Diesel Fuel facts
While investigating facts about Diesel Fuel Near Me and Diesel Fuel Prices, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The M1_Abrams was able to run on Jet Fuel, along with diesel, kerosene, and any grade of motor gasoline.
how diesel fuel is made?
A 3 mile journey on a steam train, which would have taken 1,000 gallons of water and a tonne of coal, can be replaced by a diesel engine burning 18 gallons of fuel; that's a 98% fall in energy use between the two technologies.
What diesel fuel additive is best?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's diesel fuel. Here are 50 of the best facts about Diesel Fuel Prices Near Me and Diesel Fuel Additive I managed to collect.
what diesel fuel is the best?
Heating oil is diesel fuel. It is dyed red to indicate that it is not legal to burn in a diesel vehicle because the red dye indicates that there were no road taxes paid with it.
A freight train can move 1 ton of material approximately 500 miles using 1 gallon of diesel fuel (on average).
In the 1960s Chrysler developed a car powered by a gas turbine engine. It could rev to 44,500 rpm, sounded like a vacuum cleaner and could run on diesel, petrol, kerosine, jet fuel and as the President of Mexico proved, tequila.
Tesla runs an entire island on solar power. The island of Ta'u in American Samoa used to consume 300 gallons of diesel fuel daily to run generators, fuel that had to be bought and shipped, but Tesla's solar panels and power packs provide 6 megawatt-hours of energy storage
Plastic waste can be converted into fuel - gasoline, diesel or kerosine - needing only 1 kw of electricity make 1 liter of oil. This means all the plastic choking sea life, polluting the ocean, and filling landfills could have been used to power cars and machinery.
Diesel and House Heating Oil are the same fuel. The difference is Heating Oil is dyed red and does not have a road tax applied to it making it cheaper. You can use it in off road machinery but it is illegal to use in a truck or car utilizing public roadways.
NASA's spacecraft crawler transport vehicle gets 35 feet/gallon of diesel fuel.
Bunker fuel is the generic term given to any fuel poured into a ship’s bunkers to power its engines. Deep sea cargo ships typically burn the heavy, residual oil left over after gasoline, diesel and other light hydrocarbons are extracted from crude oil during the refining process. It's very toxic
Biodiesel is labeled as B, followed by a number. The number indicates the percentage of biodiesel in a biodiesel/petro-diesel blended fuel. B2 contains 2% pure biodiesel and 98% petro-diesel; B5 contains 5% pure biodiesel and 95% petro-diesel; and so on.
Diesel began working with steam and researching fuel and thermal efficiency.
Diesel Fuel data charts
For your convenience take a look at Diesel Fuel figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why diesel fuel is so expensive?
You can easily fact check why diesel fuel injection by examining the linked well-known sources.
Internal combustion engines use gasoline or diesel but these types of fuel are contributing to climate change and serious air pollution. Many viable alternative power systems are being developed to curb this environmental damage.
Diesel tree produces around 40 liters of oleoresin per year. Oleoresin can be used as biodiesel (type of eco-friendly fuel, which has less polluting effect on the atmosphere), hence the name "diesel" tree.
Bosch continued to make improvements to motor vehicles and in 1927 invented diesel fuel injection.
A 727, painted in American Airlines colors & converted to carry diesel fuel, was stolen in 2003 and never found
Canola oil is used as biodiesel (type of fuel that doesn"t pollute the atmosphere as much as conventionally types of fuel, such as diesel).
What happens when diesel fuel gets hot?
Hemp is used in the manufacture of two, eco-friendly types of fuels: biodiesel and ethanol. Biodiesel releases nearly 50% less gases responsible for the pollution of the atmosphere compared to diesel.
How diesel fuel pump?
Jet Fuel (Jet A) can be used in Diesel Engines.
Diesel fuel is much easier and cheaper to refine despite it being more expensive nation wide
During a power outage in New York City in 2012, a team of people which included Squarespace CEO Anthony Casalena formed a bucket brigade to carry diesel fuel up 17 flights of stairs to power a generator keeping a data center online.
The Saturn V rocket burns up to 15 tons of kerosene and liquid oxygen fuel per second, and uses the power equivalent of 30 diesel locomotive engines just to pump all that fuel.
Diesel engines can "run away" and keep running after they are shut off, using their own oil as fuel. The only way to stop it is to block the air intake.