Hard Drive facts
While investigating facts about Hard Drive Recovery and Hard Drive For Ps4, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Breeding panda bears is extremely hard and requires a global cooperation because more than half of male pandas exhibit no sexual drive and female pandas are fertile only up to three days a year. One of the methods to encourage the mating pandas is "panda porn".
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A man named James Howells who threw away a hard drive containing 7,500 bitcoin. The hard drive, currently under mountains of trash in a wales landfill is worth approximately $15 million.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's hard drive. Here are 50 of the best facts about Hard Drive Not Showing Up and Hard Drive 1tb I managed to collect.
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There are 'porn sniffing dogs' that are trained to find hidden thumb drives, hard drives and SD cards for child pornography cases. One such dog was used to help bring down Jared Fogle.
A man accidently threw away a hard drive holding 7500 bitcoins, which would have been worth $9M at its height, or $4.5M today
In 1980, the first 1 GB hard drive cost $40,000 and weighed over 500 pounds.
In 2011 Skrillex lost an entire unreleased album because his laptops and hard drives were stolen from his hotel in Milan.
In the game Myth II: Soulblighter, due to a bug in the installer, if the game wasn't installed into the default directory and instead into a different one, when attempting to uninstall it the uninstaller would delete the computer's entire hard drive.
In just 36 years, the average price per Gigabyte of Hard drive storage has fallen from over $400,000 to ₵0.19
In order to prevent Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht from deleting or encrypting his hard drive during his arrest at a public library, agents pretended to be quarreling lovers to distract him, at which point a USB drive was inserted that cloned his hard drive
'Disc' refers to optical media (such as a CD) whereas 'Disk' refers to magnetic media (such as a hard drive)
Hard Drive data charts
For your convenience take a look at Hard Drive figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why hard drive is making noise?
You can easily fact check why hard drive corrupted by examining the linked well-known sources.
A British man threw away a hard drive containing 7500 Bitcoin, worth around 54 million dollars today
A 'Glove Compartment' or 'Glove Box' originally was created to hold driving gloves which were considered necessary equipment in early cars, many without a hard top, to prevent the cooling effect of fast-moving air from numbing drivers' hands. - source
The first ever Windows Computer Virus was created by two Pakistani Brothers to fight against software piracy. The virus destroyed memory, slowed the hard drive and hid a short copyright message in the boot sector. - source
The world's first hard drive was larger than a refrigerator and could hold only 5 MB of storage
A man in Europe threw away a hard drive containing $7.5m (£4.6m)-worth of bitcoins. - source
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Modern Hard Disk Drives have read/write heads that float 4 to 5 nanometers above the surface of the disk while it spins. For scale, a human hair is 80,000-100,000 nm thick.
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Since wi-fi is nearly nonexistent in Cuba, people use the "Offline Internet", passing hard disk drives around from person to person
It would cost $100 trillion to buy a 1 Yottabyte hard drive, the world's GDP is about $61 Trillion
If our hard drives had the same “data density” as a cell’s nucleus the typical hard drive would be able to store 140 internets.
A man ordered by a judge to decrypt his hard drive so contents can be used against him by prosecution.
35 GBs of the 49 GBs that the video game Titanfall requires in hard drive space is uncompressed audio files because the developers didn't think the minimum CPU requirements could handle decompressing the audio.