Gallon Gas facts
While investigating facts about Gallon Gas Can and Gallon Gas Price, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Carmel, IN has replaced almost all of their traffic lights by roundabouts. This led to an estimated 40% decrease in all accidents and 90% in fatal ones, saving $180,000 because of lower maintenance cost and several thousands of gallons of gas per roundabout per year
how much does a gallon of gas weigh?
Iowa Man Tyler Heep won $1.00 from a scratch-off, drove to Lottery Headquarters, and demanded a gigantic novelty check. They wrote him out an oversized check and had him hold it up for a photo in a room set up with a camera and the Lottery logo. Heep used his winnings to buy 1/2 a gallon of gas.
What does a gallon of gasoline weigh?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does gasoline weigh per gallon. Here are 39 of the best facts about Gallon Gas Weight and Gallon Gas Tank I managed to collect.
what does a gallon of gas weigh?
The first transcontinental trip across the United States in an automobile. In 1903 two men and a dog used 800 gallons of gas and spent/lost $8000 over 63 days to travel from San Francisco to New York in a car with no roof or windshield to win a $50 bet that they never collected.
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) provides free roadside assistance to motorists stranded on California highways. This includes a gallon of gas, jumpstart, radiator fluid, hose patch, and a free tow if needed.
The price of gas in Venezuela is $0.04 USD per gallon
The most fuel-efficient vehicle in the history of the world is currently a car that gets the equivalent of 14,573 miles per gallon and could drive to any point on the globe using the energy in one gallon of gas.
The US government makes more per gallon of gas than the oil companies (Exxon)
A single uranium fuel pellet the size of a fingertip contains as much energy as 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas, 1,780 pounds of coal, or 149 gallons of oil.
Non-removable roof racks on American vehicles are responsible for aerodynamic inefficiency to the tune of 100 million gallons of gas per year
98 tons of prehistoric plant material makes up 1 gallon of gas. In a single year, the amount of fossil fuel burned totals 97 million billion pounds of carbon, equivalent to more than 400 times "all the plant matter that grows in the world in a year".
There are 2 gas stations in Orlando that charge over $6 per gallon for gas, while the average in the area is closer to $2/gallon
Fracking" a gas well uses 4,400,000 gallons of water, the equivalent of 6 Olympic pools, or what 11,000 families use in a day.
Gallon Gas data charts
For your convenience take a look at Gallon Gas figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is gas gallon?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
UPS uses route optimization to reduce or eliminate the need to take left turns. Since 2004 UPS has saved an estimated 10 million gallons of gas.
Gas costs less than a penny per gallon in Venezuela - source
In the United States alone there are half a million active gas wells. Each can be fracked up to 18 times. Each time a well is fracked it requires as much as 8 million gallons of water. This equals 72,000,000,000,000 (72 trillion) gallons of water that will be required for well fracking, just for the current wells in the U.S.
The average vehicle can idle for 5-7 hours per gallon of gas.
If a 1971 Volkswagen Beetle had advanced at the pace of Moore’s law over the past 34 years, today we would be able to go with that car 300,000 miles per hour, get two million miles per gallon of gas, and all that for the mere cost of four cents. - source
When was the last time gas was under $2 a gallon?
Carmel, IN has replaced most of their traffic lights with roundabouts. As a result, there have been 40% fewer accidents and a 90% drop in fatal ones, saving $180,000 because of lower maintenance cost and several thousands of gallons of gas per roundabout per year
How much is a gallon of gas?
The United States used 16.23 million gallons more gas per day in 2015 than in 2013. (384.74 million gallons of gas a day in 2015, and 368.51 million gallons of gas a day in 2013.)
UPS trucks don't make left turns.This idea of not making lefts turns has helped UPS save 10 million gallons of gas while delievering an additional 350,000 packages and reducing CO2 emissions by about 20,000 metric tons each year.
The Kirtland Air Force base (Albuquerque, NM) jet fuel leak in 1999. The spill, estimated at 24 million gallons, was the largest underground toxic spill in US history. Gas had been leaking into the soil and groundwater for decades before it was noticed.
The amount of energy the United States uses for cremation in a year, is the equivalent to 83 round trips to the moon. Or to put it in another way, around 16 gallons of gas per body.
When Kroger gas station is having a sale on unleaded gasoline, it is possible to buy several gallons of gasoline using plastic bags and putting them in the trunk of Honda Accord