Install Windows facts
While investigating facts about Install Windows 10 and Install Windows 10 From Usb, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Microsoft tried to monopolize the early web browser market by making it difficult to install other web browsers and slowing down Windows if Internet Explorer was uninstalled.
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Doom was so popular in 1995 that it was installed on more PCs than Windows 95. Bill Gates briefly considered buying ID software, but settled for getting a team at Microsoft to port the game to Win95. The team was led by Gabe Newell.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is pending install in windows update. Here are 32 of the best facts about Install Windows 10 Free and Install Windows On Mac I managed to collect.
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Weezer's music video "Buddy Holly" was included on the install disc for Windows 95 and 20 years later the band was playing regularly at Microsoft retail store openings.
Id software's distribution model was once the envy of Microsoft because Doom had a larger install base than early versions of Windows.
The next version of Windows will be 10 because lots of existing software checks for Windows 95 / 98 installations by only looking for the number 9.
In 2015 Microsoft gave up on charging for Windows in China because of the pirated versions installed on essentially all PCs
Gabe Newell helped port Doom to Windows 95 because Bill Gates saw that Doom was installed on more PCs than Microsoft Windows
A funeral home in Michigan has started offering drive-thru mourning. They installed a window that displays a body inside the building and curtains over the window automatically open when a car pulls up. Mourners get three minutes to view the body as music plays overhead.
In late 1995, Doom was estimated to be installed on more computers worldwide than Microsoft's new operating system Windows 95, despite million-dollar advertising campaigns for Windows 95.
Windows 95 was the second most installed piece of software on computers in 1995; videogame DOOM was first.
On 10 June 1990 an improperly-installed panel of the windscreen failed, blowing the plane's captain, Tim Lancaster, halfway out of the aircraft, with his body firmly pressed against the window frame.
British Airways Flight 5390 which had its captain very intensely sucked outside partially after a window screen was incorrectly installed
Install Windows data charts
For your convenience take a look at Install Windows figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why install windows updates?
You can easily fact check why install windows 10 by examining the linked well-known sources.
Florence Irene Ford. A little girl who was so afraid of storms, after her death her mother had a glass viewing window installed just above her head above her coffin so that during storms, the mother could walk down and comfort her daughter.
The Windows Tax" was a term for the cost of Microsoft Windows pre-installed on a computer. - source
Microsoft included a backdoor in Windows to allow OEMs to install unauthorized software on clean installs of Windows. - source
The first safety coffin built, for fear of being buried alive, was made for Duke Ferdinand before his death in 1792. He had a window installed, an air tube to provide a supply of fresh air, and instead of having the lid nailed down he had a lock fitted to which he had the keys in his pocket
TDIL that, according to Christopher Nolan, in The Dark Knight, when the hospital explosion scene occurs, the top two rows of the hospital building’s windows are CGI. This is because when securing the permits to demolish the building, someone had stolen all of the windows they had yet to install. - source
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Windows 10 Technical Preview Tips - Choose how preview builds are installed
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We can install and emulate android on a windows PC very easily using virtual-box with working internet to try apps.
Fallout 1 failed Windows 95 certification because it ran on Windows NT. The installer was modified to check for Windows NT, and if present, fail to install.
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8 cool things to do after installing Kali Linux Os to your computer. You can even access the windows by placing the mouse on the corner of the screen!
Install windows infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Install Windows numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.