Blood Type facts
While investigating facts about Blood Types and Blood Type Chart, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Mosquitoes can not only smell what blood type you are, they prefer type O. In fact, people who are type O are twice as likely to be bitten than someone who is type A.
how blood types work?
Rh-null, the rarest blood type of the world, has been called the "Golden Blood". This blood type is so rare that only 43 people in the world have it, and there are only 9 active donor.
What blood type is the universal donor?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what blood type is rare. Here are 50 of the best facts about Blood Type Diet and Blood Type Personality I managed to collect.
what blood type am i?
If you receive a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type, a very strong feeling that something bad is about to happen will occur within a few minutes.
RH null is a blood so rare, only 40 people in the world have it. It's a universal donor among many people with other rare blood types, and as such has been called the "golden blood" because its life saving capability is enormous.
In 2003, a 17-year-old transplant patient died after receiving organs with the wrong blood type. The error occurred because everyone assumed that someone else checked the blood type.
Mosquitoes prefer O-type blood, people with high body heat, pregnant women and heavy breathers. Many of these reasons are because mosquitoes can sense carbon dioxide (CO2) from up to 100 feet away. Which is a reason why they circulate around our heads where we exhale CO2.
A live chicken was given to Alice Cooper in concert. Thinking it could fly, he tossed it into the crowd who tore it apart. The next day headlines read: Alice Cooper bites head off chicken and drinks blood. Frank Zappa told him not to deny the story saying "You can't buy this type of publicity!"
Alligators have an incredibly resilient immune system. They don't get serious infections from cuts and bruises even while living in bacteria infested swamps. Alligator blood is effective against 23 types of bacteria, and fungi and viruses including HIV.
Having an O blood type makes you twice as likely to attract mosquitoes than people with A blood type. B blood types fall in the middle of the spectrum.
Researchers developed a blood test that can detect if a person has cancer from a single drop of blood with 96% certainty for most cancer types.
A girl who received a liver transplant does not need lifelong immunosuppressants because her blood type spontaneously changed to accommodate the donor liver
Menstrual stem cells (found in period blood) could be used to create more tissue types than other adult stem cells, including bone, blood vessel, fat, brain, lung, liver, pancreas, & heart. They grow more readily & rapidly than other types of adult stem cells from bone marrow & umbilical cords.
Blood Type data charts
For your convenience take a look at Blood Type figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why blood types are different?
You can easily fact check why blood type ab is rare by examining the linked well-known sources.
A tick bite can cause a lifetime allergy to red meat. The Lone Star tick injects a type of sugar found in red meat into the blood, and causes antibodies to be made that cause an allergic reaction when the person later ingests meat with the sugar.
Researchers in Sweden developed a blood test that accurately detects cancer 96 percent of the time and classifies the type of cancer correctly 71 percent of the time. - source
In Japan, your blood type is treated like your Zodiac sign is in the West, but they're even more serious about it. "What's your blood type?" is a common question to be asked, and there are even blood type horoscopes, etc. - source
There was a type of cave goat that were cold blooded, had front facing eyes like a primate unlike other herbivores, and their bone growth was more similar to a crocodile than any other mammal. It went extinct about 5,000 years ago.
When Steve Jobs was dying and in need of a liver transplant from someone with the same, rare blood type, Tim Cook got his blood tested, found out he was a match and offered part of his liver. Steve refused. - source
When blood types discovered?
The Bororo are one of the few groups of people who all have the same blood type. They all have type O blood.
How blood type is determined?
The Catholic Church has an official position on Jesus' blood type. It's AB.
About 600,000 Horseshoe Crabs are caught each year to have their blood harvested to test medicines and medical devices for endotoxins like E. coli. This is a concern as they're now classified as "Vulnerable" and currently create the only substance able to detect these types of bacteria.
Lady Dai, death in 163 BC, considered the best preserved mummy in the world. Upon discovery she still had moist, soft skin, movable limbs, intact organs and veins with still small amounts of type A blood in them, distinct finger prints and more!
If you get a blood transfusion with the wrong blood type a strong sense of impending doom will likely occur.
Actress Joan Barry (blood type A) sued Charlie Chaplin (blood type O) for support of a child (blood type B) whom she claimed he fathered. Although it was not possible that the child was Chaplin's, he was still ordered to pay until the child turned 21.
Blood type infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Blood Type numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.