Heavy Metal facts
While investigating facts about Heavy Metal Bands and Heavy Metal Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bruce Dickinson (lead singer of the heavy metal band Iron Maiden) and his then-solo band drove through the front lines of war in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war. They weren't protected and there were bullets flying around. They played a show for the people trapped in the city.
how heavy metal started?
Mushroom Death Suit is embroidered with thread infused with mushroom spores that grow from the body after burial. These mushrooms digest the body as it decomposes and neutralize many of the environmental contaminants found in the body—including pesticides, preservatives, and heavy metals.
What heavy metals are in water?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's heavy metal music. Here are 50 of the best facts about Heavy Metal Detox and Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie I managed to collect.
what heavy metals are in the body?
The NYC government intentionally cheated on lead tests in public schools, leading to false passing grades and allowing millions of children to drink water laced with lead and heavy metals for years and years (they continue to drink contaminated water to this day).
Sharks love heavy metal because the low-frequency vibrations are similar to the sounds made by struggling fish
In a 2011 Census, more people put "Heavy Metal" as a religion than "Scientology" in England and Wales
There is a dinosaur heavy metal band in Finland that is incredibly popular with children.
Tony Iommi lost the tips of his middle and ring finger in an accident at the age of 17. He ended up tuning his strings to lower pitches so that the thimbles he had fitted could bend the strings more easily. This lead to Black Sabbath's distinctive sound and the invention of heavy metal.
When University of Vienna students were asked their reasons behind choosing to learn Finnish, 97 per cent of respondents said the main factor behind their decision was heavy metal music.
There is a city in Russia where the pollution is so severe that mining the topsoil is now economically feasible because it contains so many heavy metals.
There is a man in Sweden who received disability benefits for his "addiction" to heavy metal. He reportedly went to 300 concerts in one year which left him unable to hold down a job.
Scientists have dosed naked mole rats with carcinogens and radiation, yet they have never been observed to develop cancer. They tolerate acid, live 6x longer than other rodents, they hardly age, they survive long periods of oxygen deprivation and can live in heavy metal polluted areas.
Classical and heavy metal music attract listeners with similar personalities but dissimilar ages. Younger people of the personality type like metal, older counterparts like classical. Both share their motivation: to hear something dramatic and theatrical, a “love of the grandiose."
Why heavy metal detox?
You can easily fact check why heavy metal is the best by examining the linked well-known sources.
A study conducted by the University of Queensland has concluded that "extreme" music - such as Heavy Metal - can positively influence those experiencing anger by regulating sadness and enhancing positive emotions
Dogs like classical music. In a study in 2003, shelter dogs were found to be more relaxed and quiet when they were listening to classical music. The dogs didn't seem particularly interested in pop music or radio shows but exhibited more barking when heavy metal was playing. - source
The distorted power chord sound of "You Really Got Me" by The Kinks was achieved when guitarist Dave Davies slashed the speaker on his amp with a razor blade. This sound went on to influence heavy metal and punk rock. - source
Fans of Heavy Metal and Classical music have similar personalities.
There is a true heavy metal band, weighing about 1 1/2 tons, consisting of only robots. The guitar player has 78 fingers - source
When heavy metal started?
Christopher Lee (Saruman in Lord of the Rings, and Count Dooku in Star Wars) played and sung in several heavy metal albums, including a collection of Christmas carol covers.
How heavy metal was invented?
Heavy metal band Black Sabbath started as a blues band called Earth, but changed their name after seeing the Boris Karloff horror film "Black Sabbath". They liked "that people paid money to be frightened".
There is a Doctor at West Texas A&M University that teaches Heavy Metal as a form of literature
Heavy metal band Megadeth was given $8000 to record their first album, after spending half of it on drugs and food they then fired the original producer only to finish it on their own
Heavy metal can induce positive emotions for those that are feeling angry.
Christopher Lee (91), who played Saruman, Count Dooku, etc. is a descendant of the First Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne. He is a heavy metal singer and recorded a full solo album (2010). He killed Nazis in the British special forces, and even witnessed the last guillotine execution in France