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Alzheimer Patients facts

While investigating facts about Alzheimer's Patients and Alzheimer's Patients Sleeping All The Time, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Alzheimer's Disease does not affect emotional memory as strongly as informational memory. As a result, Alzheimer's patients given bad news will quickly forget the news, but will remain sad and have no idea why.

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The Dutch built a nursing home for Alzheimers patients that pretends as a village, complete with shops, restaurants, movie theaters, all staffed by personnel trained to care for dementia patients.

What do alzheimer patients think?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering do alzheimer's patients know what's going on. Here are 24 of the best facts about Alzheimer's Patients And Baby Dolls and Alzheimer's Patients Life Expectancy I managed to collect.

why do alzheimer's patients not sleep at night?

  1. Neuroscientist James Fallon. While examining brain scans from both Alzheimer's patients and violent psychopaths, he used his family's scans as a control. One family scan displayed the structure of a psychopath's brain. After breaking anonymity, he realized the scan was his own.

  2. The memory loss associated with Alzheimer's has been successfully reversed. In a small study using a 36-point, customized therapeutic program, 9 of 10 patients showed sustained improvement

  3. In Senior Centre in Düsseldorf they set up a Fake bus stop as a mean to keeps Alzheimer's patients from wandering off. the idea was so successful that it has been adopted by several other homes across Germany

  4. Reborn Doll therapy is used to help Alzheimer and dementia patients (reborn dolls resemble human babies as much as possible). At one care home in the UK, doll therapy reduced the number of patients using psychotropic medication from 92% to 28%.

  5. Fungi has been found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, but it is not known if fungus is a cause or consequence of the disease.

  6. A study involving 165 patients with Alzheimer's found that those treated with the highest dose of an antibody drug, aducanumab, experienced an almost complete clearance of amyloid plaques (that supposedly lead to the irreversible memory loss and cognitive decline).

  7. Neuroscientist James Fallon discovered he was a psychopath while doing imaging studies on Alzheimer's patients.

  8. Vanilla is used as a tool in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's as patients with the disease are unable to smell it.

  9. German nursing homes have fake bus stops to catch Alzheimer’s patients wondering off.

  10. Fake bus stops for Alzheimer’s patients in Germany are used to calm them down and let them forget about why they were trying to leave

alzheimer patients facts
What do alzheimer's patients die of?

Why alzheimer's patients sleep so much?

You can easily fact check why alzheimer patients die by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cerebrospinal fluid flushes the brain of neurotoxins (beta-amyloid) during sleep (The cycle takes 6-8 hours) and a buildup of said toxins were found in patients with Alzheimer's an Parkinson's

There is an opposite to déjà vu: jamais vu is when you do not recognize things, people or places that you feel you’re supposed to know. This is often seen medically as a clinical sign, especially in Alzheimer’s or dementia patients, or those that are post-coma. - source

Alzheimer's patients sense of smell is affected in a very particular way: The left nostril is significantly more impaired than the right. So an experiment involving smelling peanut butter can actually test for Alzheimer's! - source

Hypersexuality is called nymphomania in women only, while satyriasis is the term reversed for men. Also that hypersexual behavior is found in 7-8% of Alzheimer's patients.

Kylie Minogue's song Can't Get You Out of My Head was voted the catchiest song ever, as part of a survey to find memorable songs for Alzheimer's disease treatments. The plan was to associate patient memories with catchy song fragments, and use the songs as triggers. - source

When alzheimer's patients stop walking?

About Paro, an AI seal robot created to help calm and soothe dementia and Alzheimer's patients

How long do alzheimer's patients live?

Bingo has been proven to help memory retention in Alzheimer's Patients.

Amyloid plaque is probably NOT the cause of Alzheimer's, current very convincing research shows iron deposits in the brain are almost certainly the number one suspect. Amyloid plaque is found in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, and people with no memory problems.

Up to 13% of Alzheimer's patients actually have mad cow disease

Some Alzheimers patients were able to reverse their symptoms without medications and by changing their lifestyle and diet.

There is a device that allows families and caregivers of dementia patients to experience, first hand, the everyday life of a person with Alzheimer's

When alzheimer's patients stop eating?

The only definitive test of Alzheimer’s Disease can only be done with an autopsy--after a patient succumbs to the disease--which includes a thorough examination of brain tissue.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Alzheimer Patients. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Alzheimer Patients so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor