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Arrest Deportation facts

While investigating facts about Arrest And The Decree Of Deportation and Authorized The Arrest And Deportation Of Immigrants, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Si Kaddour Benghabrit, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris who helped over 500 Jews disguise themselves as Muslims by making the administrative staff grant them certificates of Muslim identity, which allowed them to avoid arrest and deportation.

how arranged marriages work?

Hannah Szenes, a Jewish parachutist dropped by the British into Yugoslavia during WWII to help rescue Hungarian Jews about to be deported to Auschwitz. Arrested, imprisoned and tortured, she refused to reveal details of her mission or her transmitter code. She was eventually executed.

What countries have arranged marriages?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what cultures have arranged marriages. Here are 19 of the best facts about Deportation Process After Arrest and Deportation Officer Arrest Authority I managed to collect.

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  1. A French adventurer, Antoine de Tounens, wanted to be King of Patagonia with the support of indigeneous Mapuche tribes. He's been put under arrest and judged by Chile authorities, deported to France many times, he came back several times and was protected by Mapuche people.

  2. Gentikh Yagoda the founder of a secret poison laboratory of OGPU. He supervised the deportations, confiscations, mass arrests and executions that accompanied the forced collectivization, and was one of people responsible for Holodomor which resulted in deaths of at least 7.5 million people.

  3. Back in 1943 in Nazi Germany, a group of women married to Jewish men protested their arrest and managed to get them free. This event went into history as the Rosenstrasse Protest and it was the only public German protest against the deportation of Jews.

  4. About Russian Kulaks who were wealthy or properous peasants who owned large farms or significant numbers of cattle. By 1934, through various means like forced collectivisation, the Kulaks were mostly deport to remote regions of the Soviet Union or arrested and property/land was confiscated.

  5. Si Kaddour Benghabrit, the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris during WW2, saved as many as 100 Jews by having the mosque's administrative personnel give them certificates of Muslim identity, with which they could evade arrest and deportation.

  6. British engineers where invited to design, route and plan construction for the Moscow Metro, but where arrested, tried and deported in 1933, by NKVD for espionage because they gained an in-depth knowledge of the city's physical layout.

  7. After the invasion of Belgium during WW2, King Leopold III was held under house arrest by the Nazis until 1944. Despite this he was very active in politics, and sent a letter to Hitler that saved an estimated 500,000 Belgian women and children from deportation to munitions factories in Germany.

  8. Peru and the United States created a Political-Military Alliance during WWII, resulting in the mass arrest and deportation of Japanese-Peruvians to American Internment Camps.

  9. Rosette Wolczak was arrested in Switzerland for indecent behavior, which set off a chain of events that led to her deportation to Auschwitz concentration camp.

  10. In 1960, Paul McCartney was arrested for arson then later deported for setting a condom on fire.

arrest deportation facts
What countries still have arranged marriages?

Why arranged marriages are wrong?

You can easily fact check why arranged marriages fail by examining the linked well-known sources.

Irish nurse Terry Kelly converted to Islam in a Saudi prison after being arrested for making his own booze. On his deportation to the UK he became a Jihadi and is reported to have blown himself up in November 2016. Here he is with Anjem Choudhary on Irish TV

Australian comedian Zladko Vladcik went to Turkey to 'represent' Molvania at Eurovision Song Contest, but was arrested at the airport and deported for "recreational drug" usage. Vladcik apologised to everyone in Molvania for letting them down, especially his family, his friends and his dealer. - source

ICE created a sham university, which then handed Visas to international students , waited for them to arrive then got them arrested and deported for having "Fake Student Visas" - source

When the Nazis ordered Danish Jews to be arrested and deported, the Danish resistance movement and many ordinary Danish citizens managed to rescue 92% of Denmark's Jews, despite great personal risk.

General Sherman ordered 400 women and children to be arrested for treason and deported, with many assaulted by soldiers. - source

When arranged marriages go wrong?

the Chinese government pays a $2,500 bounty for fake foreign teachers and have pledged to arrest, jail, and deport 10,000 of them by the end of 2017

How arranged marriages work in india?

During WW2, Muslims helped a handful of Jews by providing refuge and certificates of Muslim identity to a small number of Jews to allow them to evade arrest and deportation.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Arrest Deportation. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Arrest Deportation so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor