Christopher Nolan facts
While investigating facts about Christopher Nolan Next Movie and Christopher Nolan Tenet, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The scientific adviser to the 2014 film Interstellar spent two weeks talking Christopher Nolan out of having a character travelling faster than the speed of light, as it defies the laws of physics
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Christopher Nolan planted 500 acres of cornfields just for 'Interstellar' to save money and even made profit by selling produced corn.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what did christopher nolan study. Here are 50 of the best facts about Christopher Nolan Best Movies and Christopher Nolan Net Worth I managed to collect.
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In 2014, Christopher Nolan's Interstellar is the only film in the top 10 worldwide box office to be completely original.
Christopher Nolan grew an actual corn field for the movie "Insterstellar", and actually turned a profit on it
Christopher Nolan "believes that audiences can sense when things are actually there instead of just being all computer generated", which is why he constructed large-scale practical sets for spacecraft in "Interstellar", including both the interior and parts of the exterior.
Christopher Nolan originally offered Heath Ledger the role of Batman but he turned it down. He would later contact Nolan, interested in playing The Joker.
To combat confusion, television broadcasts of Christopher Nolan's 'Inception' in Japan include text in the corner of the screen to remind viewers which level of the dream each scene takes place in.
Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight trilogy and Inception, among other films does not use a cell phone or an e-mail because he's just "not interested", it gives him "time to think", and he also prohibits them on the set of a movie
Christopher Nolan 'begged' David Bowie to act as Nikola Tesla in his movie 'The Prestige'
Josh Hartnett was Christopher Nolan's first-choice for Bruce Wayne in 'Batman Begins' but he turned Nolan down because he didn't want to be typecasted as a superhero, which is when Nolan approached Christian Bale for the role. Hartnett now says that was "the worst decision of my career."
For the movie Interstellar Christopher Nolan had to grow 500 acres of corn, he later sold it and made a profit.
Because Christopher Nolan shot Dunkirk on film he was able to recover footage from a camera that had sunk.
Christopher Nolan data charts
For your convenience take a look at Christopher Nolan figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Christopher Nolan actually had IMAX cameras strapped to three Spitfire planes for the dogfight scenes in ‘Dunkirk.’ There are only a few dozen airworthy Spitfires left in the world and the three used in the film had no trouble performing complex maneuvers with the cameras mounted on them.
The director Christopher Nolan recorded two separate commentary tracks for the DVD version of "Mememto" in order to mislead the audience. The alternate track is triggered every other time you play the audio commentary. - source
Christopher Nolan planned a Howard Hughes biographical film starring Jim Carrey, but it was tabled when he learned that Martin Scorsese was making The Aviator. The project he worked on the same year instead? Batman Begins! - source
Hans Zimmer wrote the score for Christopher Nolan's Interstellar based off a one page letter about "what it means to be a father."
In the making of "Dunkirk", director Christopher Nolan set off controlled explosions to ensure there were no live land mines or explosives still on the beach from WWII. - source
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Christopher Nolan had a cornfield grown for the farm scenes in Interstellar, he later sold the corn for a profit.
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Christopher Nolan's 'Memento' is getting a Remake. The original was only 16 years ago.
Christopher Nolan gave Hans Zimmer one page describing the story of Interstellar and one day to come up with a musical theme. Nolan liked what he heard and Zimmer conducted 45 scoring sessions for Interstellar, which was three times more than for Inception.
Elon Musk's Wife appeared in Christopher Nolan's Inception
Despite looking nothing alike and having different accents, Christopher and Jonathan Nolan are biological brothers and also have an older brother in prison for murder.
Christopher Nolan's (Director of The Dark Knight, Inception) brother is a convicted hitman, currently imprisoned in Costa Rica for murder.