Hare Airport facts
While investigating facts about How Much Are Airport Lounges and How Much Are Airport Tickets, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A Chicago man bought a car in his ex-girlfriend's name and - after the breakup - abandoned it, illegally parked, in O'hare airport. The car then accumulated over $100,000 on 678 parking tickets, which the city asked the ex-girlfriend to pay.
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At Chicago's O'Hare airport a 20 year old Bill Murray made a joke to another passenger that he was carrying 2 bombs. Overheard by a ticket agent, a couple of U.S. marshals were summoned to search his luggage. They didn't find any bombs but rather $20,000 worth of pot. Murray was then arrested.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering where is clear at o'hare airport. Here are 31 of the best facts about How Much Are Airport Transfers and How Much Are Airport Taxis I managed to collect.
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In 2012, a Chicago man bought a car for $600, registered it in his ex-girlfriend’s name, then parked it O'Hare airport and racked up 678 parking tickets totaling $105,761.80.
Al Capone's lawyer, Ed O'Hare, wanted to show his son how to be a good man; he testified against Capone and was killed. The son, Butch, went on to save an entire US fleet from Japanese bombers, win the MOH, be the first Navy Ace, and have O'Hare airport named in his honor.
O'Hare airport is named after an American fighter pilot who was the lone defender during a attack on his carrier, then was killed leading the first night defense against a Kamikaze attack. Two years earlier, his own father was murdered for being the only man willing to testify against Al Capone.
Chicago's O'Hare airport is mowed by a team of 40 goats. No humans
A man was so pissed that his girlfriend dumped him that he bought a $600 car, registered it in her name, and parked it at O'Hare airport and left it there until it had more than $10,000 in parking fees.
Eddie O'Hare was a hoodlum and business partner of Al Capone. His snitching on the mob boss earned Capone a jail term and his son an admission to Annapolis. Eddie was later killed in a drive-by shooting and his son, Butch, won the Medal of Honor in WWII. Chicago's airport is named after the son.
In 2008 a man bought a used car and registered it in his girlfriends name without her knowing. When they broke up one year later he parked it at Chicago's O'Hare Airport racking up more than $100,000 in parking ticket fines in her name.
In 1970, Bill Murray cracked a joke to another passenger at O'Hare International Airport about carrying a bomb in his suitcase. A ticket agent who overheard the joke summoned the US Marshalls. They didn't find explosives in the bag, but instead found 10 pounds of weed.
Chicago O' Hare airport has the ORD short code because it was originally called Orchard Field and no one bothered to change it when it was renamed.
Hare Airport data charts
For your convenience take a look at Hare Airport figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The largest data center in the world is in Chicago and is currently the second-largest power customer for Commonwealth Edison, trailing only Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.
DFW Airport is larger than the island of Manhattan, covers 4 cities and could contain New York’s JFK, Chicago’ O’Hare, and Los Angeles International airports with room to spare. - source
O'Hare International Airport has 75 bee hives - source
There is an "aeroponic" garden at O'Hare Airport whose produce is sold at a farmer's market and used by restaurants in the airport.
Bill Murray was arrested on 20th birthday at Chicago's O'Hare Airport for trying to smuggle on 10 lbs of Marijuana with intent to sell. - Received Probation. - source
When was o'hare airport built?
Bill Murray served five years of probation for trying to smuggle 10 pound of Marijuana through O'Hare International Airport.
How big is o'hare airport?
Chicago's O'Hare International Airport's IATA code ORD stands for Orchard Field
On his 20th birthday, police arrested Bill Murray at Chicago's O'Hare Airport for trying to smuggle 10 lb (4.5 kg) of cannabis, which he had allegedly intended to sell.
United Airlines was once fined 1.1 million dollars for stranding passengers at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Some were trapped in planes without working toilets.
On 20th September 1970, Bill Murray was arrested at Chicago's O'Hare Airport for trying to smuggle 10 lb of cannabis. The drugs were discovered after Murray joked to the passenger next to him that he had packed a bomb in his luggage
Chicago's "O'Hare International Airport" is named after the first naval Medal of Honor recipient in WW2, a pilot.