Dollar Coins facts
While investigating facts about Dollar Coins Worth Money and Dollar Coins Value, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Canada once minted a $1 million dollar coin, which was promptly stolen and never found.
how much are dollar coins worth?
If the US used a dollar coin instead of a bill it would save $5.5 billion over 30 years. It mints dollar coins, but unlike other developed countries, won't remove the bill from circulation, possibly due to lack of support by Federal Reserve.
What dollar coins are valuable?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what dollar coins are silver. Here are 50 of the best facts about Dollar Coins Worth and Dollar Coins Us I managed to collect.
what dollar coins are worth money?
One proposed solution to the US debt ceiling crisis of 2012 was the minting of a 1 trillion dollar coin that would be used to pay off the country's debt.
The most valuable coin in the world is the Flowing Hair US Dollar. It was recently sold for $10,016,875.
The Royal Canadian Mint created a giant, million-dollar coin from nearly pure gold. It was stolen from a museum in Berlin in March, when the market price of the gold was nearly 4 times the coin's face value.
Ocho de Plata, the Spanish Dollar, was the first legal tender in the United States until the Coinage Act of 1857. In fact, equity shares were still quoted in eighths of a dollar until 2001; this was a legacy from the coin’s divisibility by 8, since each Spanish Dollar was worth 8 reales.
In the '80s Susan B. Anthony dollars were so unpopular the US Mint had to keep $500 million worth of the coins in storage because there was no demand to circulate them.
The dollar symbol ($) originates from the engraving of a banner wrapped around a pillar in the Spanish silver coin.
Treasure hunter Forrest Fenn hid 1-3 million dollars in gold nuggets, coins and precious stones for others to find using clues left in a poem he wrote after being diagnosed with cancer. To this day, the treasure has not been found.
Sierra Leone has a dollar coin with a stegosaurus on it
Any combination of dimes, quarters, and half-dollar coins will add to $20 per pound
The U.S. Mint issued a coin in 2000 - a golden dollar featuring Sacagawea and her infant son Jean Baptiste. The reverse design has been changed each year since 2009 - featuring an image of Native American culture.
Dollar Coins data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dollar Coins figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are dollar coins rare?
You can easily fact check why are half dollar coins rare by examining the linked well-known sources.
A U.S. one dollar coin was minted in 1979 to 1981 and in 1999. She was the first real woman printed on circulating currency in the U.S.
Sand dollars have flattened, rigid exoskeleton (called "test") with star-shaped mark on the surface. Their body is covered with numerous, small dark purple spines. Coin-like shells (of dead animals) are reason why they are known as sand dollars.
The island of Niue in the Pacific Ocean put Pikachu on their one dollar coin because the character is so popular.
The US used to mint a three-cent coin called a Trime, as well as a five-cent Disme, a twenty-cent Pistareen, and a four-dollar Stella.
The US Government would save about $4.4 billion if they switched from the dollar bill to the dollar coin. - source
When did they stop making dollar coins?
The $1 bill was replaced by a coin with the face of a common loon (bird) on one side, Queen Elizabeth on the other. Hence, Canadians call one dollar a 'loonie.'
How much are 1 dollar coins worth?
In 2010 an art collector/author buried 1-3 million dollars in gold coins and antiquities, published clues in a book. It still has not been found.
The anonymous creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, gave himself one million bitcoins. These coins are now worth over 600 million dollars.
The word 'Dollar' comes from the German word and currency 'Joachimsthaler.' A Dutch variant of the coin and word spread to the Thirteen Colonies through New Netherland (New York)
It has been estimated that Scrooge McDuck is worth 27 Trillion dollars. This is calculated from information by the creator who said McDuck's "money bin" is three cubic acres. Figure in the size of a gold or silver coin get the idea.