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Condoms Distributed facts

While investigating facts about Condoms Distributed In Schools Pros And Cons and Condoms Distributed In Public Schools, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The scientists (and everyone else) in Antarctica have 'heedless sex' (16,500 condoms are distributed to 200 people spending the winter), taking 'ice wives' and 'ice husbands,' and also binge-drink, do drugs and generally go completely nuts, and is pretty much the only reason anyone goes back.

how to know condom sizes?

The South African health ministry once stapled a leaflet to condoms they distributed

What are condom sizes based on?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do condom sizes mean. Here are 15 of the best facts about Condoms Distributed In Schools and Number Of Condoms Distributed I managed to collect.

what condom sizes are there?

  1. A city in India began distributing free condoms as part of a family planning effort, but demand skyrocketed after weavers discovered they could use the condoms to lubricate their silk looms.

  2. To fight syphilis japans health ministry distributed 60,000 Sailor Moon themed condoms

  3. To fight syphilis japans health ministry distributed 60,000 Sailor Moon themed condoms

  4. People stationed in Antarctica have so much sex that one year the managers had to distribute 16,500 condoms for the ~125 people spending the winter there

  5. Joycelyn Elders, a Surgeon General who said marijuana should be legal, condoms should be distributed in schools, and that masturbation was part of human sexuality. She was fired for her views in 1994.

  6. After Pope Benedict's 2009 comment that condom distribution isn't helping the fight against AIDS in Africa, Dr Edward Green, director of Harvard's HIV Prevention Research Project, agreed, saying that, unlike in other regions, condoms haven't been effective, compared to promoting monogamy.

  7. U S Military distributes Non-lubricated condoms among its soldiers not just for safe sex, but as an emergency water canteen. A non-lubricated condom is part of the United States Military Standard Issue Parachute Pack Survival Kit (SRU-16) and can carry a liter of water.

  8. A 2008 article in Science titled "Reassessing HIV Prevention" found programs which discourage promiscuity in AID-effected African countries were more effective than condom distribution

  9. 450,000 condoms have been distributed for free at the Rio Olympics (42.8 condoms/person), 3 times the amount given out in London. The first Olympics to give out free condoms was Seoul in 1988, which handed out only 8,500.

  10. Consumer Reports' 2 worst rated condoms in terms of strength and reliability are both distributed by Planned Parenthood.

condoms distributed facts
What are all condom sizes?

Reasons why condoms should be distributed in schools philippines?

You can easily fact check why condoms should be distributed in schools by examining the linked well-known sources.

70,000 condoms were distributed to athletes during the the 2000 Sydney Olympics but they ran out and had to order 20,000 more. The IOC will be distributing 450,000 condoms this year at the Rio games.

About 450,000 condoms will be distributed during the Rio de Janeiro Olympics by the Organiser - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Condoms Distributed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Condoms Distributed so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor