False Alarm facts
While investigating facts about False Alarm Lyrics and False Alarm Book, I found out little known, but curios details like:
No alarms went off on the day of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion because they'd been disabled to spare workers from being woken up by false alarms.
how to reset smoke detector after false alarm?
Microsoft Kinect sensors protect the Korean Demilitarized Zone for South Korea. They're more accurate than other sensors which would occasionally give false alarms from falling leaves.
What false alarm rate?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can cause a motion sensor to false alarm. Here are 47 of the best facts about False Alarm Meaning and False Alarm Matoma I managed to collect.
what's false alarm?
In 1980 Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser was awoken to a report of 2,200 incoming Soviet missiles... it was a false alarm due to the malfunction of a 46 cent chip.
Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser was once awoken to a report of 2,200 incoming Soviet missiles: a false alarm due to the malfunction of a 46 cent chip
in 1983, Russian Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov heroically prevented a full retaliatory nuclear attack against the United States and NATO allies when his Oko nuclear early warning system detected 6 missiles coming from the U.S. and he immediately declared it a false alarm.
Nat sec advisor Brzezinski was woken at 3am by a call telling him Russia launched 250 ICBMs at the U. S. Minutes later, he received another call: The early-warning system actually showed 2,000 inbound missiles. As he began to phone the president, he received a third call: It was a false alarm.
For a 40 yo woman, the chance that annual mammograms give a false alarm is roughly 50/50 and the chance that the false alarm leads to unnecessary mastectomy is greater than the chance that a curable cancer is treated and prevents death. (1.1 vs. 0.16%).
Spotted hyenas are highly intelligent, outperforming chimps in problem solving, and have even been observed deceiving other hyenas by making false alarm calls
In 1983 a Russian radar detected the launch of Minuteman missiles by the U.S. The radar operator correctly identified the detection as a false alarm and is credited with averting a likely counterstrike by the Russians which would have started a nuclear war.
The Battle of Los Angeles, in 1942, was a false alarm caused by a lost weather balloon seen hovering above Los Angeles, thought to be an attack from Japan, which triggered a barrage of anti-aircraft artillery.
Stanislav Petrov prevented WW3 by ignoring a false alarm and not alerting his superiors of a potential attack
False Alarm data charts
For your convenience take a look at False Alarm figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why smoke detector false alarm?
You can easily fact check why does a false alarm not count as a drill by examining the linked well-known sources.
A Russian man saved the world by ignoring the commands of a missile detection system. His gut instincts were correct. it was a false alarm. There were no nukes coming from the United States. It was some clouds that fooled the sensors.
During the Cuban Missile Crisis a false alarm of nuclear war almost made a Soviet nuclear submarine near the U.S launch it's nukes. However the order for a launch needed 3 approvals and Arkhipov refused. So this guy is the only reason why all of us are still alive today - source
Between 94% and 98% of all alarm calls to law enforcement are false alarms.
Monkeys lie to each other. Individuals of relatively low social rank which didn't always have access to the food, would sometimes make loud (false) alarm calls to warn the rest of the group of an incoming predator. When all the monkeys ran, the low ranking monkey could collect the bounty. - source
When was the hawaii false alarm?
The Director of the first-person feature film 'Hardcore Henry' also made a first-person music video for The Weeknd's false alarm, in which a bank heist takes place all from the robbers point of view.
How much is a false alarm fee?
Since the late 1970s, there have been at least 4 known 'false alarm' nuclear incidents of Russia and the US nearly launching "retaliatory" strikes because their early warning systems had malfunctioned.
If someone calls BING by accident this is referred to as a bongo, social error, or false alarm.
The time it took from Hawaii's missle alert to "false alarm" (38 minutes) is almost the exact same time it takes for a missile to travel from North Korea to Hawaii and be intercepted.
The Battle of Los Angeles (Feb 1942): in response to what was thought to be a Japanese attack, the US military fired 1,400+ shells over LA country. It was announced to be a false alarm shortly afterward & later studies indicate the cause of the initial alarm was likely meteorological balloons