Lord Rings facts
While investigating facts about Lord Rings Cast and Lord Rings Characters, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Viggo Mortensen purchased the horse he rode in "Lord of The Rings." The horse had a hard time adjusting to the lights and sounds on set and it took a while for them to get in sync. "We got through it together and became friends. I wanted to stay in touch with him," said Viggo.
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There is a Russian version of the Lord of the Rings based on the premise that the original LOTR is a "history written by the victors;" in reality Mordor was on the verge of an industrial revolution which was a threat to the war-mongering and imperialistic faction represented by Gandalf/the elves
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the two towers in lord of the rings. Here are 50 of the best facts about Lord Rings Amazon and Lord Rings Tv Series I managed to collect.
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A Brazilian grandmother who prays to a figurine of St. Anthony for years, only to discover it was an action figure of the elf Lord Elrond from the "Lord of the Rings" films.
Viggo Mortensen purchased the horse he rode in "Lord of The Rings." The horse had a hard time adjusting to the lights and sounds on set and it took a while for them to get in sync. "We got through it together and became friends. I wanted to stay in touch with him," said Viggo.
Margrethe II, the queen of Denmark, felt compelled to draw illustrations for The Lord of the Rings in the 70s and sent them to Tolkien himself. He noted her style was quite similar to his own. Her drawings were used as a basis for the illustrations in the Danish translation of the books.
Sir Christopher Lee, who played Saruman in the Lord of the Rings movies, was the only actor to actually meet J. R. R. Tolkien personally.
Sean Connery was offered was 15% of worldwide box office receipts to play Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, but turned it down for "not understanding the script." The deal would have been worth about $400 million.
Due to budget issues, the Lord of the Rings trilogy was briefly planned as one film. Helm's Deep and Saruman were cut, Rohan and Gondor merged with Éowyn as Boromir's sister, etc. Upset by the idea of "cutting out half the good stuff," Peter Jackson left Miramax and went to New Line Cinema.
The Lord of the Rings Director, Peter Jackson, orchestrated 20,000 cricket fans during a game's inning breaks in order to produce the sound of the Uruk-hai army in The Two Towers.
Sean Bean is so scared of Helicopter flying that he preferred to hike miles up a mountain in full costume to film Lord of the Rings scenes
The Return of the King of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy was nominated for 11 academy awards. It won in every single category it was nominated for.
Lord Rings data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lord Rings figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why the lord of the rings is the best movie by examining the linked well-known sources.
J.R.R Tolkien got the name for Samwise Gamgee from a doctor called Joseph Sampson Gamgee, the inventor of the 'Gamgee tissue', an absorbent gauze surgical dressing made from cotton wool. Hence, Tolkien named Samwise's wife in The Lord of the Rings books Rosie Cotton.
1 out of every 160 New Zealanders was part of the production of The Lord of the Rings films. - source
The Beatles wanted to make a Lord Of The Rings movie before Peter Jackson did, however Tolkien refused to let them. - source
Jurassic Park's visual effects were so groundbreaking to filmmakers that it inspired Peter Jackson to begin work on Lord of the Rings, George Lucas to start on the Star Wars prequels, and Stanley Kubrick to invest in his pet project, A.I (Artificial Intelligence).
Christopher Lee read "The Lord of the Rings" once a year until his death in 2015 and had done so since the year it was published, and is the only member of the cast and crew ever to have met J.R.R. Tolkien. - source
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John Rhys-Davies, who plays Gimli in ‘Lord of the Rings,’ lost the top of his middle finger as a kid and had special prosthetic made. He played a prank on Peter Jackson where he cut off the tip of the prosthetic, covered it with blood, walked up to Peter and said, “Boss, I had an accident.”
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Jake Gyllenhaal tried out for the part of Frodo in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and heard back that it was one of the worst auditions they had. Gyllenhaal was not even aware he had to have a British accent for the role
The Beatles Wanted To Make A 'Lord Of The Rings' Movie In The '60s directed by Stanley Kubrick. Tolkien, who had the film rights at the time, shot the idea down. Kubrick then went on to make 2001: A Space Odyssey.
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King is one of only three movies win 11 Oscars and the only movie to win every Oscar for which it is was nominated. Of those 11 nominations, none were for the cast, all were for technical and production elements.