Coding Language facts
While investigating facts about Coding Languages and Coding Languages List, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Developers of Spyro 3 delayed piracy by two months by hiding confusing code that would break the game in ways like randomly changing the language or removing collectibles if a crack was detected. The cracking group that finally succeeded thanked them for the unique challenge.
how coding languages are made?
Python's official documentation encourages you to make Monty Python references in your code documentation, since that's what the language is named after.
What coding language should i learn first?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what coding language does roblox use. Here are 50 of the best facts about Coding Languages To Learn and Coding Language R I managed to collect.
what coding language should i learn?
The first RollerCoaster Tycoon was written entirely in assembly code - the raw language used by your processor - by one developer. He recieved $30 million for his efforts.
Two sisters know as the Gibbons twins were so inseparable they had a coded language & committed crimes together, oh, and repeatedly tried to murder each other.
There is a programming language called INTERCAL which have keywords like IGNORE, PLEASE , FORGET. If you don't use PLEASE enough times while coding,Compiler rejects the code.
After becoming obsessed with roller coasters, Chris Sawyer created and coded RollerCoaster Tycoon entirely by himself in Assembly...arguably the most difficult programming language of all. For his efforts he received about $30 million of the estimated $180 million brought in by the game.
There is an esoteric programming language called LOLCODE, in which code is expressed in the style of lolcat speech, implementing lines of code like "HAI," "CAN HAS [LIBRARY]?" and "KTHXBAI."
The international data code for Switzerland is CH, which stands for Confoederatio Helvetica, the Latin name for the country. Switzerland chose this code to avoid favouring any of their four official languages.
ArnoldC" is an imperative programming language where the basic keywords are replaced with quotes from different Arnold Schwarzenegger movies (Hello World code in comments).
The US used the Navajo language to communicate in codes that were unbreakable to Japanese Intelligence. It is still the only spoken military code to never have been deciphered.
John Titor, who claimed to be from the year 2036 and was looking for an IBM 5100 for its ability to debug and emulate code between various languages. IBM engineer Bob Dubke confirmed that, at the time, this feature was unknown to the public. Titor disappeared soon later.
Coding Language data charts
For your convenience take a look at Coding Language figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are there different coding languages?
You can easily fact check why are all coding languages in english by examining the linked well-known sources.
The coding language Python got was named after the show "Monty Python's Flying Circus" because its creator liked the show.
There's a formal term for how some people jump between different languages in the same conversation: Code-switching - source
Native Americans operated as "code talkers" during WW1 and WW2, using their languages for secret communication of intelligence. The Comanche code word for tank was "turtle", bomber was "pregnant airplane", machine gun was "sewing machine" and Adolf Hitler was referred to as "crazy white man". - source
There's a programming language named "Shakespeare" that is designed to make code look like a Shakespearean play
Python coding language is named after Monty Python, not the snake. - source
When was the codex gigas written?
Hitler knew the benefit of Code Talkers and sent anthropologists to study Native American languages before WWII, but it proved too difficult a task for them. Despite the failure, the US did not use NA Code Talkers much in the European Theater.
How many coding languages are there?
Chester Nez was a Navajo code talker. He served in the Second World War with the United States Marine Corp, and was the last original Navajo code talker. The Navajo language is so hard to learn that it served as a secret code during the war.
There is level of programming language even lower than assembly. It is simply called machine code.
The inscription on the Law Code is written in the Akkadian language of the cuneiform script.
About the 'Navajo Code Talkers', a group during WWII who would send military commands/messages in their own secret code based around the Navajo language -- preventing the Japanese from deciphering it whatsoever.
The letter 'E' is most common in the English language, occurring 12.7% of the time. The letter Z occurs least, 0.07% of the time. These probabilities make it easier to break codes