World Fair facts
While investigating facts about World's Fair and World's Fair 2019, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Martin Couney set up infant incubator shows at Coney Island, Atlantic City and World's Fairs, charging 25c to view premature babies. He offered free care for 'weakling babies', proving the success of incubators. He saved over 6,500 babies from ~1900-43.
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For decades, the only "premature wards" in the US were carnival attractions at Coney Island and World's Fairs. From the 1890s-1930s, the "Incubator Exhibits" saved thousands of babies' lives, at no charge to the parents. All costs were paid by entrance fees.
Ferris wheel at world's fair in chicago?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what happened to the world's fair. Here are 50 of the best facts about World's Fair 2020 and World's Fair Donuts I managed to collect.
ferris wheel at 1904 world's fair?
Despite its fairly strong cult following, "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" fell nearly $10 million dollars short of its $85 million dollar budget - even after DVD & Blu-Ray sales.
The Ferris Wheel, moving walkway, Pabst Blue Ribbon, squashed penny souvenirs, Juicy Fruit gum, and Aunt Jemima pancake mix were all unveiled at the 1893 Chicago World Fair
At the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904, the world was introduced to hot dogs, hamburgers, waffle cones, peanut butter, iced tea, cotton candy, Puffed Wheat cereal and Dr. pepper
During war, firing upon parachutists emerging from an aircraft in distress is considered by most militaries around the world to be inhumane, barbaric, and unchivalrous, that it is unnecessary, that it is contrary to fair play, and that military pilots have to be held to a higher standard.
A 2 month-old baby boy named Ernest was raffled off at the 1909 World's Fair in Seattle. No one claimed him with the winning ticket, and it's unclear what happened to him.
The ice cream cone was first created at the 1904 World's Fair. An ice cream cart ran out of dishes to serve ice cream, so the neighboring waffle-maker rolled the waffles into cones to serve the ice cream in.
In the 1854 New York World's Fair, Elisha Otis amazed a crowd when he ordered the only rope holding the platform on which he was standing cut. The rope was severed by an axeman, and the platform fell only a few inches before coming to a halt and the elevator industry was on its way.
One of the attractions at the 1939 New York World’s Fair was a colony of topless sunbathing women.
The day of the 1966 World Cup final, the Daily Mail newspaper wrote that "West Germany may beat us [England] at our national sport today, but that would be only fair. We beat them twice at theirs." England won 4-2, its only World Cup victory.
As of 2016, just 49.3% of the world population lived in countries with some form of fair and free elections, and only 4.5% could be said to be living in a full democracy.
World Fair data charts
For your convenience take a look at World Fair figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why did the world's fair stop?
You can easily fact check why are there no more world fairs by examining the linked well-known sources.
Every Fry's Electronics has a different theme, ranging from 1893 World Fair, to Industrial Revolution, to 1950s sci-fi
Chicago, "The Windy City", got that nickname not because of its weather, but because of its politicians bragging about the city to win the 1893 World's Fair. Its average wind speed of 10.3 mph is not even exceptional relative to other American cities: Boston- 12.4mph, and NYC- 9.3mph. - source
The three rings around the Unisphere, constructed in Queens, NY for the 1964 World's Fair, represented the orbital flights of Yuri Garagrin, the first man in space, John Glenn, the first American in space and Telestar, the first active communications satellite. - source
George Ferris died from tuberculosis at age 37, just three years after he invented the Ferris Wheel. Since the Chicago World’s Fair staked a claim to most of the proceeds and economic recession crippled his business, the funeral home held onto his ashes because no one paid the balance due.
Detroit once had a tourist attraction more popular than the Statue of Liberty. The Ford Rotunda was built for the 1934 World's Fair and was the fifth most visited site in the U.S. before burning to the ground in 1962 - source
When was the last world's fair?
The Unisphere, built in Queens, NY for the 1964 World's Fair, had lights representing the capitals of the nations of the world, including one indicating the location of the Kahnawake Indian Reservation for the Mohawk Indians who helped build the monument.
How many pink fairy armadillos are left in the world?
There are still World's fairs and the current one for 2015 is in Milan, Italy.
At the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, “Pickle King” H.J. Heinz tempted fairgoers with a “free gift” if they visited his booth and tasted his wares. By the end of the fair, Heinz had given out some 1 million “pickle pins,” launching one of the most successful marketing gambits in U.S. history.
After the birth of the Dionne Quintuplets in '34, the Ontario government took guardianship fearing their father would exploit them after he reached a deal with the Chicago Worlds fair. The Ontario Gov't then placed them on public display at a placed called Quintland for the next 9 yrs
King Wu died fairly young and his son, King Chen, still a child at the time, became the new Zhou King.
The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist who wanted it recited in schools to honor the opening of the 1893 Chicago World Fair, increase national patriotism, and finally, increase magazine subscription sales.