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Insect Bites facts

While investigating facts about Insect Bites Uk and Insect Bites Treatment, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Lisa McPherson, a woman who died after undergoing an "Introspection Rundown" at the Church of Scientology's headquarters in Florida. Her body was found to be dehydrated, underweight and covered in hundreds of insect bites, presumably from cockroaches

how insect bites look like?

Some areas have used termites for suturing wounds closed. They have the insect use their powerful mandibles to bite the wound shut, cut the body off, and leave the severed head on holding the cut together.

What insect bites cause blisters?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what insect bites look like. Here are 42 of the best facts about Insect Bites Images and Insect Bites Pictures I managed to collect.

what insect bites cause swelling?

  1. Bug zappers rarely kill biting insects, and are actually damaging to the ecosystem since they kill many predators and parasites that keep bug populations low

  2. A scene deleted from The Wizard of Oz in which the Wicked Witch of the West sends a swarm of insects whose bites cause Dorothy and her companions to dance the jitterbug to exhaustion.

  3. Lavender has antiseptic, antibacterial, analgesic and anti-depressant properties. It is used in treatment of headache, insect bites, burns, acne, muscle and joint ache and insomnia in the folk medicine.

  4. Bushpig is an excellent swimmer. It often wallows in the mud to prevent overheating and to protect itself against insect bites.

  5. Skin of the aardvark body is thick and tough. It provides protection against bites of angry ants and termites. While eating, aardvark can close its nostrils to prevent dust and insects from entering the nose.

  6. Native Americans used bleeding hearts in treatment of cough, stomach pain, dizziness and insect bites.

  7. Witch hazel is used in the cosmetic and medical industry for the manufacture of mouthwashes, aftershaves, toilet waters and skin care products (especially those designed to soothe the insect bites and sunburns).

  8. It is not possible to get HIV by touching someone's hand or touching a doorknob, or toilet seat, or through insect bites or in the air.

  9. Essential oils obtained from the lemongrass can be used to prevent insect bites (these oils effectively repel mosquitoes). Lemongrass can be also used instead of conventional pesticides to repel whiteflies and other pest insects from the gardens.

  10. Bark of marula is used in treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and insect bites. Leaves are used in treatment of heartburn, spider bites, skin burns and abscesses. Leaves can be also used in treatment of hypertension, inflammation and pain.

insect bites facts
What insect bites in a line?

Why insect bites swell?

You can easily fact check why insect bites cause swelling by examining the linked well-known sources.

Javan rhinoceros wallows in the mud during the most part of a day to prevent overheating, eliminate parasites from the skin and avoid insect bites.

Root of Greek valerian was used in treatment of dysentery, toothache and bites of snakes and insects in the ancient Greece. It was also popular and frequently used in treatment of syphilis and rabies in Europe during the 19th century. Even though it is not toxic, Greek valerian is no longer in use in herbal medicine.

Rock salt is used as a treatment to many ailments such as upset stomach, irritation from insect bites, and symptoms of the common cold.

Native Americans used sassafras in treatment of fever, diarrhea, common cold, toothache, menstrual disorders, arthritis, sore eyes, kidney problems, insect bites, nosebleed, cuts and sprained ankles.

The Schmidt sting pain index, a scale that ranks how painful insect bites are, was created by Justin Schmidt, an American entomologist who subjected himself to over 1000 stings from insects. - source

When insect bites cause swelling?

Black lemurs have a habit of picking up and biting at toxic millipedes. Once this is achieved the black lemur will rub the millipede around its body to get the toxins on its fur to help repel insects and since they inhale the toxin, they get high.

How to treat insect bites?

Fresh leaves or juices squeezed from leaves can be used to soothe insect bites.

Vine spinach facilitates digestion, improves function of eyes, prevents cell damage induced by free radicals, iron-deficiency anemia, osteoporosis and development of certain types of cancer. It can also decrease high blood pressure and slow down aging process. Chopped leaves of vine spinach are used to soothe skin after insect bites, while cooked root is used in treatment of diarrhea.

Common purslane is used in traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of bites of snakes and insects, dysentery, diarrhea, postpartum bleeding and sores on the skin.

Poultices made of crushed leaves of saltbush can be used to soothe insect bites and to reduce swelling and redness of the skin.

Figs also have several health benefits. Fruit can be used in the treatment of chest congestion and as a facial mask (that tightens the skin). Juice extracted from the leaves can be used to soothe insect bites.

When insect bites what to do?

Crane flies aren't giant mosquitos.Unlike mosquitoes, crane flies don’t bite humans at all, or sting them. In fact, these insects eat only in their larval stage, when they feed on grasses and other plant matter. Adult crane flies have no need to eat. Thus, unlike mosquitoes dont spread diseases!

Indigenous people in South America used oleoresin of diesel tree in treatment of wounds, inflammation, sores on the skin, psoriasis, insect bites and pain. Oleoresin is still frequently used in treatment of sore throat (usually mixed with honey) in some parts of South America.

Juice squeezed from leaves of broadleaf plantain has antibacterial properties (kills bacteria). Leaves can be used in treatment of insect bites, sores, eczema, sunburns, bronchitis, cough, laryngitis and urinary tract infections. Root can alleviate symptoms of toothache, while seed aids in treatment of constipation and hypercholesterolemia.

Tea made of leaves of hyssop is still used as herbal remedy today. Hyssop has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-septic properties. It can be used in treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, poor digestion, irregular menstrual period, hypotension, anxiety, respiratory disorders and fever. Poultices made of leaves accelerate healing of insect bites, bruises, cuts and edema.

Sliced onion can sooth insect bites and burns on the skin. When combined with crushed aspirin and little water, slices of onion can be also used in treatment of warts.

How to get rid of insect bites?

In the Cold War the U.S. developed plans for an Insect Warfare facility, which would produce 100 million yellow fever-infected mosquitos a month, and tested the biting ability of the insects by dropping uninfected mosquitos over U.S. cities

Substances called pyrethrins, isolated from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, act as natural insecticides. They affect nervous system of insects and even prevent female mosquito from biting.

Jewelweed contains chemicals that are useful in treatment of poison ivy rash, skin burns, insect bites and hives. It also contains antimicrobial compounds that can be used in treatment of athlete's foot (type of fungal disease).

Some Plants Bleed to Summon Ant Troops, The bullhorn acacia trees of Mexico and whistling thorn trees of east Africa provide housing for ants in their fat, hollow thorns. Any disturbance brings out hordes of the biting insects.

Chagas disease is also known as Kissing disease because the insect vectors, Reduviid, prefer to bite and defacate near the human mouth, which transmits the T. cruzi parasite.

Some species of tamarisk, such as Tamarix mannifera release white substance (called manna) as an answer to insect bite. This substance is used as source of food for Bedouins in the wild.

The Human Botfly, (Dermatobia Hominis) A Insect Resident Of Central And South America, Who Lays It's Eggs On Mosquitos, Who Then Bite Mammals, And Deposit The Eggs In The Bite Holes. The Eggs Then Grow Into Larva Under The Skin And Begin Consuming The Host's Skin, until it matures.

The Chagas disease, or American trypanosomiasis, is an illness caused by a parasite transmitted to humans from the bite of an insect, which is estimated to currently affect some 15 million people and lead to some 50 thousand yearly deaths.

Several species of biting midges in the subfamily Forcipomyiinae suck the blood of other insects

Top 10 Ways Of First Aid For Insect Bites By Home Remedies

Vaginal juice is a folk remedy for insect bites.

Scientists have discovered that zebra stripes are to deter insects, and painting cows with zebra stripes drastically reduces insect bites.

The Beautyberry plant is a natural, scientifically proven, biting insect repellent (including mosquitos and ticks)! [Warning Detailed Scientific Publication Linked]

Spiders Don't Come Up Water Spouts! And Can't Lay Eggs in Bananas! And Get Wrongly Blamed for Bites by Insects! And Wow! So Many Myths About Spiders Aren't So!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Insect Bites. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Insect Bites so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor