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Lemmings Commit facts

While investigating facts about Do Lemmings Commit and , I found out little known, but curios details like:

Lemmings do not commit mass suicide, it is a myth started by a 1958 Disney film "White Wilderness" that includes footage of producers throwing Lemmings off a cliff

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In 1958 Walt Disney produced a nature documentary titled "White Wilderness", which featured a segment on lemmings, detailing their tendencies to commit mass suicide. Lemmings do not commit mass suicide, Disney pushed them off cliffs to create the scene.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 28 of the best facts about Lemmings Commit I managed to collect.

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  1. Lemmings committing mass suicide is a myth that was perpetuated by Disney knowingly

  2. Disney perpetuated the myth that lemmings commit suicide by importing lemmings, throwing them into a river, and letting them drown.

  3. Lemmings don't actually commit suicide. It was a notion perpetuated by the Disney documentary "White Wilderness" in which they herded lemmings into water off a cliff.

  4. Apple aired a commercial during Super Bowl 1985 entitled "Lemmings" and directed by Top Gun director Tony Scott. Set to the tune of "Heigh-Ho", it features a long line of blindfolded businesspersons committing suicide. The ad was a massive failure and has never been rebroadcast.

  5. Disney perpetuated the myth that lemmings commit suicide by importing lemmings, throwing them into a river, and letting them drown.

  6. Lemmings don’t actually commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs; however they do jump off cliffs into water to migrate and swim far distances, even to the point of death by exhaustion. The myth originated from a 1958 Academy Award winning documentary which staged a “mass suicide” of lemmings.

  7. The Disney film White Wilderness imported a few dozen lemmings to Alberta then herded them off a cliff to prove the myth lemmings commit mass suicide.

  8. The myth about lemmings committing suicide was perpetuated by Disney in 1958 who made a documentary about the animals and deliberately drove a herd of them off a cliff because it made "good television".

lemmings commit facts
What are the best facts about Lemmings Commit?

Why lemmings jump off cliffs?

You can easily fact check why do lemmings run off cliffs by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Myth that Lemming commit suicide was started by Disney in 1958 when they staged a mass Lemming suicide for a nature documentary.

Lemmings don't commit mass suicide, Disney pushed them off a cliff - source

The 1958, Disney documentary ‘White Wilderness’ perpetuated the myth that lemmings commit mass suicide when the filmmakers threw them over the edge of a cliff and into a river. - source

Lemmings don't commit mass suicide. The misconception was promoted by a Disney documentary camera crew who staged footage by taking lemmings out of their natural habitat and forcing them off a cliff to their death.

The misconception that lemmings commit suicide is primarily due to the 1958 Disney nature documentary "White Wilderness" in which a group of lemmings is shown jumping into a river and drowning, but in reality the film crew pushed them into the river. - source

When do lemmings jump off cliffs?

Lemmings don't actually commit mass suicide. Disney filmmakers used various camera tricks to make a few imported lemmings look like a lot and then herded them off a cliff, killing many. That documentary later won an Academy Award.

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Lemmings don't actually jump off cliffs to commit suicide. Our friends at Disney just killed a few and lied about the rest.

The lemming will commit mass suicide when they begin to overpopulate

Interesting facts about lemmings commit

Lemmings Don't commit suicide? - YouTube

Lemmings don't really commit mass suicide. Its a myth perpetuated by a Disney nature documentary.

Disney made a nature documentary in the 50's trying to explain population fluctuations in lemmings- an old wives tale says the population drops are due to lemmings "committing mass suicide" so they captured a bunch of lemmings, and threw them off a cliff on camera to capture the "event."

Contrary to popular belief, lemmings don't actually commit mass suicide during migration.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lemmings Commit. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lemmings Commit so important!

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