Highest Scoring facts
While investigating facts about Highest Scoring Nba Game and Highest Scoring Nfl Game, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Students at John Hopkins University collaboratively decided to opt out of their final since the professor set his curve based on the highest score grading it as 100%. They chose to receive a score of zero making it the highest grade, thereby getting 100%
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A 2010 Pew survey found that atheists and agnostics are one of the highest scoring groups when it comes to general religious knowledge
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what highest scoring word scrabble. Here are 50 of the best facts about Highest Scoring Mlb Game and Highest Scoring Nhl Game I managed to collect.
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Billy Mitchell achieved the 'perfect score' on Pac-Man in 1999, beating 256 levels and eating every pellet, fruit, and ghost, for the highest possible score of 3,333,360 – without dying once. He used his own elaborate strategies to beat the game, some of which the creators weren't even aware of
Black people with the lowest test scores have a better acceptance rate into med school than Asians with the highest test scores.
In 2010, Pauley Perrette, the quirky goth scientist girl from NCIS had the 3rd highest Q Score (likability) of any actor working, the same as Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman.
Blacks in the lowest bracket of GPA-MCAT scores have a higher chance of medical school admission than whites and asians in the highest bracket of GPA-MCAT scores.
The highest scoring fighter pilot in history was thrown in a Soviet Gulag after the war, and knocked out an interrogator by hitting him with his chair. When he was placed in solitary confinement, the entire camp rioted. He survived the gulag and went on to lead Germany's first post war squadron.
Einstein actually had good grades in school, with the highest scores in his A-levels for algebra, geometry, descriptive geometry, history and physics. His reputation for being bad at school comes from his dislike of school authority, leading to clashes with teachers.
A parameter for the work place called power distance to determine how much a supervisor's word goes unquestioned. The US has a score of 40. Denmark, one of the countries with the highest worker satisfaction rate, is the lowest at 18. By law Danish companies have employees at the executive board.
People who prefer to listen to U2, Radiohead, and Beethoven tended to score the highest on their SATs. In contrast, their consistently lowest scoring counterparts preferred listening to Lil Wayne and Nickelback.
The world record for highest IQ was 228, being held by 10 year old Marilyn vos Savant. Marilyn was able to accomplish this because her IQ testers used an inadequate scoring system, and the subject of IQ was eventually withdrawn from the Guinness record book.
Highest Scoring data charts
For your convenience take a look at Highest Scoring figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about highest scoring?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Wayne Gretzky, and his brother Brent, are the highest scoring pair of brothers in NHL History, despite Brent only scoring 1 goal in his entire career.
Robert E. Lee and Douglas MacArthur had the second- and third-highest scores at graduation in the history of the United States Military Academy. The highest scorer, Charles Mason, resigned from the US Army two years after graduating from West Point. - source
Despite having the second lowest educational attainment rate in the country in 2013, Mississippi scored highest in having the most voter turnout. - source
At 14 Salam scored the highest marks ever recorded on the entrance exam and won a full scholarship to the Government College University of Lahore.
Richard Feynman's claim that his IQ was only 125 was probably bogus. He earned the highest score on the Putnam competitions exam by a large margin and set the record for the highest scores on the math/physics portion of the Princeton graduate admissions exam. - source
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In 1897 he passed his exams in English, Tamil, geography and arithmetic with the highest scores in his district.
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Botswana has had a continuous democracy since independence from the commonwealth in 1966, and scores highest on the Human Development Index in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The highest score achievable on the first word is 128, with the word "muzjiks". It is a word that means Russian peasants.
During a game, a bowler is allowed two balls in ten frames each. The highest score wins.
In the original arcade game, a player could score the highest score possible by obtaining the maximum score on every level - which means scoring 3,333,360 points. This high score was mot reached until 1999, by Billy Mitchell, a pro-gamer. It took him six hours.
The highest scoring fighter pilot in U.S. history was killed while flying an experimental jet fighter on the same day as the first atomic bomb was dropped. Many newspapers gave his death almost as much space as the bombing.
Highest scoring infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Highest Scoring numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

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