Dollar Bills facts
While investigating facts about Dollar Bills Worth Money and Dollar Bills Gif, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bill Gates, since 2007, has given away 48% of his net worth (roughly $28 billion dollars), which has helped save 6 million lives.
how dollar bills are made?
Bill Gates has given away over 28 billion dollars since 2007 resulting in an estimated 6 million+ lives saved.
What dollar bills are there?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what dollar bills are valuable. Here are 50 of the best facts about Dollar Bills With Stars and Dollar Bills Presidents I managed to collect.
what dollar bills are worth money?
While filming “X-Men:Origins Wolverine,” Hugh Jackman had to run down a hallway naked with prop claws attached to his fists. As he turned the corner he faced every women on the production staff waving dollar bills. He instinctively shielded his groin and cut himself with Wolverine’s claws.
2-dollar bills are actually still being made. The main reason they're so rare is not because they were discontinued, but because people think they're valuable and hoard them.
Due to high ruble inflation during the fall of the USSR, parody dollar bills dropped by AC/DC during their concert in Moscow were used in monetary transactions and considered more valuable than rubles.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was given top billing and paid $25 million dollars for his role of Mr. Freeze, equating to roughly $1 million dollars for each of his 27 ice puns in the film.
An 8th grader tried to pay for her lunch with a 2 Dollar Bill that had been given to her by her grandmother. The police were called because the school thought it was fake, and investigated where the bill had been obtained. In the end, the bill was real.
The Bank of Canada once had to urge Canadian citizens to stop “Spocking” their five dollar bills.
The highest paid official of the United States government is Bill Johnson, the chief executive officer of the federally owned power and utilities company, the Tennessee Valley Authority. His annual salary is $5.9 million dollars.
A man tried to pay $137 traffic ticket with 137 dollar bills folded into origami pigs, delivered in two Dunkin Donuts boxes
A woman tried to use a fake million dollar bill to buy $1,675 worth of merchandise at Wal-Mart and expected $998,325 in change
The 13 steps of the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill represent the original 13 colonies. The fact that it's unfinished symbolizes room for future growth
Dollar Bills data charts
For your convenience take a look at Dollar Bills figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are 2 dollar bills rare?
You can easily fact check why are two dollar bills rare by examining the linked well-known sources.
5 years after birth a sperm donor for a lesbian couple was asked in Kansas to pay child support bills that could run into tens of thousands of dollars.
In 1971, Congress passed the Comprehensive Child Development Bill, which was then vetoed by Richard Nixon. The bill would have created a multi-billion dollar national day care system designed partially to make it easier for single parents to work and care for children simultaneously. - source
Bill & Melinda Gates have donated more money to charity than the world's 21st richest person is worth, which totals to about 28 billion dollars. - source
Bill Gates plans to donate 95% of his $81.1 billion dollar wealth to charity. That's about $77 billion dollars
The painting of George Washington used for the dollar bill was never finished. - source
When did 500 dollar bills stop?
One of the United States' most elusive counterfeiters turned out to be a 72 year-old man who made crude $1 bill fakes that were printed on paper and included such errors as "Wahsington." When caught, the man was given a year in jail and fined a single real dollar.
How much are 2 dollar bills worth?
The decision to remove Alexander Hamilton from the ten-dollar bill was reversed due to the popularity of the musical, Hamilton.
The US two dollar bill is still being produced today. It's apparent rarity is in part due to the common misconception that it is no longer being produced, causing people to collect them, thus pulling them out of circulation.
An American NASA scientist has been in solitary confinement in Turkey for over eight months, the evidence against him being one US dollar bill.
The US flew nearly 40 billion dollars to Iraq in shrink-wrapped $100 bills, then distributed the cash with no accounting for where it ended up
A Card-Counter Named Bill Benter Developed An Algorithm For Betting On Hong Kong Horse Races That Earned Him Nearly A Billion Dollars