Claimed Ownership facts
While investigating facts about Claimed Ownership Of The Page and Claimed Ownership Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Even though Benjamin Franklin is credited with many popular inventions, he never patented or copyrighted any of them. He believed that they should be given freely and that claiming ownership would only cause trouble and “sour one’s Temper and disturb one’s Quiet.”
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Kenneth Robinson who found a loophole that allowed him to buy an abandoned $330k house for $16. His story enraged neighbors for the 7 months he lived there until BoA claimed ownership.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 31 of the best facts about Claimed Ownership Of The Page Facebook and Claimed Ownership Of The Page Meaning I managed to collect.
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A Spanish woman claimed ownership of the Sun in 2010, using a loophole in the Space Treaty of 1967. Spanish courts validated her claim and she proceeded to charge companies that use solar energy. In 2015 she sued ebay after her account was blocked for selling plots of land on the Sun.
A man called Gregory Nemitz claimed ownership of an asteroid months before NASA landed a probe in it. He then proceeded to issue NASA a US$ 20 parking ticket for landing there
There was a court battle between two fans over who caught Barry Bonds's record setting 756th baseball... One of the fans spent $473,530 in legal fees to claim ownership of the ball. He only received $225,000 when the ball was sold at auction!
The last 2 Afghan Jews lived on opposite sides of Kabul's synagogue, both claimed ownership of the space, refused to leave fearing the other would sell it. The two fought so much over the synagogue's Torah (bible) scroll that, after each called Taliban on the other, the Taliban confiscated it.
Due to a Forged Document, the Catholic Church claimed ownership of Europe until 1440 A.D.
In 2010, a spanish woman claimed ownership of the sun and tried to charge everyone who used it a fee.
Hermann Goering's daughter has attempted to claim ownership of the art collections that the Nazi Leader stole during WW2. Her appeals have been rejected since the sixties.
One of the earliest Copyright battles was a literal battle between two Irish monks over the ownership of a manuscript. When the Irish High King ruled in favour of the Monk who originally produced the manuscript, the monk who had copied the manuscript started a battle which claimed 3000 lives
Gregory Nemitz claimed ownership of the asteroid 433 Eros. When NASA landed a probe on the asteroid, he issued them a $20 parking ticket.
Paul McCartney has been in a lifelong battle of trying to claim ownership of his own songs, once even losing out to Michael Jackson, who was considered a friend until then.
Claimed Ownership data charts
For your convenience take a look at Claimed Ownership figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about claimed ownership?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
A man in Nevada has claimed legal ownership of the moon since 1980 and has set up a currency, constitution, and government. He's sold galactic real estate to almost 4 million people.
France and England struggled for the ownership of Hudson Strait until 1713 when France ceded its claim.
Due to his dispute with Warner Bros., Prince was forced to re-record "1999" (re-released in 1998) just to claim full ownership over the new master copy. - source
A man named Dennis Hope filed a claim of ownership of the Moon in 1980, through a loophole he found in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, and has been selling property on the Moon ever since.
The Queen can claim ownership of any unmarked mute swan in English waters. There is an annual ceremony known as "Swan Upping" where the Royal Swan Warden and Royal Swan Marker conduct a census on the Queen's swans and salute the Queen as "Her Majesty the Queen, Seigneur of the Swans". - source
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Ownership of the Lunokhod 2 moon rover was sold for $68,000 at a Sotheby's auction in 1993. Its new owner, Richard Garriott (also known as Lord British), stated 'I am now the world's only private owner of an object on a foreign celestial body [...] I claim the moon in the name of Lord British!'
A man in Nevada claimed ownership of the moon, declared it a sovereign nation, and has sold over 2.5 million acres of lunar land to Earth dwellers.
Until 2009 Liechtenstein claimed ownership of 620 sq m of land in the Czech Republic. As a result, Liechtenstein did not diplomatically recognize the existence of the Czech Republic or Slovakia until that year.
In 2013 a German law firm sent up to 30,000 cease and desist letters giving legal warnings to RedTube users who viewed videos with copyrighted content demanding them to pay a fine of 250€ to the law firm of which 15.50€ would be distributed as compensation to the company claiming ownership
Egypt freed Sudan. For centuries united, the British made Sudan a jointly owned territory. Upon leaving Cairo, they did not leave Khartoum, citing their agreement of joint ownership with Egypt. To free the Sudanese, the Egyptians relinquished their claim to union, forcing the British to leave.
Despite leaving Marvel due to ownership rights, Todd McFarlane claimed that he owned the rights to three characters that author Neil Gaiman co-created with him. Neil Gaiman sued for co-ownership and won.