Incredible and fun facts to explore

Zig Zag facts

While investigating facts about Zig Zag Railway and Zig Zag Stripe, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Ablaut Reduplication - a subtle rule of linguistics which dictates why "King Kong" sounds more right than "Kong King", "Hip hop" sounds more correct than "Hop hip". Similarly "tick tock", "zig zag", "chit chat" etc.

how zigzag stitches?

Märket, a tiny island divided by the finnish-swedish border. When the finns inadvertedly built a lighthouse on the wrong side of the border, the swedes agreed to trade it for an equal spot of land on the other side, causing the border to zig-zag.

Zigzag line?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what zig zag stitch. Here are 23 of the best facts about Zig Zag Papers and Zig Zag Wraps I managed to collect.

what's zig zag?

  1. The zig zag lines on some airplane canopies are cords of plastic explosive designed to shatter the canopy in the event of low speed ejections.

  2. The reason factories often have those distinct zig zag roofs is to allow in natural light while shielding workers/machines from direct sunlight. The windows face away from the equator to allow in only diffuse light.

  3. Some Spiders pretend to be Ants, waving their front two legs like antennae, and copying ant zig-zag locomotive behavior in order to trick would-be predators like birds and spider-wasps into thinking they're an unpalatable or aggressive ant.

  4. There's a logical reason why squirrels dart back and forth across the road as a car approaches them. The zig zag "dance" is an instinctual defense mechanism to throw off potential predators, making them a less easy taget for their next meal.

  5. The US-Canadian border is a deforested boundary line known as "The Slash". Constructed before GPS, the border actually zig-zags from the actual 49th parallel by as much as 295 ft on either side.

  6. Camellia can grow in the form of small tree or large shrub that can reach 66 feet in height. Species of camellia, known as "zig-zag camellia" consists of numerous contorted branches because of the stems which take a twist of 45 degrees at each node on the branches.

  7. A Japanese called "Yoshitomo Imura" created a 3D printed weapon, named "Zig zag revolver", and uploaded a video using it online. He was arrested for the video.

  8. The international border separating portions Of Quebec from the Unites States was drawn by a group of surveyors drunk on potato whiskey according to local folklore. The zig-zagging border has caused confusion and resulted in people accidentally building their homes in the wrong country.

  9. The shape of the letter 'M' in the Latin alphabet comes from the Ancient Egypt pictogram for water (zig-zag waves) and the shape of the letter 'N' comes from the hieroglyph for snake.

  10. Whilst Canada-US border is straight according the treaties, the official monuments on the ground demarcate it with over 900 lines that zig-zag from the horizontal by as much as several hundred feet.

zig zag facts
What are zig zag lines in vision?

Why zig zag calories?

You can easily fact check why zig zag fence by examining the linked well-known sources.

Zig-Zag brand rolling papers won a gold medal at the 1900 Universal Exposition in Paris.

When running from an alligator or crocodile, to use a zig zag pattern is a myth and a healthy human could outrun one by simply walking at a brisk pace. - source

On UK roads zig-zag lines indicate to motorists that they are approaching a pedestrian crossing. It is an offence to stop a vehicle within the lines except when stopping for pedestrians using the crossing. (Zebra crossings article) - source

Simon Cowell was almost bankrupt when he took over production of the musical albums for The Teletubbies, Power Rangers, and puppets Zig & Zag, before becoming one of TIME magazines "100 most influential people in the world".

Why in English words, that differ mostly by their vowel, are always arranged in the I-A-O order and it is always "tick-tock", "Hip Hop", "King Kong", "crisscross", "mishmash", "zig zag", "flimflam" and never the other way round. - source

When is zig zag railway reopening?

That, view from the nearest other solar system (Alpha Centauri), our Sun would continue the zig-zag pattern of the famous W-shaped constellation Cassiopeia

How zigzag line?

All you need is a colt 45 and two zig zags


Zig zag running doesn't help when facing a crocodile

Than Josephine - as Napoleon's future wife - was known to perform a sexual maneuver called a "zig-zag", the exact nature of which is lost in history.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Zig Zag. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Zig Zag so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor