Winning Streak facts
While investigating facts about Winning Streak Sports and Winning Streak Rte, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A New Jersey woman rolled a pair of dice 154 times continuously at a craps table without losing. Her 154-roll winning streak broke a world records. The probability of this occurring were roughly 1 in 5.6 billion.
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A New Jersey grandmother rolled a pair of dice 154 times continuously at a craps table without losing. Her 154-roll winning streak broke a world records. The probability of this occurring were roughly 1 in 1.56 trillion.
What's winning streak?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what winning streak means. Here are 48 of the best facts about Winning Streak Tonight and Winning Streak Presenters I managed to collect.
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Ken Jennings won over 3 million dollars with a 74 day win streak in Jeopardy.
About Jahangir Khan: A Pakistani squash player who won the World Open 6 times and went undefeated from 1981-1986, winning 555 games in a row which is the longest winning streak by any athlete in top-level professional sports as recorded by Guinness World Records.
Female tennis player Esther Vergeer went on a decade long winning streak in wheelchair singles ended only by her retirement. Her streak lasted 470 matches and brought her 7 Paralympic gold medals and 21 grand slam singles titles.
Jahangir Khan a Pakistani Squash player who had an unbeaten run which lasted for five years and 555 matches in Squash the longest winning streak by any athlete in top-level professional sports as recorded by Guinness World Records
The longest winning streak in the history of sport was the Unites States’ 132-year winning stretch from 1870-1983 for the America’s Cup for yachting. They defended the trophy 24 times, until Australia won in 1983.
The 'Curse of the Colonel' caused when Japanese baseball fans threw a statue of Colonel Sanders from a KFC into a river. Fans believe Sanders' ghost placed a curse on the team which caused an 18 year losing streak for the team and prevents their team from winning the Japan Series
Science fiction writer Brandon Sanderson wrote twelve novels when he was a university student, all unpublished. He was also roommates with Ken Jennings, who nearly 10 years later became famous during his 74-game win streak on the American game show Jeopardy!
Because Ken Jennings is a practicing Mormon, he tithes his earnings on "Jeopardy!" to the Church of Latter Day Saints. This means that his church received approximately $250,000 for his record 74-game winning streak alone.
Esther Vergeer, a professional women's wheelchair tennis player, ended her career on a 470 match win streak and is often considered the most dominant player in professional sports history
Winning Streak data charts
For your convenience take a look at Winning Streak figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about winning streak?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Washington Generals (then New Jersey Reds) last beat the Harlem Globetrotters in 1971. The Globetrotters lost track of the score, were down 12 with 2:00 left and couldn’t catch up, Meadowlark Lemon missed a buzzer beater, and children cried as the 2,395-game win streak was snapped
When Hillary Clinton was First Lady of Arkansas, she had quite a remarkable winning streak in the futures market, turning $1,000 into $100,000 in only ten months. Economists investigating those returns concluded that the odds of achieving those results were 1 in 31 trillion. - source
Ken Jennings 74-game jeopardy win streak was only made possible because the show removed the "5-time returning champion" limit in honor of the show's 20th season - source
Esther Vergeer, a wheelchair tennis player. Considered one of the most dominant athletes in any sport, she retired with a winning streak of 470
A Jeopardy contestant dying of cancer did not tell anyone about a winning streak she had, she died before it aired and her family and friends got a wonderful surprise when they watched her dominate for 5 glorious nights. - source
When is winning streak recorded?
Archie Karas made the largest and longest documented winning streak in casino gambling history by turning $50 in December 1992 into more than $40 million by the beginning of 1995, only to lose it all later that year.
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Tennis player Guillermo Vilas has the 3rd longest winning streak in history at 46 wins. This ended when he retired from a match in protest at the way his opponents racquet was strung, which was banned by the ATP afterwards. He went on to win his next 28 matches as well.
The first US college Quidditch team to break Middlebury College's long-standing Quidditch World Cup winning streak was the University of Texas, beating UCLA 190-80.
The longest winning streak in history is held by squash player Jahangir Khan, who won 555 consecutive matches.
De La Salle High School holds the longest high school football win streak, winning 151 consecutive games between 1992-2004.
Paralympic Tennis legend Esther Vergeer retired after 470-match winning streak