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Suicide Jumping facts

While investigating facts about Suicide Jumping Off Parking Garage and Suicide Jumping Off Hollywood Sign, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A man who committed suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge had left a suicide note that read "I'm going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I won't jump."

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About Philip Gale, child prodigy that committed suicide at age 19, jumping from a classroom's window. Before jumping he wrote on the blackboard Newton's equation for how an object accelerates as it falls, along with a sketch of a stick figure tossing a chair. He signed it, "Phil was here"

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Suicide Jumping Off Empire State Building and Suicide Jumping In Front Of Truck I managed to collect.

when was the mass suicide at jonestown?

  1. Atlanta artist TI has saved at least two people from suicide attempts. One of them was the lead singer of Creed, Scott Stapp. The other was a 24-year-old Atlanta resident who was going to jump from a 22-story building. After hearing about the situation, TI drove to the scene to help.

  2. In April 1998 two women walked onto The Golden Gate Bridge at the same time intending to commit suicide. They did not know each other, but soon realized they were there for the same reason. A patrol officer saw them sitting on the railing, chatting. One jumped, followed by the other.

  3. The first attempt to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand was a complete failure. The bomb bounced off the car, the assassin fled, swallowing a suicide pill then jumping into a nearby river. He could not even get that right, vomiting up the pill and landing in water that was barely ankle-deep.

  4. For those who jumped from the WTC on 9/11/2001, the fall lasted 10 seconds. They struck the ground at just under 150 MPH -- not fast enough to lose consciousness while falling, but fast enough to ensure instant death on impact. The deaths of those who jumped were ruled homicide, not suicide.

  5. An assassin failed to kill Franz Ferdinand because he didn't realise there was a ten second delay on the grenade, and then proceeded to try and commit suicide, but his cyanide pill was expired and the river he jumped into was 10cm deep

  6. In 1933, three Japanese school girls crossed in love committed suicide by jumping into a volcanic crater on the island of Oshima. This act started a bizarre trend in Japan, and in the following year 800 other people leapt into the same crater.

  7. Mohammad Ali successfully talked a suicidal person threatening to jump off a ledge out of going through with it by saying, “you’re my brother! I love you and I wouldn't lie to you ... I want to help you” to this complete stranger in 1981.

  8. In 1979, Elvita Adams jumped from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building in an attempted suicide, only to be blown back onto the 85th floor by a gust of wind. Her only injury was a broken hip.

  9. Chen Si, a Chinese man who has spent every weekend since 2003 voluntarily patrolling the world's most popular suicide site. As a result, he has prevented over 300 people from jumping over the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge.

  10. If you commit suicide in Japan by jumping onto an oncoming train or killing yourself in an apartment building, the train or building company can/will sue your family for clean up fees, loss of income and negative publicity brought on by your suicide.

suicide jumping facts
What are the best facts about Suicide Jumping?

13 reasons why suicide hotline?

You can easily fact check why should i call the suicide hotline by examining the linked well-known sources.

People who survived suicide attempts by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge often regret their decision in midair, if not before. Said one survivor: “I instantly realized that everything in my life that I’d thought was unfixable was totally fixable—except for having just jumped.”

It is quite common for curious onlookers to start yelling "Jump, b*tch, jump!" or "Go for it!" to suicidal people until they actually jump. This is one of the reasons why the police tries to push the audience out of the shouting range. - source

In 2011 a cat saved a grieving US soldier from committing suicide. During the man’s darkest hour, the cat meowed and pawed at his face, jumped on his shoulders, head-butted him and emitted a strange, low vibrating sound the soldier had never heard before – which brought him back from the brink. - source

In 2000, two suicidal people met online and both decided they wanted to end their life by jumping off a cliff. The two strangers met up in Norway, took a cab to a popular cliff and jumped to their death together.

About HPP (High Places Phenomenon), the experience of a sudden urge to jump when in a high place. Although it has been speculated to be associated with suicidal ideation, data has proposed that it stems from a misinterpreted safety signal (i.e., survival instinct). - source

When was the mass suicide at jonestown?

A man named Chen Si spends every weekend of his life at the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge (the World's #1 suicide site) and saves people from jumping. He has saved 144 people from killing themselves so far.

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The founder of lingerie company Victoria's Secret sold the business for just $1 million five years after founding it, and later commited suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge as the firm went on to produce billion dollar revenues for the new owner.

While suffering from severe alcoholism, Craig Ferguson decided to commit suicide by jumping off the London Tower Bridge. As he was leaving for the bridge, a friend offered him a glass of wine, which lead to him getting drunk, and forgetting to kill himself. He entered rehab 2 months later.

In 1845 a severely depressed dog tried to commit suicide by jumping into a river and refusing to make any attempt to escape (which goes against natural instincts). Even after being rescued, the dog ran back to the river. Eventually, the dog succeeded and died.

A man named Chen Si who since 2004 has devoted his free time to patrolling the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, the most popular suicide site in the world, and has saved more than 300 people from jumping

Officer Norem. He responded to a call about a suicidal man trying to jump over the overpass fence into the traffic below. Noren grabbed the guy's leg and refused to let him go - even when the suicidal man took out a knife stabbed Norem several times, he still held on until help arrived.

Interesting facts about suicide jumping

About the culture of suicides on the Golden Gate Bridge; in a study of survivors--after 26 years--over 90% polled were still alive or had died of natural causes; nearly every survivor says they regretted jumping immediately

In 1977, a man attempted to commit suicide by jumping in front of the NYC subway. He survived but was injured, and then received $650,000 in a settlement because the subway operator had "not stopped fast enough".

A man was believed to have jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge. A suicide note and his jacket were found and he was presumed dead. 1 year later he was found in Texas selling bibles.

Kiyoko Matsumoto, who committed suicide at age 19 by jumping into the volcano Mount Mihara. She killed herself because her lesbianism was socially unacceptable. Her suicide inspired a total of 944 people to commit suicide by jumping into Mount Mihara in the year following her death alone.

A man jumped 500 feet from a tour helicopter to commit suicide because “he was unable to get surgery for a chronic health condition he suffered with for the past 15 years” at age 61

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A woman from Prague decided to commit suicide by jumping from her third-story balcony. By chance she happened to land on her spouse below, cushioning her fall. She survived, but he died.

In the 1970’s a man in his mid-30’s committed suicide by jumping off the Gold Gate Bridge. The suicide note that he left behind in his apartment wrote “I’m going to walk to the bridge. If one person smiles at me on the way, I will not jump.”

Because so many people jumped off the Mapo Bridge in Seoul, Samsung paid to put up signs which would light up and greet people, hoping to deter suicide. Unfortunately, the suicide rate off the Mapo Bridge was six times higher the following year.

In 1933 a Japanese woman committed suicide by jumping into Mount Mihara, an active volcano, starting a string of copycat suicides that numbered almost 4000 successful attempts in 3 years til the crater was fenced off

Kiyoko Matsumoto, who in 1933 committed suicide by jumping into a volcanic crater on the island of Oshima. Japan. This started a trend in Japan, and in the year after her death 944 other people (804 men and 140 women) leapt into the same crater

Certain "suicide bridges" have installed special telephones with a connection to a suicide hotline incase you feel the need to jump.

About Suicide Cliff in Saipan where thousands of Japanese civilians and soldiers jumped off to commit suicide and evade capture US forces due to Japanese propaganda. The Suicide Cliff is also listed in the US Register of Historic Places.

A man attempted suicide by jumping off Niagara falls but failed and becomes one of 3 to ever survive the falls without a safety device.

Sun Danyon, a 25 year old Foxconn employee who lost a prototype of the iPhone 4. After allegedly being beaten, searched, and detained by Foxconn security, he committed suicide by jumping from his apartment building.

A rapper high on PCP cut his penis off, jumped from an apartment building in an attempted suicide, went to hospital, got his penis was reattached, and now plans to go into the porn industry.

At the Battle of Saipan, in 1944, when the U.S. won 6,000 people committed suicide rather than surrender. About 1,000 of them were civilians who killed themselves by jumping off cliffs. All totaled, around 55,000 people lost their lives in that 3 week stretch.

Its estimated around 40 people go over Niagara Falls every year, most of them suicides. Over 5000 bodies were found at the foot of the falls between 1850 and 2011. Most jumps happen on the Canadian side of the falls, and daredevil attempts have approximately a 75% success rate.

Frank R Olson, a CIA biological warfare scientist who was dosed with LSD by his CIA supervisor and then committed suicide by jumping off a hotel nine days later.

A Canadian penny-stock 'found' a massive gold deposit in 1995, sending the stock up 80,000%. It would prove to be a huge fraud - the chief geologist shaved his wedding ring to spike the core samples. He later comitted suicide by jumping from a helicopter

Roh Moo-hyun, President of South Korea from 2003 to 2008, killed himself in 2009 by jumping off a cliff. His left-wing party chose to delay the opening of parliament until the right-wing government of the time accepted responsibility for his suicide.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Suicide Jumping. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Suicide Jumping so important!

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