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Dvd Commentary facts

While investigating facts about Dvd Commentary Database and Dvd Commentary Won't Turn Off, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Carrie Fisher got a copy of the Star Wars Holiday Special from George Lucas (in exchange for recording DVD commentary for Star Wars) and showed it at parties 'mainly at the end of the night when I want people to leave.'

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During filming of Gangs of New York, they built what was essentially a full scale complete replica of the Five Points in 1800's New York. According to the DVD commentary, George Lucas visited the set and explained that CGI effects would be much cheaper but Scorsese insisted on authenticity.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 11 of the best facts about Dvd Commentary Download and Dvd Commentary Tropic Thunder I managed to collect.

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  1. According to the Monsters Inc DVD commentary track, the sushi restaurant was originally blown up by the CDA. After the events of September 11, Pixar changed the scene to show the restaurant covered in a plasma dome. They managed to pull this off in time for the November 2 release date.

  2. In Tropic Thunder, Kirk Lazarus says "I don't drop character til I done the DVD commentary." Robert Downey Jr. remains in character while filming the commentary for the actual DVD.

  3. The director Christopher Nolan recorded two separate commentary tracks for the DVD version of "Mememto" in order to mislead the audience. The alternate track is triggered every other time you play the audio commentary.

  4. Robert Durst after watching "All Good Things", a movie based off his alleged murder of his wife, was such a fan of the movie that he provided commentary for the DVD release.

  5. In Tropic Thunder, Robert Downey Jr's character states, "I don't drop character till I done a DVD commentary." During the commentary for the movie, he remains in character.

  6. In return for recording commentary for the DVD release of the OT, Carrie Fisher made George Lucas give her a copy of The Star Wars Holiday Special.

  7. Quentin Tarantino has never supplied a DVD commentary for any of his own movies despite having appeared on the commentaries of other people's films.

  8. During the DVD commentary of the Goonies, Sean Astin unexpectedly left in the middle of the recording after an attempt to give a shoutout to Cyndi Lauper. He put a Samwise Gamgee action figure in his place. His excuse was the recording started late and he had a prior commitment.

  9. In the Doctor Who episode ‘Castrovalva’, the script called for Adric to look "pallid" as he had recently been imprisoned. According to the DVD commentary, this was accidentally achieved by Matthew Waterhouse: hungover from the night before, he vomited behind a tree while off-camera.

dvd commentary facts
What are the best facts about Dvd Commentary?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dvd Commentary. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dvd Commentary so important!

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