Goods Services facts
While investigating facts about Goods & Services and Goods & Services Tax (gst), I found out little known, but curios details like:
In England, after 2 thieves broke into a mans home and made off with his laptop, they inspected the device, found serious child abuse material and went to the cops regardless. The paedophile got 3 yrs in jail. The judge gave robbers a 12 month community service orders in light of their good deed
how to use paypal goods and services?
Northrop designed a cheap fighter that was so good, its considered one of the best fighters never to enter production. Despite not even entering service, it ended up saving the government huge sums of money because the existing competition dropped their prices to avoid letting it get any sales.
What goods/services will be produced?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are goods and services. Here are 38 of the best facts about Goods & Services Tax Login and Goods Services Manual I managed to collect.
what goods & services should be produced?
Billie Thomas who played Buckwheat in the 1930s Little Rascals, went on to the Army and was award the National Defense Service Medal and Good Conduct Medal. He never acted again.
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, after a late night of drinking, made a bet that if he called the Zappos hotline, the employee would be able to locate the nearest late-night pizza delivery. He did this to show how good his company's customer service was, and he was right.
Cincinnati was named after Roman dictator Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, who is cited as an example of outstanding leadership, service to the greater good, civic virtue, lack of personal ambition and modesty.
The burger chain Krystal was created during the Great Depression and based on the concept that even during economic distress, “People would patronize a restaurant that was kept spotlessly clean, where they could get a good meal with courteous service at the lowest possible price."
In England, after 2 thieves broke into a mans home and made off with his laptop, they inspected the device, found serious child abuse material and went to the cops regardless. The paedophile got 3 yrs in jail. The judge gave robbers a 12 month community service orders in light of their good deed
Moving any good or service from free to paid can cause what economists call "categorical change" and can breed customer resentment that can last for decades, just ask the Red Cross.
Many WW1 soldiers on the Western front spontaneously declared truces for Christmas 1914. On both sides, they left their trenches to bury their dead, hold church services, and trade cigars and other small goods in no man’s land.
The Earth produces $72 trillion of goods and services a year.
The Roman Empire once had price and wage controls for practically every good and service, with capital punishment for profiteers. The system only lasted a few years and did not stop Rome's soaring inflation.
When the BBC World Service started broadcasting in 1932, it announced five times that "The programs will neither be very interesting nor very good."
Goods Services data charts
For your convenience take a look at Goods Services figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why does the government provide public goods and services by examining the linked well-known sources.
Semen made a good invisible ink, and was used by the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). The first director of SIS, Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming, noted of his agents "Every man (is) his own stylo".
J.S.G. Boggs, an artist, created his own currency, "Boggs Notes", and exchanged them for goods and services at their arbitrary "face value". The Notes now fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars. - source
Afghans ''cameleers'' in 1800 helped Australia shape its outback. These cameleers opened the outback, helped with the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line and Railways, supplied stations with its goods and services. With little recognition. - source
74% of all USA's foreign aid to Israel must be spent on US goods and services
Some communities in Japan use informal local currencies to pay for goods and services instead of the national yen, including "peanuts" in Chiba that require parties to shake hands and yell "amigo" during transactions. - source
Which factors are considered when deciding how to make goods and services?
When the British Secret Intelligence Service discovered that semen made a good invisible ink, Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming noted of his agents that "Every man (is) his own stylo"
How does paypal goods and services work?
There is a service that will act as a liaison between libraries and patrons with overdue book fines. This service employs a "Gentle Touch" philosophy that uses unfailingly polite and upbeat communication with patrons in order to "recover assets while preserving patron dignity and good will."
Although the Peoples Temple is most famously known for their mass suicide in 1978, it also emphasized racial quality and provided social services including a soup kitchen, rent assistance, job placement services, free canned goods, clothing, and coal for winter heating.
The world's first self-service grocery store was opened in 1916 in Clarksville, Tennessee by entrepreneur Clarence Saunders. Until the launch of his Piggly Wiggly store, goods were behind counters and had to be picked by staff.
On 20 December 1984 a 13-trailer goods train carrying over 1,000,000 litres of petrol derailed in a tunnel in Yorkshire, causing a fire that lasted two days; there were no casualties among the train's crew or the fire services responding to the incident
Goods services infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Goods Services numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Price changes in consumer goods and services in USA, 1997-2017