Number Generators facts
While investigating facts about Number Generators For Lottery and Number Generator Google, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A woman who has won the Lottery four times since 1993. She was outed as a PhD of Statistics from Standford University and had figured out the pseudo-number generator for the distribution of the winning tickets. She won a total of $17million, and has since moved to Las Vegas.
how do random number generators work?
If you trace back the family tree of a drone bee, the number of parents in each generation follows the Fibonacci sequence.
What are random number generators?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are random number generators used for. Here are 45 of the best facts about Number Generator Online and Number Generator Seed I managed to collect.
what is seed number in random generators?
A woman who has won the Lottery four times since 1993. She was outed as a PhD of Statistics from Standford University and had figured out the pseudo-number generator for the distribution of the winning tickets. She allegedly still spends 2 months a year playing scratchers to win again.
Computers cannot be programmed to generate a set of truly random numbers on their own. For things like encryption keys and online gaming sites, companies use which uses atmospheric noise to develop truly random numbers.
About seven in 10 wealthy families lose their fortune by the second generation and by the third generation, that number has jumped to 90 percent.
Security company Cloudflare uses a camera pointed at a wall of 100 lava lamps to generate the random numbers used to encrypt approximately 10% of all internet traffic
Fertility rates (mean number of children per woman's lifetime) are falling worldwide. Almost no developed country has a fertility rate above the 2.1 needed to maintain the same population in the next generation. Current pop. growth is then often due to immigration & elders living longer instead.
Getting a computer to generate a random number is so fiendishly difficult, one of the solutions involves connecting the web to radioactive material located in Switzerland
The 1984 video game "Elite" was originally planned to contain 282 trillion procedurally generated galaxies, but the publisher cut it down to 8 because they thought such a great number would cause disbelief in players
When population of lemmings in certain area becomes too large, they migrate in large numbers toward new areas to find food. These migratory movements are responsible for the widespread myth that adult animals intentionally jump off the cliffs in large numbers to reduce population density and leave the remaining food sources for the next generation of lemming.
The Arizona Lottery's random number generators weren't generating random numbers, drawing the same numbers in successive draws
The content delivery network CloudFlare uses a wall of 100 lava lamps as a way to generate entropy for a random number generator
Number Generators data charts
For your convenience take a look at Number Generators figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why do random number generators need to be seeded?
You can easily fact check random number generators aren't random by examining the linked well-known sources.
Most random number generators are not truly random. Instead they generate a number sequence that appears random based on an algorithm. This is called pseudo-random number generation.
7 in 10 wealthy families lose their fortune by the second generation. By the third generation that number has jumped to 9 in 10. - source
The daily Gallup Poll is made up of two surveys, for each of which Gallup conducts 500 phone interviews daily across the U.S., 350 days a year. A computer randomly generates the phone numbers to be called and thus is as likely to call unlisted as well as listed phone numbers. - source
Francisco Coronado, Spanish explorer in search for the Seven Cities of Gold, inadvertently "transformed life” for the Great Plains Indians when a number of his horses escaped. Within a few generations the Indians mastered horsemanship and greatly expanded the range and scope of their activities.
Random number generators (RNG) aren’t actually random. - source
When is a number divisible by 7?
There exists a 26 variable polynomial which can generate all prime numbers
How random number generators work?
Eddie Tipton, who designed and operated lottery random number generators, has been convicted of fraud for rigging a lottery in Colorado, and has links to possibly fraudulent lottery wins in multiple other states. He remains free on bond, pending appeal.
In some State your driver's license number is not randomly generated but is calculated.
Since male bees (drones) only have a mother and no father, it creates an interesting family tree that results in the number of members in each future generation from the first, the Fibonacci Sequence.
Why movie countdowns end with the number 2 - the big 2 is called a 2-pop and it's a single frame span out through 2 seconds. The audio of the movie during that time is a single computer generated tone and it exists for audio synchronization when dealing with the sound separately.
Number generators infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Number Generators numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Visualising 1000 random numbers generated between 1-100