Football Stadium facts
While investigating facts about Football Stadium Capacity and Football Stadium Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Japanese football fans always clean up their stadium after their World Cup Finals games, a tradition stemming back to the 1998 World Cup
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Eagle Stadium, a $60 million high school football stadium in Allen TX. The project was highly controversial, considering that the money could have paid 120 teacher salaries for a decade.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what football stadiums are in london. Here are 50 of the best facts about Football Stadiums In London and Football Stadium Las Vegas I managed to collect.
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Yale's Stadium Prank in which Yale students disguised themselves as a Harvard pep-squad and tricked Harvard fans into holding up placards spelling 'WE SUCK' at their own football game.
Ireland’s biggest football stadium uses Harris hawks to control the skies so seagulls won’t enter the stadium during the matches or after the clean up.
In Veterans Stadium, the visiting football team could see the Eagles Cheerleaders' dressing room through a hole in the wall
During a 1978 Monday Night Football game, to fill dead air, Howard Cosell commented on a delicious new snack he was eating, thus stadium nachos went mainstream.
Before the start of the football season, an MIT student trained pigeons near the Harvard football stadium to respond to whistles as a prank. When the whistle was blown to begin the Harvard-Yale opening game, the field was overrun by the birds.
The Eagles football fans' behavior was so bad that the City of Philadelphia assigned a Municipal Court Judge to the stadium on game days to deal with fans removed from the stands
Allen High School (TX) built a $60 million football stadium it can't use, so the two-time defending state champion Eagles play every game on the road.
8 of the top 10 largest stadiums in the world are college/university football stadiums from the US.
There is a hotel in Gothenburg, Sweden that doesn’t have any rooms. Instead, guests arrive and choose from a list of homeless hangouts within the city. Choices include a spot under a bridge, a derelict factory and beneath the seats at a football stadium.
A high school in Allen, TX built a $60 million football stadium that was forced to close after 18 months due to "construction failures" and "deficient design." It reopened over a year later and the Allen Eagles have yet to lose a game in their new stadium.
Football Stadium data charts
For your convenience take a look at Football Stadium figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The University of Iowa, at the end of the first quarter of every home football game, turns and acknowledges the critically ill children watching the game from the hospital suites overlooking the stadium across the street.
A Peruvian football club tried to avoid relegation by moving their stadium to one of the highest cities in the world, so their opponents would suffer from altitude sickness. Oh, and their nickname was "Los Wankeros". - source
On Christmas, 1975 the first president of Equatorial Guinea had 150 of his opponents killed; Soldiers dressed up in Santa Clause outfits and executed them in a football stadium while amplifiers played "Those Were the Days" - source
The 15 largest football stadiums by capacity in the US are all college stadiums.
A tractor got stuck in the mud during the construction of the University of Illinois football stadium, and rather than remove it they built over it and it still lies beneath the field. - source
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Francisci Macías Nguema, first President of Equatorial Guinea, who once had about 150 of his opponents executed on Christmas Eve by Soldiers dressed in Santa Claus outfits at the football stadium in Malabo, while listening to "Those Were the Days" by Mary Hopkin.
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Football players in the NFL will watch the stadium video screen on breakaway runs to watch defenders behind them without having to turn around
Arnold Schwarzenegger made an appearance on Monday Night Football as the NY Jets were down 30-7 late in the third quarter. Half the fans had left the stadium yet he claimed NY would come back and "terminate" the Dolphins. The Jets scored 30 points in the 4th quarter and won
8 of the top 10 largest stadiums in the world are college football stadiums in the United States.
The world's biggest excavators are found at Tagebau Hambach mine. They are 96 meters high and 220 meters long. They weigh as much as 13,500 tons. The excavators can extract 240,000 tons of coal in only one day. This is enough to fill a professional football stadium as high as 30 meters.
Madrid's football stadium is Bernabeu and it can hold as many as 85,000 spectators.
Football stadium infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Football Stadium numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.