Bone Marrow facts
While investigating facts about Bone Marrow Transplant and Bone Marrow Biopsy, I found out little known, but curios details like:
23 year old was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. A year later he developed a cancer of the blood. A bone-marrow transplant treated a patient’s leukemia — and his delusions, too.
how bone marrow transplant is done?
Part of the same first Chernobyl firefighter crew was sent to Kiev where the doctors dared using different method of bone marrow transplantation. While in Moscow 11 of 13 firefighters died within a week, in Kiev all 11 of 11 survived.
What bone marrow transplant?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's bone marrow cancer. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bone Marrow Cancer and Bone Marrow Donation I managed to collect.
what's bone marrow?
HIV is reported cured in two patients both of whom benefited from bone marrow transplant procedures that were actually intended for treating cancer, not HIV
Cameron Lyle, a college senior track and field athlete was awarded the NCAA’s Award of Valor in 2013 for ending his collegiate career one month early, ending his chances for a gold medal, in order to be a bone marrow donor to a 28 year old father with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Strontium-90, an isotope emitted from nuclear fission, is chemically similar to calcium. This means that when it is inhaled after a nuclear blast, the body uses it as it would use calcium, depositing it straight into your bones where it delivers beta radiation to your bone marrow.
Menstrual stem cells (found in period blood) could be used to create more tissue types than other adult stem cells, including bone, blood vessel, fat, brain, lung, liver, pancreas, & heart. They grow more readily & rapidly than other types of adult stem cells from bone marrow & umbilical cords.
In 1958 A chemical operator at Los Alamos was killed after plutonium in a mixing tank went supercritical, exposing him to over 30Gy of hard radiation. After 24 hours his bone marrow contained no red blood cells
Theres a rare breed of chicken where the entire chicken is solid black. The meat, skin, organs, bones, bone marrow, tongue, and eyes are solid black. Each one cost $2500.
A man was cured of HIV in Germany via a bone marrow transplant from a donor whose gene mutation made him immune to HIV. That gene is relatively common in N. Europe. Researchers have speculated that the gene is the result of natural selection during diseases similar to small pox or Black Death
Sperm can be derived from bone marrow. Same-sex, and even self-fertilization is plausible.
The 72 virgins promised to male believers are each 90 ft tall, 10.5ft wide, and have skin that is transparent to the bone marrow.
A female ferret can die if they don’t find a mate during heat. Remaining in heat for too long creates estrogen toxicity and the bone marrow stops producing new red blood cells. They essentially die of ‘the horn’
Bone Marrow data charts
For your convenience take a look at Bone Marrow figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why bone marrow test?
You can easily fact check why bone marrow biopsy by examining the linked well-known sources.
A patient who recieved a bone marrow transplant developed the same food allergy as the bone marrow donor.
If you're 18-43, healthy and can stick a cotton swab in your mouth, you can join the National Bone Marrow Registry for free, and maybe, save a life. - source
In 2004, doctors treating a virginal Japanese woman discovered an ovarian tumor that had grown into the form of a doll and had a brain, eye, spinal nerve, ear, teeth, thyroid gland, bone, bone marrow, gut, trachea, and blood vessels. - source
Timothy Ray Brown is the only human ever cured of HIV. He had the virus for 11 years before developing leukemia. When he was given a bone marrow transplant, the HIV virus disappeared. His blood has been studied for years but there’s still no definitive answer as to why he recovered.
Getting a bone marrow transplant from someone with a food allergy can transfer the allergy to the transplant recipient. - source
When bone marrow test is done?
A bone marrow transplant recipient’s blood type eventually changes to match the blood type of the donor.
How bone marrow test is done?
A Human's blood type can change if they receive a bone marrow transplant
Bearded vultures are the only birds that live exclusively off of bones and eat both the marrow and bone itself.
There is an all black chicken breed: skin, beak, plume, tongue, legs, toe nails, meat, bones, and organs. Even bone marrow is black.
Cannibalism puts you at risk for prion disease (similar to mad cow), particularly if you eat human brains and bone marrow.
Mixed-race and ethnic minority individuals struggle to find life-saving bone marrow and stem-cell transplant matches. A partial genetic match is required, and direct siblings only have a 25% chance of matching.