Nuclear Missile facts
While investigating facts about Nuclear Missile Silo Locations Map and Nuclear Missile Silo, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The US Military still uses 8 inch floppy disks on outdated IBM computers to run the nuclear missile systems. It's because they are incredibly hard to hack. The computers are essentially air-gapped and the old IBM computers are reliable. They could run for another 40 years with spare parts.
how nuclear missiles are launched?
Submarine K-219, a nuclear submarine that sank in 1986 due to a missile silo leak. It sank in 18,000ft of water, and when located 2 years later, it's missile doors had been forced open and the nuclear missiles it carried were missing.
What is a nuclear missile?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a nuclear powered cruise missile. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nuclear Missile Launch and Nuclear Missile Silo For Sale I managed to collect.
what nuclear missiles does the us have?
A $350m drillship built in the early '70s by US billionaire, Howard Hughes, to collect 'mineral riches' from the ocean floor was actually a cover for the CIA to be used to lift a lost Soviet submarine, loaded with nuclear missiles, up from the floor of the Pacific Ocean, 3 miles deep
The majority of LSD available in the US in the 1990's came from UCLA Researcher William L. Pickard. He was arrested whilst converting an old nuclear missile Silo into a massive LSD Laboratory.
Kevin Mitnick who was jailed for hacking and spent 8 months of his sentence in solitary confinement, as he was deemed capable of launching nuclear missiles by whistling to NORAD’s modem via payphone.
Russian luitenant colonel Stanislav Petrov went down in history as the man who single-handedly saved the world from all-out nuclear war when he called out an false allarm when the soviet missile detection system claimed six US nuclear missiles have been launched.
Harold Hering, a nuclear missile crewman who was kicked out of the military for asking "How can I know that an order to launch my missiles came from a sane president?"
A Russian named Vasili Arkhipov avoided causing WWIII after refusing his captain's orders to launch nuclear torpedoes at US war ships during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis. 2 of the 3 officers on board wanted to fire the missile, however a unanimous decision was required.
In 2013 an 82 year old nun broke into a government complex that housed nuclear missiles and spray painted anti-war slogans; she was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
During the Cold War a Soviet Duty Officer whose job it was to report missile strikes to high command, dismissed satellite reports of five inbound missiles, saving the world from nuclear war.
A Russian navy officer, Vasili Arkhipov, opposed his commanding officer's decision to launch a nuclear torpedo in response to US practice depth charges during the Cuban Missile Crisis, thus averting a nuclear war and saving the world
Nuclear Missile data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nuclear Missile figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why was the cuban missile crisis the closest to nuclear war?
You can easily fact check why did the us put nuclear missiles in turkey by examining the linked well-known sources.
Russian Navy Officer Vasili Arkhipov was credited with being the single vote that prevented a Soviet Nuclear Strike during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The US were working on a nuclear cruise missile capable of staying multiple YEARS in the air by pushing air through an open nuclear reactor, heating said air, meanwhile spewing radioactivity everywhere, they even had a working engine, but they abandoned it, deeming it too provocative. - source
Former USSR Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov prevented a nuclear holocaust and potentially WWIII by going with his "gut feeling" and believing that the USSR's early-warning satellite signal was faulty when it reported that the US had launched 5 ballistic missiles at them - source
A Russian man named Vasili Arkhipov prevented WWIII after refusing his captain’s orders to launch nuclear torpedoes at US Navy battleships during the Cuban Missile Crisis. 2 out of the 3 officers on board the submarine wanted fire the missile, however a unanimous decision was required.
In the 1960s, the U.S. Air Force drew up plans for a 4000-ton nuclear space battleship. It would have been armed with 500 nuclear missiles, propelled by nuclear explosions, and been entirely feasible with contemporary technology. President Kennedy was horrified by the idea and cancelled it - source
When did the us put nuclear missiles in turkey?
Major Harold Hering was discharged from the Air Force in late 1973 for asking the question "How can I know that an order I receive to launch my (nuclear) missiles came from a sane president?" under Richard Nixon.
How does a nuclear powered missile work?
The first nuclear missile test in space "starfish prime" knocked out several allied satellites and disabled communications on Hawaii.
in 1983, Russian Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov heroically prevented a full retaliatory nuclear attack against the United States and NATO allies when his Oko nuclear early warning system detected 6 missiles coming from the U.S. and he immediately declared it a false alarm.
WD-40 was originally developed to prevent corrosion in nuclear missiles
Camp Century, a top-secret US military base built under the ice sheets of Greenland in 1960 to house missiles. Built under the cover of climate research, it housed 200 people and was powered by the world's first portable nuclear reactor. Denmark didn't uncover the base's existence until 1995.
In 1962, special, hi-tech locks were added to all U.S. nuclear missiles that would prevent launch without a secret, unique launch code. However, military officials quietly circumvented this safeguard by setting every locK to "00000000". The codes remained unchanged until 1977.