otherwise use. It makes the body stretch and lift weight. Bowling is one of the sports still suitable for much older people.
The biggest hurdle Jack LaLanne had to starting his personal fitness empire was doctors who believed that weight lifting would lead to hemorrhoids, erectile dysfunction, and the condition of being "muscle bound"... where too much muscle made one inflexible
Echidna is very strong animal. It can lift the load that is double of its weight.
Lift Weights data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lift Weights figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why lift weights to lose weight?
You can easily fact check why lift weights for weight loss by examining the linked well-known sources.
Dung beetles have the greatest strength to weight ratio on earth, being able to lift over 1100 times their weight. This would be equivalent to an average human lifting over 80 tons.
The international space station's 55-foot robot arm assembly is capable of lifting 220,000 pounds, which is the weight of a space shuttle orbiter. - source
American, Paul Anderson, holds the world record for most weight ever lifted at 6,270 pounds (2,850 kg). - source
Hercules beetles are very strong animals. They can lift load that is 850 times heavier than their own weight.
Benjamin Franklin was a physical specimen for most of his life. Muscular and barrel-chested, he loved lifting weights and is the only founding father in the Swimming Hall of Fame. - source
Headache when lift weights?
Some of the requirements flight attendants have to meet to be hired. They must have a specific BMI, be able to pass tests that include lifting weights above the head, have no visible nostril hair, and have teeth that appear “clean and natural”.
How lift weights to lose weight?
Goliath beetles are also known as the largest beetles on the planet because of their strength: they can lift a load that is 850 times heavier than their own weight.
Paul Anderson's feat of lifting 6,270 pounds (2844.02 kg) with his back was recorded in the 1985 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records as "the greatest weight ever raised by a human being"
A form of kung-fu called ‘iron crotch’ teaches men how to lift weights with their penises.
Arnold Schwarzenegger went AWOL from the Austrian army to compete in his 1st bodybuilding competition and was punished. After they discovered he had won, the army helped by creating custom weight lifting equipment including a mobile gym that was stored in tanks for when he was away on deployment
The practice of “iron crotch” is a legitimate niche form of kung fu. Grandmaster Tu Jin-Sheng teaches students how to lift weights with straps wrapped around their flaccid penises
Lift weights infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Lift Weights numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Analyzing my body measurements and any relationship to workout volume - one year of IF and weight lifting