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Franz Kafka facts

While investigating facts about Franz Kafka Metamorphosis and Franz Kafka Books, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The then unknown writer Franz Kafka asked his friend Max Brod to burn all his works after his death. Brod didn't, published them and Kafka became world famous posthumously.

how did franz kafka die?

Tuberculosis has killed some of the most influential people in history. Popular names include Pocahontas, George Orwell, Andrew Jackson, Franz Kafka, Jane Austin, John Smith, Frederic Chopin, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what genre is franz kafka. Here are 32 of the best facts about Franz Kafka The Trial and Franz Kafka Museum I managed to collect.

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  1. In 1924, the dying wish of an obscure writer to his close friend was to destroy the roughly 10% of his writings he hadn't been able to destroy himself. When the writer died, his friend published the writings instead. The writings quickly gained renown as did the man who wrote them - Franz Kafka.

  2. Because of his tuberculosis Franz retired in 1922.

  3. When Franz Kafka died only a small number of readers knew who he was. His writing went on to influence German literature and became very popular during World War II.

  4. Franz Kafka wrote three novels, all of which were published after his death. He wrote Amerika in 1912. It was published in 1927. He wrote The Trial in 1914 and it was published in 1925. He also wrote The Castle in 1922 and it was published in 1926.

  5. Many of Franz Kafka's works were published after Franz" death, by Max Brod, a good friend of Franz. Franz Kafka had asked Max to destroy his writing after he died but Max ignored him and published his work anyway.

  6. Kafka wrote about faceless organizations in his work, as well as mysterious authority and dominating bureaucracy. Because of Kafka's writing a new term was coined called "Kafkaesque".

  7. Franz Kafka began a job at the Worker's Accident Insurance Institute and stayed at that job until 1917. He became ill with tuberculosis and was forced to take sick leave.

  8. After graduation from law school Franz worked in an unpaid position for a year, which was customary. He worked as a law clerk in an apprenticeship-type position.

  9. In 1913 Franz Kafka's collection of short stories titled Mediation was published.

  10. Franz Kafka died near Vienna on June 3rd, 1924. The cause of death was noted as starvation, because the pain in his throat made it impossible for him to eat. parenteral nutrition did not yet exist.

franz kafka facts
What are the best facts about Franz Kafka?

Why did franz kafka die?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1988 Franz Kafka's handwritten manuscript of The Trial sold for $1.98 million.

Franz Kafka’s diary entry for Aug. 2, 1914 reads :“Germany has declared war on Russia. Swimming in the afternoon.” - source

Even before becoming ill with tuberculosis Franz had suffered from health issues including depression, migraines, insomnia and anxiety.

Franz Kafka did not marry, and had no known children.

Franz Kafka was engaged twice to the same woman, Felice Bauer. They never married.

When did franz kafka die?

Few of Franz Kafka's works were published in his lifetime, and those that were received little attention. Kafka finished no full-length novels and burned around 90% of his work. In his will, he instructed friend Max Brod to destroy his unfinished works, but Brod ignored these instructions.

After his unpaid year, Franz found a job at an Italian insurance agency but stayed less than a year because it allowed him no time to write.

In 1914 Franz Kafka's short story Before the Law was published.

Franz Kafka's most popular short story (and his bestselling short story) was titled The Metamorphosis and was published in 1912.

Peter Capaldi (the 12th Doctor) won an Oscar in 1995 for directing a short film about the life of Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka's writing was inspired by his relationship with his abusive and narcissistic father

Interesting facts about franz kafka

Although Franz Kafka wrote a lot during his lifetime, only a small amount of his writing was published while he was alive.

Doctor Who's Peter Capaldi won an Oscar in 1995 for his short film Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life.

Franz Kafka in the famous short story "In the Penal Colony" describes an elaborate torture and execution device that carves the sentence on the skin of the prisoner, before letting him die in 12 hours.

Peter Capaldi, the Twelfth Doctor, received an Oscar in 1995 for a comic short film called "Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life."

Franz Kafka was jewish and all 3 of his sisters died in the holocaust

Although Franz Kafka entrusted his letters to his friend Max Brod and made him promise to destroy them, Brod hoardered the batches and inherited them to the National Library of Israel.

There is a statue outside the Franz Kafka museum called "Piss". It is a functioning fountain of two men urinating. The urination isn't random but it is the statues spelling out quotes and messages.

Peter Capaldi directed a 20 minute film about Franz Kafka which won the Oscar for Best Short film in 1995

Franz Kafka once went undercover as a chemist called "Dr. Cheeseborer"

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Franz Kafka. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Franz Kafka so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor