Genre Music facts
While investigating facts about Genre Music Definition and Genre Music List, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The name of the music genre in the Star Wars universe is called Jizz.
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Country Music Has the Most Drug References in Any Genre, including rap
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what genre music is frank sinatra. Here are 50 of the best facts about Genre Music Meaning and Genre Music Types I managed to collect.
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The videogame music genre has become a main income source for concert halls ever since traditional classical music performances declined in popularity over the years.
'Death Discs' - or 'Splatter Platters'- a type of Pop music to emerge in the late '50s-mid '60s. Sung by teen artists, themes centred on tragic deaths and suicide. The sub-genre was seen as the first musical expression of teen - especially teen female - angst.
"Nintendocore", a musical genre that combines elements of video game theme music and sound effects to modern punk rock or metal.
Dogs appear to prefer reggae and soft rock over other genres of music, according to researchers.
Researchers in Scotland conducted a study on the effects of music on dogs' behavior. They played a variety of music to dogs and assessed physiological and behavioral changes. The dogs responded most positively when they were played reggae and soft rock over other genres of music.
The 1977 blackout in NYC lead to the global spread of hip hop music, as the looting of DJ equipment helped the proliferation and growth of the genre
The musical genre of Hip Hop got its name from The Sugarhill Gang's "Rappers Delight." Most people didn't know the actual name of the song; they just knew the beginning lyrics of, "I said a hip hop / Hippie to the hippie / The hip, hip a hop, and you don't stop..."
There is a genre of music called Black MIDI named so due to it's appearance as a thick, dense, black nest of potentially millions of notes when transcribed to sheet music.
Genre Music data charts
For your convenience take a look at Genre Music figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Favorite genre of music and why?
You can easily fact check favourite music genre and why by examining the linked well-known sources.
There's a genre of music called "Nintendocore". It's a mix of melodic metalcore and chiptune (8-bit music), named as such because it often samples music from Nintendo games.
The typical 70s porn music is actually a genre known as "Porn Groove" - source
A genre of music called "chap hop" which advocates the wearing of tweed, growing a mustache, drinking gin or sherry, smoking a pipe and generally just living a dandy lifestyle, in a gangster hip hop style - source
Ryo Kawasaki, a Japanese jazz guitarist and quantum physicist who is credited with inventing the first guitar synthesizer with Roland and Korg, creating four synthesizer programs for the Commodore 64, as well as developing and popularizing the fusion music genre
Keyboards are used in a wide variety of music genres including rock, pop, gospel, jazz, blues, alternative and many more.
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The clarinet became very popular with jazz musicians in the early 1900s. It was an important instrument in this genre well into the 40s in the big band era of music.
How to identify music genre?
Black MIDI is a genre in which composers cram as many notes together as possible in a MIDI file to achieve unique sounds. When you write it out in sheet music, the bars get "blacked" out by the notes, hence the term "Black MIDI".
One of the most famous mandolin pieces in the rock genre is the one in the song Maggie May by Rod Stewart played by Ray Jackson.
There is a genre of music called Black Midi: songs of average length that can feature over 280 million notes
There is a musical genre called Black MIDI. It is made up of MIDI files used to create compositions that feature staggering numbers of notes. When you look at the music in the form of standard notation, it looks like almost solid black.
Hip-Hop music has the largest vocabulary of any popular genre of music
Genre music infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Genre Music numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Classification of music genre in the GTZAN data set