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Ghosts Pac facts

While investigating facts about Ghosts Pac Man and Ghosts Pac Man Names, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Billy Mitchell achieved the 'perfect score' on Pac-Man in 1999, beating 256 levels and eating every pellet, fruit, and ghost, for the highest possible score of 3,333,360 – without dying once. He used his own elaborate strategies to beat the game, some of which the creators weren't even aware of

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Every time Pac-Man eats a regular dot, he stops moving for one frame (1/60th of a second), slowing his progress by roughly ten percent—just enough for a following ghost to overtake him.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do the ghosts do in pacman. Here are 21 of the best facts about Pacman Ghosts and Ghosts Pacman Costume I managed to collect.

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  1. Every time Pac-Man eats a regular dot, he stops moving for one frame (1/60th of a second), slowing his progress by roughly ten percent—just enough for a following ghost to overtake him.

  2. The four Pac-Man ghosts are programmed differently so that the red chases you, pink tries to position itself in a set way, blue tries to ambush you and orange is random.

  3. The original Pac-Man has a 'hiding-spot' where the ghosts will never reach you.

  4. The four ghosts in Pac-man are programmed to act differently

  5. The ghosts in Pac-Man have distinct movement patterns. The red ghost chases Pac-Man, the blue and pink ghosts corner Pac-Man, and the orange ghost chases Pac-Man sometimes and goes in the lower left corner randomly sometimes.

  6. Pac-Man's ghost enemies are Blinky (predictable), Pinky (also predictable), Inky (ambushes), and Clyde (random behavior).

  7. The ghosts in Pac-Man have specific behaviors. The red ghost chases Pac-Man, and the pink and blue ghosts try to position themselves in front of Pac-Man's mouth, and the orange ghost moves toward the lower-left corner of the maze when it gets too close to Pac-Man.

  8. Two ghosts in Pac-Man have bugged AI -- and there's a recent fix for it online

  9. With a perfect Pac-Man Game you can score 3,333,360 points. To achieve this you have to eat every dot, bonus fruit, and blue ghost possible across 256 levels, after which the game glitches out. (663000 + 1220 + 540 (dots)) + (2459600 + 5000 (fruit)) + (204000 (ghosts)) = 3333360

  10. The ghosts in Pac-Man have different behaviors: The red ghost chases Pac-Man, the pink ghost targets ahead of Pac-Man to ambush, the blue ghost tries to pincer Pac-Man with Red, and the orange ghost will back away from Pac-Man if it gets too close.

ghosts pac facts
What are the ghosts in pacman called?

Why are there ghosts in pacman?

You can easily fact check why does pacman eat ghosts by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pac-Man ghosts had cooperative AI that played off of each other. Their tactics included flanking and predictive attack routes.

Pac-Man's term "ghosts" originated from technical limitations on the Atari 2600 port which caused the villans to flicker. Game's manual later dubbed them "ghosts" to cover up the flaw. - source

The ghosts on Pac-Man all have different AI personalities and all have different names - source

The Pac-man ghosts each have their own behavior

The ghosts in Pac-man each have two separate patterns, one in "chase" mode, and one in "scatter" mode. - source

When was the ghostbusters theme song made?

The four ghosts in Pac-Man are programmed to act differently. Red chases you, Pink positions itself in a set way, Blue tries to ambush you and Orange is random.

How to get pac man ghosts in crossy road?

All 4 ghosts from Pac-Man have their own names and strategies, or "personalities" which let them cooperate effectively.

Every ghost in Pac-Man has a different personality and behaves differently

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ghosts Pac. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ghosts Pac so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor