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Flash Drives facts

While investigating facts about Flash Drives Walmart and Flash Drives Bulk, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There is an organization that accepts donations of flash drives to smuggle ebooks and movies into North Korea to battle propaganda.

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In 2009 a pigeon named Winston raced Telkom, South Africa's largest ISP, to see who could deliver 4GB of data to a location 60 miles away the fastest. By the time Winston arrived with the 4GB flash drive, Telkom had transmitted only 4% of the data.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what flash drives are compatible with xbox one. Here are 28 of the best facts about Flash Drives Near Me and Flash Drives Amazon I managed to collect.

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  1. In 2009 a pigeon named Winston raced Telkom, South Africa's largest ISP, to see who could deliver 4GB of data to a location 60 miles away the fastest. By the time Winston arrived with the 4GB flash drive, Telkom had transmitted only 4% of the data.

  2. The NaNach, a group of whimsical Chasidic Jews who dance to techno music on the streets of Israel. They drive around in trucks blasting techno music and are known to start flash-mob type dance parties throughout the country.

  3. In 2009 a pigeon named Winston raced Telkom, South Africa's largest ISP, to see who could deliver 4GB of data to a location 60 miles away the fastest. By the time Winston arrived with the 4GB flash drive, Telkom had transmitted only 4% of the data.

  4. Just 7 days into the filming of Straight Outta Compton, there was a drive by shooting on set after gang signs were flashed to a passing vehicle. A nearby civilian was shot.

  5. In 2009, a South African IT company had a carrier pigeon race against the country's largest internet service provider, Telkom, over 80 km. In a two hour period, a 4GB flash drive was carried by Winston the pigeon and read, while only 4.2% of the data had been transferred by Telkom.

  6. There are hundreds of hidden USB flash drives that serve as a file exchange network around the world.

  7. When buying digital storage devices, a gigabyte is actually 1 000 000 000 bytes (instead of 2^30 = 1 073 741 824 bytes) ruled by the International Electrotechnical Commission. This is why when getting a new 1GB flash drive, you get ~0.93GB instead of 1GB.

  8. Ghostbuster (1984) was the first film to ever be released on USB flash drive

  9. Flash/SSD drives usually have 25-100% over provisioning of flash memory cells, but are not available for data write purpose. Manufacturers use them to replace flash cells that wears out due to regular read/write operation, thus endurance level and life of the flash/SSD units can be guaranteed.

  10. The Silk Road founder was arrested after federal agents got access to incriminating evidence on his laptop without his cooperation by copying data from its flash drive after distracting him. In response to this, a "kill switch" software was developed to quickly destroy all evidence on a computer

flash drives facts
What flash drives work with xbox one?

Why are flash drives popular?

You can easily fact check why do flash drives fail by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 2009 a pigeon named Winston raced Telkom, South Africa's largest ISP, to see who could deliver 4GB of data to a location 60 miles away the fastest. By the time Winston arrived with the 4GB flash drive, Telkom had transmitted only 4% of the data.

There are usb flash drives in walls, buildings, and curbs all over new york - source

Most removable storage devices i.e. flash drives, have a default setting that allows them to be safely removed without ejecting it. This setting can be turned off to increase speed. - source

Police use special dogs to sniff out hidden hard drives, flash drives, and other electronic data storage devices.

Uber Technologies has filed a patent on how self-driving cars might communicate with pedestrians. The patent title is "Light output system for a self-driving vehicle." The patent looks at how flashing lights and signs on the outside of self-driving cars might tell pedestrians what is happening. - source

When were flash drives invented?

In 2009, a South African IT company found that a homing pigeon armed with a flash drive transferred 4 gigs of data faster than the country's leading ISP. The bird flew 50 miles in 1 hour and 8 minutes while Telkom was only able to transfer 4% of the data in the same time frame.

How flash drives store data?

Carrier pigeons regularly beat the internet in "data transfer races" by physically carrying flash drives through the air.

4 Ways to Format a USB flash drive, Hard disk or SD card

Easily make bootable Flash drive for all Operating System

Flash memory (SSD, usb flash drives) are not affected by magnets.

The first album ever to be released on a USB flash drive in the UK was a compilation of rave and new rave songs.

When did flash drives come out?

Putting a flash drive into water does not render it useless. It is only when the USB is wet and then plugged into any device that gives it power, does it short out. Let the USB dry out beforehand and the drive should suffer no ill effects or data loss.

Russian hackers broke into a classified US military network by leaving infected flash drives at kiosks by NATO HQ in Kabal

An organization called Flashdrives for Freedom, which smuggles flash drives loaded with forbidden content into North Korea in an attempt to fight censorship.

Japanese drivers often flash their hazard lights as a way to thank other drivers for good and respectful driving.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Flash Drives. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Flash Drives so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor