Largest Importer facts
While investigating facts about Largest Importer Of Oil and Largest Importer In The World, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Next to the US army, Disney world is the largest buyer and importer of explosives in the USA.
how is the netherlands the second largest food exporter?
Shipping is the most important industry in Greece. Greek shipping companies control the world's largest merchant fleet of over 5000 ships including, among others, 1/3 of world's tankers and 1/4 of all bulk carriers by tonnage. Greek flag is the first-most-used internationally for shipping.
Which of the following countries was the world's largest importer at this time?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country is the world's largest exporter and importer. Here are 30 of the best facts about Largest Importer Of Arms and Largest Importer Of Weapons I managed to collect.
which country is largest arms importer at present?
Singapore is the largest importer of sand world-wide and the world’s highest per capita consumer of sand at 5.4 tonnes per inhabitant
Costco is the largest importer of fine French wines in the world
Nara was the capital of Japan from 710 to 784 CE. The Nara Period produced some of the most important temples still in use today, including at Todaiji, the largest wooden building in the world at that time, which still houses the largest bronze statue of Buddha ever made
The Danube River is considered to be one of the most important shipping routes in Europe. Its size will accommodate the largest shipping vessels when necessary.
The phytoplankton bloom contributes to feeding the marine ecosystem in the Indian Ocean. As a result the Indian Ocean is the second largest provider for tuna fisherman in the world in terms of economic importance.
The Indian Army played an important role in both World Wars-----By the end of the Second World War it had become the largest volunteer army in history, rising to over 2.5 million men in August 1945.[MIC]
The mathematician is actually credited with several other more important discoveries, including developing manual screw turn that served as a bilge pump for what was the largest ship ever built in its day.
One of the largest cod populations in the world that still remains is found in the Barents Sea. The cod fisheries are important to Russia and Norway.
Tongass National Forest stretches along 11,000 miles of coastline. It encompasses islands, mountains, bays, forests, fjords, glaciers, and important salmon streams, and its forest is the largest temperate rainforest in the world (intact).
North Korea's third largest import is delivery trucks
Largest Importer data charts
For your convenience take a look at Largest Importer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why india is largest importer of weapons?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Project Gutenberg, the world's largest digital library of over 57,000 free public domain ebooks. Contains wide variety of the most historically important literary works.
During prohibition, in the late 1920s America has become the world's largest importer of cocktail shakers - source
In 2015, the U.S. imported 24% of the petroleum it used, the lowest since 1970. The largest sources of U.S. imported oil were: Canada (40%), Saudi Arabia (11%), Venezuela (9%), Mexico (8%), and Colombia (4%). - source
Germany is the largest importer of human and animal blood in the world.
Pablo Escobar imported 4 hippos from Africa for his private zoo and they grown to become the world's largest documented invasive species. - source
When did the us become the largest exporter of oil?
Singapore is the world's largest importer of sand and has grown its landmass by 22% artificially, creating a large illegal export industry in Cambodia which is threatening wildlife and the ecosystem.
How did china become the world's largest exporter?
3 Lego figurines are aboard the Juno spacecraft, each representing important discoveries about the largest planet in our solar system. The Lego pieces are crafted in the likeness of Galileo Galilei, who discovered 4 of Jupiter's moons in 1610, the Roman god Jupiter and Jupiter's wife Juno.
Kim Jong Il was the largest importer of Hennessey cognac averaging between USD$650,000 - USD$720,000 / year while the average North Korean makes USD$900
Egypt is the largest wheat importer in the world, and imports twice as much wheat as the EU countries combined. This is due to the baladi bread subsidy, which is currently the only subsidy given to the Egyptian people by their government.
An estimated 300 of the worlds largest frog are imported per year into the United States for competitive frog races
India,China and Pakistan, 3 countries with massive extreme poverty (which includes many children), are the worlds 3 largest Arms importers.