Bar Exam facts
While investigating facts about Bar Exam Results 2019 and Bar Exam Result 2020 Release Dates, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In four states, including California, you can take the bar exam and practice law without ever going to law school. It’s called “reading law”.
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About a man who took the California State Bar Exam 48 times before he finally passed and transitioned from being his son's law clerk to his son's law partner
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what bar exam means. Here are 31 of the best facts about Bar Exam 2019 and Bar Exam Result I managed to collect.
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Reginald Dwayne Betts spent 8 years in prison as a result of carjacking when he was 16 after getting out of prison he became one of the rare convicted felons to get a law degree from Yale and passed the Connecticut bar exam in September 2017.
The "bar" in Law, isn't just the name of the exam. It refers to the physical gated wall in a courtroom dividing the lawyers and judges from the general viewing public. "Passing the bar" gains you admittance to work on the other side of the wall.
Kit Kats became so popular in Japan because of a literal translation of "kitto katsu", which means "Surely win" and lead to the implication of the bar giving good luck (making it a popular snack, especially before exams.)
Woodrow Wilson was the most educated President of the United States in history as the only one with a Doctorate. He also passed the Georgia bar exam without finishing law school.
Louisiana is the only state that has a license for florists. The state’s florist exam once had a failure rate almost twice as high as the Louisiana bar exam.
California administers what is widely considered the nation's most difficult bar examination twice each year. Unsuccessful applicants have even sued the State Bar—unsuccessfully—on the grounds that the exam is unnecessarily difficult.
Billy Joel received his high school diploma at age 43. In 1967 he was playing at a piano bar to help his mother make ends meet which interfered with his attendance, causing him to miss a crucial English exam. Decades later he completed the work.
An attorney actually practices law in court whereas a lawyer may or may not. An attorney has passed the bar exam and has been approved to practice law in his jurisdiction. Although the terms often operate as synonyms, an attorney is a lawyer but a lawyer is not necessarily an attorney
The Louisiana state bar exam is 22.5 hours long
The Louisiana bar exam is 21.5 hours long, the longest of any state.
Bar Exam data charts
For your convenience take a look at Bar Exam figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is the bar exam so hard?
You can easily fact check why take the bar exam by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is a bar in Bratislava that gives free soup to Slovak university students if they get an A on an exam
In 5 states an applicant who has not attended law school may take the bar exam after study under a judge or practicing attorney for an extended period of time. This method is known as "reading law" or "reading the law". - source
In the United States a person must attend four years of college or university to earn their bachelor's degree, then law school for three years, then pass the bar exam. This process differs in different countries as far as education and required training.
About Maxcy Filer, an attorney who sat for the California Bar exam, which was 18 hours long spread over 3 days, 48 consecutive times over 25 years, until he passed.
Nestle partnered with Japan Post to sell Kit Kats in 20,000 post offices across Japan. Marketing of Kit Kat is believed to have benefited from the phrase "Kitto Katsu," meaning "You will surely win" and the bars are commonly mailed as a good luck charm to university students before exams. - source
When is the bar exam 2019?
Lawyers who graduated from Marquette University Law School or The University of Wisconsin Law School can be admitted to the Wisconsin state bar without having to pass the bar exam.
How hard is the bar exam?
All attorneys are lawyers, but not all lawyers are attorneys. A lawyer has graduated law school but hasn't passed a bar exam yet.
Frank Abagnale, subject of the movie Catch Me If You Can, successfully posed as a Pilot for Pan Am Airlines to wage free flights, pretended to be a doctor, and even passed the bar exam to pose as an attorney; he was also a master forger of checks, “defrauding banks of millions of pounds.
You can take the Bar exam in California, Vermont, Virginia and Washington without having attended law school as long as you are an apprentice under the mentorship of a judge or practicing attorney for 3-4 years (depending on the State).
The bar exam is so called because the of physical bar that separated students from admitted attorneys in the Inns of Court. Today, court rooms still have dividers between the attorneys and the rest of the courtroom. This divider is also called "the bar."
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo failed the bar exam not once, not twice, not thrice, not four times, but *five times* before passing on his sixth try.