Electrical Plugs facts
While investigating facts about Electrical Plugs In Mexico and Electrical Plugs In Italy, I found out little known, but curios details like:
That, until 1992, electrical appliances sold in England were not required by law to have a plug attached. Appliances were mostly sold with only a raw wire, and users were expected to wire the plugs themselves.
how electrical plugs work?
Until the invention of the wall outlet, people had plug their electric appliances into an empty light bulb socket.
What electrical plugs are used in japan?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what electrical plugs are used in thailand. Here are 23 of the best facts about Electrical Plugs In Portugal And Spain and Electrical Plugs In India I managed to collect.
what electrical plugs are used in india?
In 2013 a Georgia man was arrested for plugging his car in at a school for 20 minutes and "stealing" 5 cents worth of electricity. He wasn't the first electric-car owner to be so charged.
Until 1992 it was not required for electrical appliances in Britain to be sold with plugs at the end. Often the consumer had to attach it themselves.
While different regions all use their own electrical plug type, the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) released a universal standard - Type N - in 1986 which they hoped would be adopted worldwide. So far, only Brazil adopted the standard.
Lawrence Baker had his death sentence via electric chair reduced to life in prison, only to electrocute himself by sitting on a toilet and biting a pair of headphones that were plugged into a t.v.
When electricity was first used for other purposes other than lighting electricity companies charged more for non lighting electricity. This lead to people creating light bulb sockets adapters to plug in other devices like toasters.
Volkswagen had a promotion where every car came with a limited edition electric guitar that could plug into the car as an amp
Most US electrical plugs have a hole in each prong because some sockets have a matching bump that allows them to grip the plug much more firmly when it snaps into place.
Tiny hair cells in your inner ear are what translates sound waves to electricity to send to the brain. You"re born with about 3500 of these cells, and they can be damaged by really loud noises. Make sure to wear ear plugs if you"ll be around loud noises!
Electrical Plugs data charts
For your convenience take a look at Electrical Plugs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.
Why do electrical plugs turn green?
You can easily fact check why are there holes in the prongs of electrical plugs by examining the linked well-known sources.
Non-gas or diesel options for automobiles include hybrid cars, electric plug-in-to-charge cars, hydrogen-powered cars, propane, and even natural gas-powered cars.
The British electric plug standard is engineered to be safer than the US plug standard - source
Electrical plugs have holes in the prongs to grip onto the corresponding bumps in the electrical socket. This prevents the plug from just slipping back out of the socket. - source
Until 1992, it was legal to sell electrical appliances in Britain without a plug
There are more mobile phones than people in the world, and if everyone plugs their phones to charge at same time, it would consume over 40 gigawatts of electricity, assuming all over 8 billion phones use 5W chargers. That’s over 9 Palo Verde nuclear powerplants. - source
What to do when electrical plugs stop working?
Leaving chargers plugged in wastes electricity, even if they're not connected to a device.
How to waterproof electrical plugs?
If you're aux cord hits metal while plugged in, it serves as an awesome electric conductor!
At two years old Terry Crews, bit down on a plugged in electrical cord nearly electrocuting himself because of that it lead him to believe that he had gained Superhero Powers.
The wall plug and the electric photo flash were invented by the same person.
During the 19th century with the introduction of electrical lighting, and before the installation of wall plugs in the household, appliances like vacuum cleaners and irons were plugged directly into the light fixtures on the ceiling.