Liberal Arts facts
While investigating facts about Liberal Arts Degree and Liberal Arts Colleges, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Historically speaking, liberal arts studies were defined as skills that a free person should know; such as, "participating in public debate, defending oneself in court, serving on juries, and most importantly, military service."
how to become a nurse with a liberal arts degree?
Berea College, a liberal arts college in Kentucky where tuition is free for all students as long as they partake in work-study. Its mission is to assist high-achieving students with low financial resources regardless of background.
What's liberal arts college?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what liberal arts means. Here are 14 of the best facts about Liberal Arts Definition and Liberal Arts Movie I managed to collect.
what's liberal arts?
While the phrase 'Underwater Basket Weaving' is a term to describe pointless college classes, there is a liberal arts college in Portland, Oregon that has taught an underwater basket-weaving course during Paideia, their Festival of Learning, for over 30 years.
In a 2014 study of LSAT scores, Liberal Arts graduates outperformed mechanical engineering students in critical thinking and reasoning.
After attending a prestigious school for girls that focused on serious academics rather than the usual liberal arts and homemaking curriculum, she went on to writer her first published piece of research at the age of fifteen.
In 1957 she earned her B.A. in Liberal Arts and she transferred to the University of Wisconsin where she received a M.S. in genetics and zoology in 1960.
There exists an opposite to the Liberal Arts, the "Servile" or "Mechanical" Arts. These were practical skills that were below the dignity of an educated freeman.
Just like how the Greeks had seven liberal arts, the ancient Chinese had four skills that every scholar should know: calligraphy, painting, music, and Go
The word 'trivial' stems from the educational term 'trivium', a Classical period term for the liberal arts path leading to wisdom through language; however, 'trivial' grew to mean what it does today because it was inculcated in the vernacular by mothers at home before 'real' school trivium (10).
One of the top liberal arts colleges in the nation is named after the guy responsible for giving the Native Americans smallpox blankets.
Harvard writes some degree abbreviations backward following the traditional Latin. Even some that are too new to have Latin names. The Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies is A.L.B. and the Associate in Arts is A.A.
Tucker Carlson (conservative political commentator who rags on "elites") went to a private boarding school and attended a small private liberal arts college. His stepmother is Patricia Caroline Swanson, heir to the Swanson frozen food fortune.
Liberal Arts data charts
For your convenience take a look at Liberal Arts figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why liberal arts college?
You can easily fact check why liberal arts education matters by examining the linked well-known sources.
The richer your parents are, the more likely you are to choose a "low income" major (ex. Liberal Arts)
Weimer Germany had a vibrant reawakening of art, entertainment, and sexual liberation. - source