Entrance Exam facts
While investigating facts about Entrance Exam Reviewer and Entrance Exam For Mba, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Einstein failing a math exam is a myth. He failed the entrance exam to Zurich Polytechnic because he did poorly on botany, zoology and language sections.
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To prevent cheating during university entrance exams Uzbekistan shuts off the entire country's internet for five hours on exam day
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what entrance exam for phd. Here are 40 of the best facts about Entrance Exam For Law and Entrance Exam For Mca I managed to collect.
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In Korea, airliner traffic is modified to not disturb students writing their college entrance exam
In China, roughly 9.4 million students take the Gaokao, a college entrance exam that lasts two days. During testing time, factories shut down, motorists are banned form honking, and police monitor the streets to ensure that the students are not distracted.
In South Korea, planes are not allowed to take off or land during the English language listening portion of their college entrance exam.
The 1869 Harvard entrance exam was so difficult that today's Harvard graduate won't be able to answer most of the questions
At 14 Salam scored the highest marks ever recorded on the entrance exam and won a full scholarship to the Government College University of Lahore.
Winston almost wasn"t accepted into military school because he was not a very good student and had trouble passing the entrance exam. He made it in on the third attempt.
Korea delays its entire workday and stock markets so that students who have to take their college entrance exam can get to their testing site with no traffic
She took the university entrance exam in 1923 and in 1924 entered the University of Gottingen where she majored in physics.
Her uncle was a pediatrician who encouraged her interest in medicine and in 1914 she passed the entrance exam and was admitted to Karl Ferdinands Universitat in Prague.
During oral entrance exams to the math department of Moscow State University problems were designed to prevent Jewish people from getting a passing grade.
Entrance Exam data charts
For your convenience take a look at Entrance Exam figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about entrance exam?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
About Gaokao, China's toughest national college entrance exam and the high tech devices that have been employed by students to cheat on it. Systems like finger vein recognition are now in place to authenticate student identities as syndicates have been used by parents to impersonate their kids.
The assassin of James A. Garfield couldn't pass college entrance exams, got kicked out of a cult, failed as a lawyer, was rejected as a minister, and believed he was responsible for Garfield's presidential win because of a speech he gave a couple times. - source
Out of the 25,000 Liberian students that took the University of Liberia's entrance exam, 0 passed. This would have resulted in a freshman class of 0, but the University finally caved and admitted a lucky 1,800 students. - source
A 14 year old passed the incredibly difficult entrance exam into Peking University, and ended up as the leader of the official student union 3 years later at the time of the Tiananmen Square Protests. He sided with the government and ended up becoming a multi-billionaire.
The University of Haiti costs only $15 a year to attend but it’s very difficult to get into. Only 15% of students who take the entrance exam are accepted, and its dentistry school admits only 20 of the 800 applicants it sees each year - source
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President Herbert Hoover was the first student of Stanford University, after he failed all of his entrance exams other than mathematics
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On the day of the college entrance exam in South Korea, airplanes are grounded so the students can hear the listening test.
In 2013, over 25,000 Liberians took a university entrance exam and no one passed.
To prevent cheating on university entrance exams, the government of Uzbekistan simply blocks Internet and SMS access to the entire country for the duration of the exams.
President Herbert Hoover did not attend high school and entered Stanford University in its inaugural year despite failing all the entrance exams except mathematics
There are no entrance exams at the Autonomous University of Mexico City. No checking of school records. No interviews. No financial aid forms, since attendance is free. Prospective students need only a high school diploma and proof of residency