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Hydrochloric Acid facts

While investigating facts about Hydrochloric Acid Msds and Hydrochloric Acid Sds, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A man was caught at a gay nightclub in Sydney trying to add hydrochloric acid to a lubricant dispenser. He was only caught because the dispensers had a tamper alarm after similar past incidents

how hydrochloric acid is made?

1940) Niels Bohr dissolved two 23-karat gold Nobel prize medals in three parts hydrochloric acid and one part nitric acid and hid it from the invading Nazis. In 1952 the medals were restruck and returned to their owners.

What's hydrochloric acid used for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Here are 30 of the best facts about Hydrochloric Acid Uses and Hydrochloric Acid Formula I managed to collect.

what's hydrochloric acid?

  1. Hydrochloric Acid does not digest food. | It sanitizes the stomach, denatures uncooked protein, and activates an enzyme called Pepsin that does digest food.

  2. Hydrochloric acid also provides an environment for a very special enzyme, called protease, to act. Protease chops up proteins (meat, fish, chicken, some plants) so your body can digest them easier.

  3. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach's digestive juices can dissolve metal but plastic toys that go down the hatch will come out the other end as good as new.

  4. Hungarian Secret Police Immersed Suspects in Hydrochloric Acid

  5. There as many as 600 different chemicals used in the fracking fluid and many of these are known to be toxic and carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Some of these include lead, uranium, mercury, ethylene glycol, radium, methanol, hydrochloric acid, and formaldehyde.

  6. Digestion is facilitated by specifically designed stomach that grinds large quantity of ants and termites. Their stomach produces formic acid instead of hydrochloric acid (which is normally found in other mammals). They can eat up to 30 000 insects per day.

  7. Laze is a hydrochloric acid mist formed by the action of lava on seawater

  8. Martha Rendell, who murdered her three stepchildren over the course of several years by swabbing their throats with hydrochloric acid and telling them it was medicine.

  9. Australia houses a large shrub - the "Gympie Stinger" - that has a sting potent enough to be fatal to humans. Hydrochloric acid is recommended to treat the sting, which is so painful that it caused an officer to shoot himself after using a leaf for 'toilet purposes'.

  10. Your stomach produces a new layer of mucous every two weeks. It does this because hydrochloric acid could digest your stomach and other organs, and the mucous protects the stomach from that happening.

hydrochloric acid facts
What's hydrochloric acid made from?

Why hydrochloric acid is dangerous?

You can easily fact check why hydrochloric acid does not react with copper by examining the linked well-known sources.

The stomach serves as a first line of defense for your immune system. It contains hydrochloric acid, which helps to kill off bacteria and viruses that may enter with the food you eat.

When the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is erupting at a typical rate, the amount of acid generated at the ocean entry is comparable to the largest industrial sources of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid in the nation-or the equivalent of the acid from about 30,000 car batteries, each day. - source

Naked mole rats can't feel wassabi's painful kick, hydrochloric acid burns, or hardly aby pain at all. - source

He also studied and developed reproducible methods of halting fermentation by adding either hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to grain before storing it in order to prevent it from spoiling during the long space of time between growing seasons.

American architect Frank Lloyd Wright's girlfriend and 6 others were murdered in one of his studios. The murdered then attempted suicide with hydrochloric acid. - source

When hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium metal?

In 1940, Hungarian Radiochemist, George Hevesy, dissolved the golden Nobel Prizes of Max Laue and James Franck using nitro-hydrochloric acid to keep the Nazis from stealing them.

How hydrochloric acid is produced?

In the stomach, pepsin and hydrochloric acid begin to break down proteins in food and also (tries to) kill off any dangerous bacteria in food.

About Laze, a combination of Hydrochloric Acid fumes, steam and fine volcanic particles that occurs when hot lava flows into cold ocean water.

The recommended treatment for getting stung by Gimpie Gimpie, an Australian toxic plant, is to apply diluted hydrochloric acid to the wound.

Kawah Ijen Crater Lake, atop the Kawah Ijen volcano in Java, Indonesia, "is the world's largest such body of water filled with hydrochloric acid ['with a pH of almost 0']. In fact, it's the acid that makes the water green." The lake's volume is "1.3 billion cubic feet (36 million cubic meters)."

your stomach can dissolve a razor due to hydrochloric acid in your stomach

When hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide?

An English scientist in the 1800s, William Prout, dedicated his life to the study of the digestive system, especially urine. He was also the first to find that hydrochloric acid is in our stomachs!

During World War II, the medals of two German scientists were sent to Copenhagen. When Germany invaded Denmark, a chemist dissolved them in nitro-hydrochloric acid, to prevent confiscation by Nazis. After the war, the gold was recovered from solution, and the medals re-cast.

I made this video for research purposes to find out what really happens to meat when it's exposed to a low concentration of hydrochloric acid in water that is comparable with gastric acid


How hydrochloric acid is strong?

Jeffrey Dahmer tried to turn his victims into braindead slaves by drilling a hole into their skull and pouring in hydrochloric acid while they were still alive

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Hydrochloric Acid. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Hydrochloric Acid so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor