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Lab Tests facts

While investigating facts about Lab Tests Online and Lab Tests Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A nurse wanted to know if her farts were contaminating equipment in the lab. The doctor and a microbiologist tested the hypothesis by having a colleague fart clothed then naked onto two Petri dishes. The conclusion was that clothing acts as a filter, but naked farts can cause contamination.

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Until the mid-1960s in Britain, pregnancy tests were done by sending a woman's urine to a lab, where it would be injected into a toad. The toad was checked two hours later and if it had laid eggs, the woman was pregnant.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what lab tests liver function. Here are 46 of the best facts about Lab Tests Auckland and Lab Tests Online Uk I managed to collect.

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  1. The company that makes Listerine marketed it as a cure for gonorrhea in the late 1800s; however, no one scientifically tested this claim until now. Lab studies show Listerine inhibits bacterial growth and that infected men are less likely to test positive for gonorrhea after gargling with it.

  2. Lab tests have shown that cats don't love you the way dogs do. Tests has shown that a dog releases Oxytocin (love hormone) in their brains at MUCH higher levels when compared to cats. A dog releases upwards to 60% while a cat releases 12%.

  3. An episode of Mythbusters where the myth of a sugary cereal's box being more healthy than the cereal itself was was tested but never aired. This was due to the fact that the lab mice that were fed the cereal box wound up eating each other during filming.

  4. A physician and sexual predator named John Schneeberger successfully foiled several DNA tests by surgically installing a tube in his arm filled with someone else's blood and then tricking the lab tech into taking the blood sample from it.

  5. A Bulgarian man once landed in a hospital after being hit by a car. Breath tests indicated blood-alcohol levels so high that police thought the equipment was broken, because he remained conscious and talked with them, 5 separate lab tests confirmed he had a blood-alcohol content of .914%.

  6. Banana Boat had a class action lawsuit filed against them. A lab tested their SPF 50 at only SPF 12.69, as well as Consumer Reports stating "28 out of 60 lotion bottles contain less SPF protection than they claimed on the labels"

  7. the earliest audio recording of the word "fuck" was made in 1885. A technician at Volta labs was testing his equipment when it malfunctioned and recorded his iritated response.

  8. Annie Dookhan, a chemist in a drug testing lab who tampered with 40,000+ samples resulting in thousands of innocent people being put in prison

  9. The microwave oven was invented by accident. In 1945, Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer, was working in a lab testing magnetrons, the high-powered vacuum tubes inside radars that produced microwaves, where he noticed a peanut butter candy bar in his pocket had begun to melt

  10. Antibacterial cleaners only kill 46-60% of microbes in a real life application. The claim that the cleaners kill 99.9% of the bacteria is done under controlled lab tests.

lab tests facts
What lab tests kidney function?

Why does biotin interfere with lab tests?

You can easily fact check why are lab tests so expensive by examining the linked well-known sources.

The nuclear nightmare scene in Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) was considered "the most accurate depiction of a nuclear blast ever created for a fictional motion picture" by members of U.S. federal nuclear testing labs.

That, in 2001 after the FDA cracked down on China for mixing in rice syrup into honey to cheat through a test that checks if the honey is genuine or not, China started to launder its honey to other Asian countries by faking various lab results and the country of origin. - source

Dogs can can sniff out cancer even better than some lab tests. There is a specific dog called Lucy that are able to detect cancer in urine sample correctly more than 95% of the time. - source

THC levels are up from 1.3%, in 1978, to an astounding 15 to 17% with some labs reporting tests up to 33.5% THC.

Americas most feared dog(blanket term Pit Bull) actually ranks very close to Labrador Retrievers in a temperament test at 86% to the Lab's 94% temperament. - source

When is lab technician day?

In Tennessee Lab Technicians get paid $250 if the results of the blood they test leads to a DUI conviction

How does biotin interfere with lab tests?

Johns Hopkins' Applied Physics Lab has been designing and testing a prosthetic arm/hand that can actually let an amputee 'feel' what they are touching.

Lowe's teamed up with Virginia Tech's Assistive Robotics Lab to create exoskeletons for their workers. The "heavy lifting suit" is currently being tested at one Virginia Lowe's store with more possibly on the way.

Dutch Police use scent trained rats to weed out innocent suspects from those that need investigation, since they are only allowed to hold a suspect for 6 hours and the rats are faster than lab tests.

Lab animals are executed after the testing has concluded so their quality of life isn't terribly poor

Quest Diagnostics Sells Lab Test Results Which Could Result in Denied Life Insurance

Interesting facts about lab tests

In France, paternity testing is regulated by the state and only allowed in certain cases (with a court order or written consent.) French men risk up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine if they send DNA samples to a foreign lab.

On July 6th, 1962, Lawrence Livermore National Lab detonated the Sedan thermonuclear device under the surface of Yucca Flat, Nevada to test whether nuclear explosives could be effectively used in earthmoving - the concept was abandoned due to intense fallout

Princeton University had a lab for testing psychic phenomena that remained operational until 2007

Biologists in a lab spend, on average, 30-50% of their time manually moving fluids using disposable pipettes. Using electric fields to move, merge, stir, and analyze drops of biological samples, a low-cost lab-on-a-chip can be designed to make testing cheaper and faster for biological sampling

Walgreens provides cheap lab tests - you can get a basic metabolic panel for under $6!

How much do lab tests cost?

PETA funded $70,200 to a convicted Fire-bomber of animal labs, killed 2/3rds of the animals is rescued, and admits to their VP using insulin while protesting animal testing.

Bird strike tests on airplanes are still conducted by firing an 8 pound frozen bird in a ballistics test lab.

Genetic counselors don't have to disclose their financial ties to the labs that produce genetic tests

Monkey Island, an island in Liberia inhabited solely by former lab tested chimpanzees.

Brittany Murphy's Dad believes she was poisoned. Lab tests back him up.

Kindness Ranch Animal Sanctuary. A 10,000 acre sanctuary for retired lab tested animals located in Hartville Wyoming, a town of only 62 people.

A Woman Dropped Out of University to Invent a Way to Run 30 Lab Tests on Only One Drop of Blood

Albert Einstein's brain was removed at his autopsy without his family's permission and sent to a lab for testing for "perceived secrets".

Child car seats don't work in crashes over 30 mph: "When we crash-tested infant car seats at the higher speeds vehicles routinely withstand, most failed disastrously. The car seats twisted violently or flew off their bases, in one case hurling a test dummy 30 feet across the lab."

Canadas Winter Lab where they test shoes and improved buying habits by information

During WWII, a Japanese research lab named "Unit 731" did tests on live human subjects. One of the the most common experiments were vivisections without anesthesia; AKA cutting open the stomach and studying the organs.

The Instant Pot pressure cooker can serve as a laboratory autoclave where more expensive units are not available (E.g. remote labs) or attainable (E.g. lack of funding). It even passes the Geobacillus stearothermophilus spore inactivation test.

Hammacher Schlemmer actually has a lab of experts scientifically testing their catalog items and picking only the best, they’re The Wirecutter of the 20th century and still make 30% of their sales from the paper catalog

Until the mid-1960s in Britain, pregnancy tests were done by sending a woman's urine to a lab, where it would be injected into a toad. The toad was checked two hours later and if it had laid eggs, the woman was pregnant

Members of Russia’s secret service intimidated workers at a drug-testing lab to cover up top athletes’ positive results. They impersonated lab engineers during the Winter Olympics in Sochi

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lab Tests. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lab Tests so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor