February facts
While investigating facts about February, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Samuel J. Seymour, the last surviving witness of the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, lived long enough to be interviewed on national television on February 9, 1956.
Sir Salman Rushdie still receives a "sort of Valentine's card" from Iran each year on 14 February letting him know the country has not forgotten the vow to kill him
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about February I managed to collect.
Jackie Chan's first movie appearance, Big and Little Wong Tin Bar (1962), was considered to be a lost film, as no known copies of the film existed. However, this was not the case, as on February 3rd, 2016, the entire movie was suddenly uploaded to YouTube.
In February 1939, Lise Meitner described a groundbreaking nuclear phenomenon in a letter to Nature editor and called it Nuclear Fission. Five years later, a Nobel prize was awarded to Otto Hahn for the discovery of fission; a word he never used in his original paper.
On February 11, 1992, a man who was likely innocent of a crime for which he was about to be put to death uttered these last words: "I'd like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me. And the rest of the world can kiss my everloving ass, because I'm innocent."
The ABC TV show Turn-On, which debuted February 1969. The first episode was so bad, one affiliate refused to return to it after the commercial break. Several west coast affiliates refused to air the show at all. Before the first episode had finished playing, the show was cancelled.
There is an island which changes sovereignty every 6 months. Less than 7000 sq metres, in a river on the Spain-France border, Pheasant Island is ceremonially exchanged between the two countries every February and July, according to a peace treaty which was signed on the island in 1659
A US bomber purposely crashed into a hillside in Sheffield on 22 February 1944, killing everyone on board instead of crashing into a park with a large group of children in it.
For over an hour on February 7th 2008, Comcast accidentally broadcast porn instead of Cartoon Network in Nashville, Tennessee. In another incident, Comcast replaced Disney Channel with hardcore porn for subscribers in Lincroft, New Jersey.
Staples, Office Depot, and Office Max are all the same company. Office Depot and Office Max merged in December 2013 and Staples bought the combined company in February of 2015.
February 31st is occasionally used on grave stones when the exact date of birth or death was unknown.
In 1946 Ian Fleming built his estate in Jamaica on a beach clifftop and named it Goldeneye. He wrote all his James Bond novels there in January and February each year. A number of Bond films were filmed nearby. After his death, it was sold to Bob Marley.
February data charts
For your convenience take a look at February figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about february?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
On February 25, 1991 28 US soldiers died when a previously reported software glitch in the Patriot Missile system's clock prevented it from shooting down an Iraqi SCUD missile. A software patch to fix it was released on the following day.
Sky ran the 1993 movie "Groundhog Day" 13 times consecutively for 24 hours on February 2nd to celebrate the annual Pennsylvania Groundhog Day holiday. - source
Since February 23, 2016 The Bank of Canada Has No Gold Reserves & Is The Only G7 Nation That Does Not Hold At Least 100 Tonnes of Gold in its Official Reserves - source
The Ancient One, AKA Kennewick Man, was buried on February 21, 2017 after a 20 year argument about his origin. In 2015, DNA testing proved the 9000 year old male was related to neighboring Native Americans and was not Caucasian.
Jeff Skilling, former CEO of Enron, cut a deal with the DOJ that resulted in 10 years being cut from his sentence. He is due to be released next year, February 2019. - source
The deadliest blizzard in history took place February 1972, in Iran. Up to 26 feet (7.9m) of snow fell over a week in some regions and approx. 4,000 people died.
The International Space Station (ISS) can orbit "straight through" an aurora event. When it happened on 23 February 2016 Timothy Peake, a European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut aboard the ISS, said it was "eerie but very beautiful."
In February 2018, a pride of lions killed and ate a man suspected of being a poacher near Kruger National Park in South Africa.
On February 28, 1854 in a little white schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, roughly 30 antislavery men coined the term "Republican Party" to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska act.
J Dilla died on February 10, 2006, three days after his 32nd birthday and the release of his final album *Donuts*. To honor his nephew's legacy, Dilla's uncle Herman Hayes, opened a J Dilla inspired donut shop in Detroit in 2016. It sold out three times in its first day.
George Washington was born on February 11th, but when his birthday first became a holiday it was celebrated on February 22nd. This is because when Washington was born, British colonies were still using the Julian calendar, which was 11 days behind the Gregorian.
February infographics
Beautiful visual representation of February numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Maps of maximum temperature in the UK for each day in February