Incredible and fun facts to explore

Hot Wheels facts

While investigating facts about Hot Wheels Track and Hot Wheels Cars, I found out little known, but curios details like:

As an April fools prank Hot Wheels made wonder woman's invisible jet, it was nothing more than an empty Hot Wheels packet. However, there was so much demand for it they made it into a 'real' product.

how hot wheels color shifters?

The inventors of Hot Wheels (Elliot Handler) and the Barbie dolls (Ruth Handler) were married for over two decades before either toy was invented. Barbie and Ken were named after their children.

What hot wheels are worth money?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what hot wheels are valuable. Here are 15 of the best facts about Hot Wheels Monster Trucks and Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage I managed to collect.

what hot wheels cars are worth money?

  1. Hot Wheels and Matchbox are both owned by Mattel.

  2. Larry Wood designed the Hot Wheels Ramblin' Wrecker which featured his telephone number on the side of it's bed. One morning at 5am he received a phone call from a child. Later versions omitted the phone number.

  3. "Hot Wheels restoration" is really a thing.

  4. Hot Wheels, the kids' model toy cars and tracks, were introduced 50 years ago, in 1968.

  5. The Hot Wheels Classics line was an immediate hit with enthusiasts everywhere. The new line focused on muscle cars, hot rods, and other offbeat vehicles (such as a go-kart, a motor home and even an airplane), many from the company's first ten years (1968–78) of production.


  7. There is a guy who has a Hot Wheels collection worth $1m.

  8. Water treatment plants do actually see a LOT of corn -- and Hot Wheels cars. And sometimes they take them home. The cars, not the corn.

  9. There's a man with a million-dollar collection of Hot Wheels. His collection includes over 3,500 Hot Wheels models!

hot wheels facts
What hot wheels are collectible?

What is true about hot wheels?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

A hot wheels which only 2 exist is worth over $100k

Hot Wheels and Matchbox are both owned by Mattel - source

After the 2011 Indy 500, ABC aired a 'documentary' from Hot Wheels that showed a modified Indy car driving upside using the force of its spoilers. Local TV covered the jaw-dropping stunt. It was, of course, fake. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Hot Wheels. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Hot Wheels so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor