Leonardo Dicaprio facts
While investigating facts about Leonardo Dicaprio Movies and Leonardo Dicaprio Girlfriend, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nicolas Cage once outbid Leonardo DiCaprio for a 70 million year old dinosaur skull paying $276,000 for it. After later finding out that the skull was stolen he agreed to return it to the Mongolian authorities.
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Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet pledged their financial support the last living Titanic survivor, Millvinia Dean, after it was reported that she’d been forced to sell her mementos from the wreck to pay for nursing home bills.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what age is leonardo dicaprio. Here are 50 of the best facts about Leonardo Dicaprio Wife and Leonardo Dicaprio Age I managed to collect.
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Jonah Hill earned just $60,000 for his role in Wolf of Wall Street whilst his co-star Leonardo DiCaprio earned $10,000,000
Nicolas Cage purchased a rare dinosaur skull for $276,000 in an auction after winning a bidding contest against Leonardo DiCaprio. After being contacted by authorities, he discovered that the skull was stolen and he returned it to the Mongolian Government.
Leonardo DiCaprio turned down the role for Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequels.
Leonardo Dicaprio bought an island in Belize 10 years ago and built the world's first eco-restorative resort that "restores" the island's over-fished waters, coastline and forest
The "American Psycho" movie studio wanted Leonardo DiCaprio for the Bateman role and were willing to quadruple the budget to accommodate DiCaprio's $21 mil quote. Meanwhile, Christian Bale turned down all roles and auditions for 9 months, confident DiCaprio would eventually decline the part.
Leonardo DiCaprio blocked a film he was in from being released in the US and Canada. The producer of the film has released it on the Internet, and drafted a letter to Leo about it.
The filming of Leonardo DiCaprio's "The Beach" permanently damaged the ecosystem of the island where it was film, prompting Thailand's Supreme Court to get involved in the legal case against 20th Century Fox
Ridley Scott had plans to adapt the dystopian novel Brave New World into a movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Ridley Scott ultimately had trouble doing the book justice and stated, “I don’t know what to do with Brave New World. It’s tough….when you reanalyze it, maybe it should stay a book".
Gloria Steinem talked Leonardo DiCaprio out of playing Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, saying, "Please, please don’t do this to those girls. The eyes of all 13-year-old girls are upon you and you can’t play a guy that tortures and kills women." (Then she married Christian Bale's dad.)
Leonardo DiCaprio is the highest grossing actor to have never made a sequel
Leonardo Dicaprio data charts
For your convenience take a look at Leonardo Dicaprio figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about leonardo dicaprio?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Leonardo DiCaprio has never done drugs and had to get taught how to play being high by drug experts.
During the filming of the Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah Hill took revenge on Leonardo DiCaprio by giving him food poisoning. By improvising a line, Hill made DiCaprio eat the last piece of raw yellowtail sushi. DiCaprio had to repeat this 70 times. Only Hill and Martin Scorsese found it funny. - source
John Wilkes Booth was a well-known A-list actor, considered equivalent in status to Leonardo DiCaprio. He was a heartthrob and named “Sexiest Man Alive” - source
Leonardo DiCaprio’s haircut from Titanic was outlawed by the Taliban
Natalie Portman was originally cast as Juliet in Romeo + Juliet but was recast after rehearsal footage appeared as if Portman was being molested by Leonardo DiCaprio who was 21 at the time while Portman was only 14. - source
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Leonardo DiCaprio's face was severely injured in 2005 when model Aretha Wilson hit him over the head with a broken bottle at a Hollywood party. She was later sentenced to 2 years in jail.
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James Cameron was supposed to make a Spider Man film in the 1990s with Leonardo DiCaprio as Spider Man & Arnold Schwarzenegger as Doctor Octopus
In the 1997 film Titanic, James Cameron himself draw all of the art for Leonardo DiCaprio's character Jack, including the famous sketch if Kate Winslet. The close up shots of Jack creating the drawing are actually of Cameron's hands, not DiCaprio's
Adam Sandler is the 5th highest paid actor in Hollywood. He earns more per film than Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Leonardo Dicaprio.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet paid the care home fees of the last survivor of the Titanic
Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf won the title of People magazines most beautiful person in 1998 by a landslide as a write in, followed by Rick Flair in second. Third place winner Leonardo DiCaprio was still featured on the cover.
Leonardo dicaprio infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Leonardo Dicaprio numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

The age of Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriends over time