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Design Flaw facts

While investigating facts about Design Flaws Of The Human Condition and Design Flaws In Everyday Objects, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There's a brand new hotel in Las Vegas that needs to be demolished because of a structural design flaw. Total loss after construction, lawyers and demolition; $400 million.

building enclosure design flaws and how to avoid them?

Forty years ago, a prominent designer received a call from an undergrad architecture student who told him that a design flaw in his 59-story Manhattan skyscraper could cause it to collapse during a storm. Initially he scoffed, then disturbingly, figured that she was right...

What design flaw means?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's design flaw. Here are 35 of the best facts about Design Flaws In Products and Design Flaw 737 Max I managed to collect.

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  1. During WWII, the U.S. government introduced a baseball-shaped grenade designed to be easy for young American men to throw. However, design flaws led to frequent premature detonations, and the grenade was retired in 1945, having caused more casualties to American soldiers than enemy troops.

  2. Peacocks' extravagant tailfeathers are an evolutionary disadvantage, because they invite predators. Peahens are attracted to them because any animal with such a clear 'design flaw' must have other strong genetic qualities to compensate for it.

  3. When the Soviets allowed the Chinese to produce their own copies of the Mig-21, the Soviet design had so many flaws that the Chinese had to make nearly 250 changes to the design to overcome flaws or incomplete design documentation.

  4. Form 1969 to 1977, Ford Motor Company produced the Pinto with full knowledge of a design flaw that frequently caused the fuel tank to catch fire during rear collisions, which would have cost $11 per vehicle to fix. The tag line in radio ads was, "Pinto leaves you with that warm feeling."

  5. There was a design flaw in the Huygens lander's communications system. Scientists were unable to make a firmware update on the Cassini Spacecraft, so they plotted an alternative orbital trajectory that would use the Doppler effect to correct the programming error.

  6. A Las Vegas hotel has a design flaw that acts as a giant magnifying glass, creating a "death ray" when the sun hits at a certain angle.

  7. A New Jersey engineering student discovered a design flaw in a New York City skyscraper

  8. A tanks designed by Switzerland had a flaw in its design: turning on the heating could cause the main gun to fire the round inside

  9. Operator error and design flaws are the two main reasons believed to have caused the Chernobyl Nuclear disaster.

  10. The Blackburn Beverley had a design flaw fixed after a paratrooper fell to his death while exiting the toilet.

design flaw facts
What was the design flaw at chernobyl?

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On April 26th, design flaws of the reactor made the shutdown permanent when it blew up.

Over the years a number of cigarette lighters have had serious design flaws that led to spontaneous explosions, burn injuries and deaths – while still not being subjected to mandatory safety regulation. - source

The some of the highest heart rates recorded during the Apollo missions didn't come from launch, but instead from exiting the Lunar Module thanks to some design flaws - source

A professor redesigned the mouse-trap to show logical flaws in the intelligent design argument

John Denver died from crashing a plane with a design flaw that made it extremely difficult for the pilot to switch fuel tanks during flight - source

When are design flaws best addressed?

In 1978, an engineering student discovered a fatal flaw in the design of a newly built skyscraper in NYC. With the public unaware, crews worked in secret overnight for 3 months to fix the issue, and a hurricane luckily missed the city which could have possibly brought the building down.

How to fix the design flaws in american democracy?

Flaws in building design and construction can cause acute health issues.

After one of Rudolf Schifkorns Bridges collapsed because of a design flaw, more than 110 additional bridges of his design had to be torn down.

The Citicorp Center skyscraper in NYC had a major structural design flaw discovered by an undergrad and was secretly repaired by hundreds of welders who only worked at night over the course of 3 months.

The Grumman LLV (long life vehicle) which is the model used by the United States Postal Service (as their postal vans) has a design flaw that increases its chance to catch fire. The fuel lines are prone to leakage and are located dangerously close to flammable instruments such as the fuse box.

The term “joshing ya” originated from a deaf mute con man named Josh Tatum. He succeeded in exploiting a design flaw from the US mint and made a ton of free money. He was eventually caught but acquitted of all charges! Bonus: He also caused the US Mint to cease production! I’m not joshing ya!

When are software design flaws best addressed?

The Boeing 787 is widely known to be riddled with faults and most Boeing engineers will not fly on this plane because they know it's design is hugely flawed (batteries prone to igniting spontaneously)

A female architecture student prevented a Manhattan skyscraper from collapsing in the 1970s when she caught a massive design flaw.

After the Chernobyl reactor disaster, Valery Legasov fought the repressive Soviet system to prevent a thermal explosion that would have irradiated much of Europe. Even so, he was forced to cover up the reactor's design flaws and committed suicide in 1988.

The Panther tank had a design flaw known as a shot trap. A shot hitting the gun mantlet could be deflected downwards onto the thin hull roof armour underneath which was the driver, radio operator and magazine storage

Diebold voting machines, the most common used in elections, have serious design flaws that have led directly to specific vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit to affect election outcomes

How to define design flaw?

Google inbox design flaw spoofing the recipient which google knows and google is not ready to fix this issue - be cautious and safe

Operation Merlin, a U.S. operation designed to cripple Iran's nuclear program through flawed warhead schematics being presented to them by a Russian scientist who had defected. This backfired when the defector noticed the flaws and alerted the Iranian scientists, allowing them to fix them.

The famous Ford "Pinto Memo" didn't actually try to analyze or justify paying off victims of crashes instead of fixing Ford's design flaw - it only estimated the cost of similar upgrades to all cars on the road and compared it to the general cost to society of the deaths that would be avoided.

GE chose to put the Fukushima reactor closer to the sea, knew of inherent design flaws for decades, and may be liable for damages in court.

Ford knowingly risked hundreds of lives because it was cheaper to compensate them than to prevent them by fixing the design flaw of their vehicle

The crash of Turkish Airlines Flight 981 in 1974 was caused by a design flaw noticed in 1969 and seen in a ground test in 1970; McDonnell-Douglas ignored the flaw, because to redesign the rear cargo door would delay production and cause them to lose sales and revenue.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Design Flaw. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Design Flaw so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor