Honda Accord facts
While investigating facts about Honda Accord 2019 and Honda Accord Sport, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A study conducted by American University found that the Toyota Camry (78.5%) and the Honda Accord (76%) both contain more domestic content than the 'American' Chevrolet Camaro (68%)
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A woman named Hien Tran was laying in intensive care after a car accident and investigators were searching for clues due to apparent stab wounds in her neck. A week after she died, a letter arrived from Honda urging her to get her red Accord fixed, because of faulty airbags that could explode
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a honda accord sport. Here are 16 of the best facts about Honda Accord 2018 and Honda Accord 2008 I managed to collect.
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A man got a parade and a new car from Honda for reaching 1 million miles on his Accord.
80% of the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry is built in the United States - that's 20% more than the Ford F series trucks.
The two-minute long Rube Goldberg-like commercial for Honda's Accord, aka "Cog," is not computer generated. It took 606 tries to capture the final cut.
Little Tikes, red and yellow Cozy Coupe toy car reached 6 million units in sales by its 25th anniversary in 2004, and was called the "world's best-selling car for much of this decade" by The New York Times in 1998, outselling the Honda Accord and Ford Taurus.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos still drives his 1996 Honda Accord. That model today costs around $4000.
The most stolen car in 2013 was a used Honda Accord, amassing 53,995 units
The Little Tikes plastic Cozy Coupe was the best-selling car for most of the '90s, often outselling the Honda Accord and Ford Tauras.
Two cubic feet of the densest metal Osmium weighs as much as a Honda Accord.
When Kroger gas station is having a sale on unleaded gasoline, it is possible to buy several gallons of gasoline using plastic bags and putting them in the trunk of Honda Accord
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Honda Accord data charts
For your convenience take a look at Honda Accord figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is the check engine light on in a honda accord by examining the linked well-known sources.
About 'Million Mile Joe', a man who managed to run his 1990 Honda accord for 1 million miles.
Little Tikes' "Cozy Coupe" was called the "world's best-selling car for much of this decade" by The New York Times in 1998, outselling the Honda Accord and Ford Taurus. - source
Max Lanman, the creator of the '96 Honda Accord video, previously created commercials for Microsoft and Chevrolet - source
Today 1 November (36 years ago): Honda becomes the first Asian automobile company to produce cars in the United States with the opening of its factory in Marysville, Ohio; a Honda Accord is the first car produced there.